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A Norwegian project was started in order to investigate the possibilities for controlling seed borne diseases in organic cereal seed production. A main part of the project has been to test alternatives to chemical seed treatments against barley leaf stripe (Drechslera graminea), and loose smut in barley and oats (Ustilago nuda f. sp. hordei, Ustilago avenae). The effect of different formulations of fermented milk products, horse-radish, hot steam treatment and different concentrations of acetic acid were investigated in field trials during 2001 and 2002. Only naturally infected seeds were used in the investigation. The treatment dosage used was 20 ml per kg seed except for horse radish that was used at dosages of 40 and 60 ml per kg (20% suspension). Hot steam treatment was performed at 100% RH , 55° and 60°C (30, 60 and 90 min) in a steam chamber developed for steaming plants and equipment used in greenhouses. In 2001 acetic acid was tested at concentrations of 20% and 35%, while in 2002, 25% and 30% were tested as well. Within two weeks after treatment the seeds were counted and planted in rows of 100 seeds with 10 replicates. Fields were sited in three different regions of Norway. Emerged seedlings were counted after three weeks and infected plants were registered after heading. In 2001 number of plants with symptoms of barley leaf stripe and loose smut of oats were significantly lower after acetic acid treatment than after no treatment. Both concentrations (20% and 35%) had effect on the two diseases. Effect of acetic acid was found in all the three fields. In laboratory tests, 35% acetic acid reduced germination slightly, while 20% did not have any negative effect on germination. Horse-radish had little effect towards these diseases. When mixed (50/50) with acetic acid (35%), horse-radish had the same effect as 20% acetic acid alone. Only one of the fermented milk products reduced the number of diseased plants (significantly in one field). Hot steam treatment had negligible or small effect at the lowest temperatures. After treatment in 60°C for 60 and 90 min., effect on the diseases increased, but negative effects on germination increased as well. In 2002, the development of barley leaf stripe symptoms and loose smut in oats was poor. In the fields with loose smut of barley however, the development of smutted heads were significant. Reduction in number of smutted heads was detected in the field after acetic acid treatment compared to no treatment. Thus the effect of 20 ml acetic acid per kg seed, used in 20, 25 or 30% concentration, so far appears promising towards the diseases tested.


This paper describes the methods used for analysis of pesticide residues in the projects described in this work. From January 1995, a multiresidue method using pentafluorobenzyl bromide as the derivatizing agent (Method no. 15) was used for the more polar pesticides as a routine method at the Pesticide Laboratory. Until the end of 1994, another method (no. 08) was used, the main difference being the derivatization step [4]. For the less polar compounds, a multiresidue method (no. 03) was used.


Årleg turrstoffproduksjon vart estimert frå åtte år gamle epletre med sortane "Fuji", "Royal Gala" og "Braeburn" poda på grunnstamma M9 og forma som slank spindel. Både frisk- og turrstoffproduksjon auka liniært med mengda av ljos som vart oppfanga i trea. Denne samanhengen tilsvarar ei avling på 16.9 tonn pr. daa med ei ljosoppfanging på 90 %. Energien som vart omdanna frå ljos i vekstsesongen til turrstoff i New Zealand var tilsvarande som i England. Skilnaden mellom desse to landa er at New Zealand har ein lengre vekstsesong og høgare innstråling. Turrstoffproduksjonen var fordelt til frukt, treaktig vev og blad med ei fordeling til frukt på 74, 72 og 63% for dei tre sortane "Braeburn", "Fuji" og "Royal Gala".


Application of 100 mM methyl jasmonate (MJ) to the intact bark of 30-yr-old Norway spruce induced anatomical reactions related to defense. Within 30 d, a single MJ treatment induced swelling of existing polyphenolic parenchyma cells (PP cells) and an increase in their phenolic contents and the formation of additional PP cells and of traumatic resin ducts (TDs) at the cambial zone. These changes occurred up to 7 cm away from the application zone.Treatment enhanced resin flow and increased resistance to the blue-stain fungus, Ceratocystis polonica. Methyl jasmonate application to the oldest internode of 2-yr-old saplings also induced TD formation and, more surprisingly, TDs were formed in the untreated internode. Traumatic ducts were not formed in branches, ruling out an effect of volatile MJ on the upper internode. Methyl jasmonate application never gave rise to a hypersensitive response, cell death, tissue necrosis, or wound periderm, indicating the amount of MJ transported across the periderm was very low relative to the application concentration.This is the first report of a single compound giving rise to major cellular features related to acquired resistance and previously shown to be induced by wounding, fungal infection, and bark beetles in Norway spruce.

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Boreal regnskog er arealberegnet i 39 kommuner i Sør-Trøndelag, Nord-Trøndelag og Nordland. Tall fra Landskogstakseringen 1994-1998 er brukt til å beregne arealtall for skogstypen. Innen regionen er det 5940 km2 produktiv skolg, hvorav 768 km2 ra naturens side kan være potesiell boresl regnskog. Tallet er usikkert pga at det ikke har vært mulig å operasjonalisere skogstypen entydig med registreringsparameterne i Landsskogstakseringen.