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Jordbruket i Trøndelag og i Jämtland har ulike politiske rammevilkår, medan dyrkingsvilkåra til dels er like. I dag er det relativt lite jordbruksfagleg samarbeid over grensa. Det er utan tvil mykje å hente på å styrke kontakten. Eitt eksempel på konkret samarbeid er eit INTERREG prosjekt som er kalla Økologisk korndyrking i Nordens Grønne belte. Prosjektet vert gjennomført av Planteforsk Kvithamar og Länsstyrelsen i Jämtland.


This report presents all livestock production systems in Norway that significantly contribute to the country’s food and agricultural production. It describes the regulatory framework for Norwegian agriculture and aquaculture, as well as characteristics of the country’s production conditions and breeding work. The report discusses national expertise in the field of farm animal genetic resources and future developments regarding the country’s use of these resources. Furthermore, the report presents the conservation of Norway’s historical breeds with small populations. It concludes by making recommendations on which areas both Norway and the Nordic countries should emphasize regarding R&D activities and capacity building..... Genetic resource centre.