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Ann-Christin SørensenSammendrag
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Åshild Ergon Ingerd Skow Hofgaard Anne-Marte TronsmoSammendrag
Effekten av herding og forsvarsmekanismer på snømugg-resistens ble undersøkt i korn og gras.
The effect of cold acclimation and defence activators on snow mould resistance and expression of pathogenesis-related (PR-) genes were investigated in winter cereals and perennial ryegrass. Cold acclimation, known to induce snow mould resistance, had apotentiating effect on snow mould-induced PR-gene expression in winter wheat. Chitosan treatment induced chitinase expression and in some cases also snow mould resistance in winter wheat. Bion treatment reduced snow mould resistance in perennial ryegrass.
Tor J. Johansen Leidulf Lund Jarle NilsenSammendrag
Produksjon av friske settepoteter er enklest i kjølig klima med få skadegjørere. I våre forsøk i klimarom ble det undersøkt om daglengde (12 og 24 t) og temperaturer (18/12 og 12/9, ºC dag/natt) i produksjonsperioden også hadde innvirkning på settepotetkvaliteten. Resultatene viste ingen sikre utslag for daglengde, mens vitalitet og avlingspotensiale hos avkommet (settepotetene) ble påvirket av dyrkingstemperatur. Videre undersøkelser ved flere temperaturregimer, forskjellig sorter samt kvantifisering av fysiologisk alder er nødvendig for å vurdere den praktiske betydningen av resultatene.
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Gunnhild Riise Tore Krogstad Ole Martin Eklo Olav Lode Marit N. Pettersen Brit SalbuSammendrag
The risk of pesticides to reach ground water and tile drains is studied in soil columns added composted materials from domestic animals (I) and sewage sludge (II). The influence of composted material on the leaching of pesticides with different water solubility was by no means straight forward, as organic carbon might both be a mobilizing and an immobilizing factor. Betazone, a highly water soluble herbicide, was very mobile regardless of soil organic carbon content, as the pesticide peak appeared at the same time or earlier than the tracer for the water flow (3H). Propiconazole, a medium water soluble fungicide, showed generally low mobility in soils containing soil organic carbon, and decreased leaching with increased concentration of organic carbon. In contrast, alpha-cypermethrin, an insecticide with very low water solubility, showed increased leaching through columns added composted materials, indicating that dissolved organic carbon act as a carrier for this non-polar pesticide. With respect to bound residues retained in the columns at the end of the leaching experiments, addition of composted material from sewage sludge seemed to enhance the leaching of bound residues of both [14C]bentazone and [14C]propiconazole, as the bound residues was transported deeper into the soil columns added sewage sludge compared to the control columns. On the other hand, the bound residues of [14C]alpha-cypermethrin, were retained in the upper few cm of the soil columns regardless of content or type of soil organic carbon.
O. PrestvikSammendrag
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Petter SnilsbergSammendrag
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