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Arealproduktivitet er en viktige faktor ved verdsetting av arealer i et jordskifte. De naturgitte betingelser for avlinger som kan oppnås på et areal, består først og fremst av klima og jordsmonn. Formålet med denne studien er å styrke grunnlaget for verdsetting av jord ved å undersøke sammenhenger mellom avlingsmengde for korn, jord og klima. Eksisterende data fra plantedyrkningsforsøk i korn på Østlandet og i Trøndelag fra 1990 til 2001 er koblet sammen med jordsmonn- og værdata. Foreløpige resultater fra Romerike viser at det er spesielt i tørkeår at jordsmonnegenskaper forklarer mye av variasjonen i avlingsnivå. Viktige jordsmonn- egenskaper er tekstur og vannleveringsevne. Lineære regresjoner av avlingsdata mot ulike jordvariable direkte, gir imidlertid ingen stabile relasjoner. Dette skyldes at ulike jordvariable samvarierer i stor grad. Det er derfor nødvendig å konstruere forklaringsvariable som er uavhengige av hverandre, eksempelvis med bruk av prinsipal komponent metoder, og som samtidig har stor betydning for plantevekst. Resultater fra dette pågående arbeidet vil kunne generaliseres og også framstilles i kart, hvilket øker muligheten å benytte resultatene for verdsettingsformål.


The soil conditioner, VEAS-Biosolids, is producted through filter pressing, heating and vacuum drying of digested sewage sludge at the VEAS Wastewater Treatment Plant in Slemmestad, Norway. The sanitation efficacy for potato cyst nematode (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis, and wild oat, Avena fatua, was evaluated for the final production step, the combined filter press and thermal vaccum dryer. Germ carriers with nematode cysts and seeds of wild oat, were placed in the process vessel and also out-side as controls. The process had a 100% efficacy in sanitation of PCN and wild oat. The pre-exposure to sludge reduced viality and viability in the controls. A more complete paper with VEAS-concept is found on VEAS homepage www.veas.nu.


I 2003 vart det funne store mengder sporehus og sporar av soppen Schlerophoma på visnande årsskot av vanleg gran i Vestfold og Rogaland. I 2004 vart det stadfesta Schlerophoma-angrep på nordmannsedelgran i Rogaland.


Results from two fertilizer experiments in coniferous forest in south and southeast Norway with applications of nitrogen (N), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorous (P) are presented. A Scots pine stand has been fertilized annually for 9 years and one Norway spruce stand has been fertilized annually for 4 years. The aim of the study has been to investigate to what extent N fertilization in middle-aged stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce stimulates tree growth, and whether Mg and P counteract possible induced nutrient imbalances caused by high N doses. Both stands responded strongly to N addition and application of 30 and 90kgNha-1yr-1 resulted in a relative volume increment of 150 and 250%, respectively, compared to control. The increment effect in the pine experiment ceased after 4 years, but the difference between the two N doses was still significant after 9 years. The application of 1.5kgMgha-1yr-1 had just a slight significant positive effect on volume increment in two of the 9 years in the pine experiment, while no effect of 5.3kgPha-1yr-1 on volume increment was found. Needle nutrient concentrations were mainly affected by the N treatment and concentrations above 30mgg-1 was detected in the pine experiment. The concentration of P, Mg and K was negatively affected by the highest N dose in the spruce experiment, but not in the pine experiment. The imbalanced nutritional status created by N application was partly reduced by the P and Mg addition, but no substantial effect on tree growth has been detected so far. The stands have a large potential for accumulating N in the standing biomass and judged from the effect on nutrient concentrations and growth, Mg might be the next element that could limit tree growth by a continued high N atmospheric input.


Winter damage of meadows is a serious problem for agriculture in Norway. Unfavorable physical conditions for plant survival include freezing, desiccation, and ice/ water cover. Excess of soil water, particularly in winter and spring, is regarded as one of the most im-portant factors causing heavy yield reduction and poor persistence. One of the major causes for the occurrence of seasonally waterlogged conditions in northern ecosystems is the development of a continuous frozen layer during the period of annual frost in the winter. During spring melting periods, the annual frost table gradually disappears and causes water from melting snow and thawing soil to accumulate in overlaying soil layers. Once the annual frost has dissipated, well-drained conditions may prevail. The present study investigated seasonal changes in soil redox potential and soil water chemistry at one culti-vated and one non-cultivated site at Alta, Northern Norway. Soils at both sites were con-sidered being comparable except for the present vegetation and land-use. The vegetation of the non-cultivated site, which was also the previous vegetation of the whole area before its cultivation started in 1930`s, was dominated by birches (Betula pubescens), while timothy (Phleum pratense) and smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) dominated the cultivated site. At both sites platinum redox electrodes were permanently installed at 5, 10 and 25 cm depth. Furthermore, soil water samples were gained from permanently installed suction lysimeters from 5, 15 and 40 cm depth and analyzed for Fe. Redox potentials were gener-ally lowest during spring thaw in May and June at both sites. At 5 cm depth redox poten-tials below +330 mV, the theoretical boarder line for the existence of oxygen in soils, pre-vailed until the second week of June, thus about one month after the disappearance of the snow cover. During this period Fe soil water concentrations at 5 cm depth increased from 0.5 to about 1.5 mg/l at the non-cultivated site, and from 0.5 to 4.5 mg/l in the cultivated soil. Results indicate that seasonally waterlogged conditions in northern ecosystems can cause unfavorable conditions for root growth, and thus might reduce the length of the po-tential growing season.