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White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a perennial legume forming nitrogen fixing symbiosis with the soil living bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii. The species is the most important pasture legume in temperate zones, despite the fact that it grows poorly at low temperatures. The poor growth at low temperatures currently restricts utilization of the species as a natural nitrogen source in northern areas. Both nitrogen fixation and growth of white clover is limited in spring, probably due to low temperatures. This drawback is particularly pronounced under northern climatic conditions where temperatures are low during most of the growing season. Better understanding of the growth and nitrogen dynamics of white clover at low temperatures is vital for successful management of white clover/grass pastures and optimisation of biological nitrogen fixation, especially at northern latitudes. In a research project with field experiments conducted under different climatic conditions, we are studying winter survival, spring growth and nitrogen dynamics of white clover in relation to its physiological condition. We are especially focusing on below ground biomass and the functioning and longevity of roots and nodules. The physiological condition of the plants is manipulated by the use of different defoliation regimes during the growing season. The field experiments are situated at two locations (Apelsvoll at 61°N, and Tromsø, 690N). Preliminary results will be presented.


Hvete fra forskjellige feltforsøk ble analysert for DON. Mengde Fusarium spp. ble bestemt morfologisk og  F. avenaceum, F. langsethiae og trichotecenproduserende gener ved kvantitativ PCR. DON ble funnet i 36 av 51 prøver i lave konsentrasjoner. Alle prøvene var infisert med F. avenaceum. En multippel regresjon viste en sterk korrelasjon mellom DON og værparameterene relativ luftfukighet og mm nedbør ved blomstring og nedbør de to siste ukene før høsting. Behandling med azoksystrobin (Amistar) økte både DON-innholdet og forekomsten av F. culmorum. Det var en positiv signifikant korrelasjon mellom F. avenaceum bestemt morfologisk og ved hjelp av PCR. Det var ingen sikker sammenheng mellom F. culmorum og  tri5 gener bestemt ved kvantitativ PCR.


Mortality, injury and height growth of planted Picea abies (L.) Karst. were examined in a six-year period in eight stands in southeast Norway. There were four residual stand densities (shelterwoods of high, medium and low density, 25 x 25 m patch cut) combined with three scarification treatments (unscarified, patch scarification, inverting) in a split-plot design. Mortality was generally low during the experimental period, and did not differ significantly between the residual density treatments (mean=11.1%). Both survival and plant height after 6 years were improved by inverting, while patch scarification was intermediate but not significantly different from the unscarified alternative. The patch-cutting resulted in the tallest plants, while only minor differences in height growth were found between the shelterwood treatments. The frequency of injured plants after six years was not significantly affected by the treatments (mean=10.6%). The improved plant establishment with inverting in this study is in agreement with previous studies on clear-cuts.


In this study of 130 sites with different management we investigated whether vascular plant species richness is significantly reduced when traditionally managed hay meadows are abandoned and reforested. We also compared the effects of reforestation with those of intensified land-use to see which have the largest effects on species richness. Finally, we investigated the relative importance of relevant ecological factors for species richness.While the use of artificial fertilizers in traditionally managed hay meadows has resulted in significantly lower species richness, and intensive cultivation in even lower species richness, abandonment with reforestation has not decreased the species richness significantly.Productivity and habitat diversity have determined the species richness of meadows on the scale (0.035.1 ha) of this study. Low productivity is a prerequisite for high species richness in meadows. Maximum species richness was observed in unproductive, old, traditionally managed hay meadows with a high soil pH and high habitat diversity. The high species richness of these meadows suggests that they are in urgent need of conservation.


Research on reindeer pastures has mostly concentrated on lichen-dominated winter pastures, while summer pastures have gained less attention. We studied the effect of reindeer grazing on the quality of summer pastures in the Näkkälä reindeer herding district, northern Finland. The study plots on wetlands were established based on reindeer herders" knowledge and are situated on both sides of the border fence that was built between Finland and Norway in the late 1950"s. On the Finnish side the pastures are grazed both in summer and winter but in Norway only in winter. This has resulted in a natural long-term experimental design by which differently managed sites with ostensibly similar vegetation, soils and environmental conditions can be compared. The parameters studied were the composition, cover and structure of vegetation, peak season biomass and soil nutrient-content. In addition, minerals, nitrogen and digestibility of green leaf tissues from Eriophorum angustifolium and Salix lapponum were measured. These were prominent species in the habitats used by animals during summer. The leaves were collected both in the beginning and at the end of growing season. Vegetation composition, cover, structure and species frequencies were measured using standardized protocols and stratified random sampling methods. Biomass was studied by clipping the plants from the same quadrats after counting. Preliminary results indicate that Salix lapponum suffers from grazing. Plant cover, biomass and height of S. lapponum were significant lower on the Finnish side compared to the Norwegian side. While the amount of S. lapponum available as forage has clearly been reduced by long-term summer grazing under the recent stocking rates, ongoing analyses will determine whether or not forage quality has also been affected. In addition, fenced enclosures will illuminate the resilience of this important forage species.


Vekstreguleringsmidlet trineksapak-etyl (Moddus) ble prøvd ut i 37 norske frøavlsforsøk fra 1998 til 2002.  I Trøndelag førte Moddus (15 g vs/daa ved Z 45-51) til 52% avlingsauke sammenlikna med usprøyta kontroll og 25% avlingsauke sammenlikna med klormekvatklorid (CCC, 200 g vs. ved Z 31-32). PÅ Østlandet utgjorde avlingsauken for Moddus (15 g vs. ved Z 31-32) 18% i timotei, 43% i hundegras, 36% i engkvein og 21% i engsvingel. Sammenlikna med avlingsgevisten ved CCC-sprøyting (200 g vs/daa ved Z 31-32) var denne meravlinga  litt mindre i timotei, omtrent lik i hundegras og engkvein og betydelig større i engsvingel. I rødsvingel gav kombinasjonen av CCC ved Z 31-32 og Moddus ved Z 45-51 større avlingsauke enn om ett av preparatene ble brukt alene. I bladfaks var Moddus effektive bare sein sprøyting (Z 45-51), men avlingsauken ved denne behandlinga var mindre enn ved CCC-sprøyting ved Z 31-32.  Moddus hadde ingen sikker virkning på frøavlinga av strandrør eller engrapp.  Basert på disse forsøka er nå Moddus godkjent i norsk frøavl av timotei, engsvingel, hundegras, rødsvingel, engkvein og bladfaks.