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Tonje ØklandSammendrag
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Tor Håkon SivertsenSammendrag
The conceptual frame for the discussion is introduced. Then the phenomenon called leaf wetness is discussed in an informal manner, and a documentation system for measured parameters is introduced, bringing examples from the measurements made in the automated station network of agro meteorological stations belonging to the Norwegian Crop Research Institute. Two examples of documenting parameters in the leaf wetness part of a SVAT-model is given. Parameters characterizing leaf wetness as input to biological modelling of infection of fungal diseases in crops are discussed. In the end part of this report contribution the concept of leaf wetness found in literature and on the web are discussed and criticized by using the conceptual frame of the preceding paragraphs.
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Bent Christen Braskerud M. van der Sluijs Ivan Digernes Inggard Blakar Anne Grete BlankenbergSammendrag
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Bent Christen Braskerud M. van der Sluijs Ivan Digernes Inggard Blakar Anne Grete BlankenbergSammendrag
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F. Suliman H.K. French L.E. Haugen B. Kløve P. JenssenSammendrag
Horizontal subsurface "ow constructed wetlands have proven their ef"ciency in treating wastewater and removing the pollutants of concern. Treatment ef"ciency depends on the wastewater residence time, which is a function of the hydraulic loading and the physical conditions of the constructed "lter system, which can be described with effective parameters such as: hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivity etc. Because spatial variability is often scale dependent, these effective parameters may be affected by the scale of the system being studied. In this paper the results of tracer experiments in constructed "lters using saturated horizontal "ow at three scales (small and medium lab scales and full-scale system) using the same "lter media is reported. Light-weight aggregate ("lter media termed Filtralite-PTM) was used at all scales. Increasing the scale was associated with increasing dispersivity, meanwhile hydraulic conductivity experienced dramatic reduction and variation by increasing the examined scale. Observed changes in the hydraulic parameters indicate that heterogeneity at different scales should be taken into account when the performance of LWA "lters are evaluated from small-scale experiments. KeywordsHeterogeneity; hydraulic parameters; horizontal subsurface "ow constructed wetlands.
Fadi Suliman Helen French Lars Egil Haugen Bjørn Kløve Petter D. JenssenSammendrag
Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands have proven their efficiency in treating wastewater and removing the pollutants of concern. Treatment efficiency depends on the wastewater residence time, which is a function of the hydraulic loading and the physical conditions of the constructed filter system, which can be described with effective parameters such as: hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivity etc. Because spatial variability is often scale dependent, these effective parameters may be affected by the scale of the system being studied. In this paper the results of tracer experiments in constructed filters using saturated horizontal flow at three scales (small and medium lab scales and full-scale system) using the same filter media is reported. Light-weight aggregate (filter media termed Filtralite-pTM) was used at all scales. Increasing the scale was associated with increasing dispersivity, meanwhile hydraulic conductivity experienced dramatic reduction and variation by increasing the examined scale. Observed changes in the hydraulic parameters indicate that heterogeneity at dtfferent scales should be taken into account when the performance of LWA filters are evaluated from small-scale experiments.
Per Gundersen Jan-Olov Weslien Bjarni D. Sigurdsson Magne Sætersdal Leena Finér Ingeborg CallesenSammendrag
Forest ecosystems provide many deliverables or benefits to society. The most obvious one is wood for the forest industry. Other benefits include berries, hunting, and recreation. More recently recognised benefits are environmental services such as carbon sequestration, water protection and biodiversity, which are without an immediate market value.On the other hand, there are pressures (e.g. climate change, air pollution, exploitation, and costs) on the ecosystem that may hamper the wood production or other benefits......
About eighteen percent of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway are considering to, and four percent are planning to convert to organic farming during the next five years. These two farmer groups can be considered as the potential for conversion to organic farming in Norway. In a questionnaire survey, this group rated attitudes on organic and conventional farming more similar to organic farmers than other conventional farmers did. For farmers considering or planning to convert, additional organic farming payments, organic farming laws and regulations and price premiums for organic products were more important sources of risk than for other conventional farmers. Most of these mentioned factors are influenced by agricultural policies, which thus represent an important factor for farmers? decision regarding the conversion to organic farming.
About eighteen percent of the conventional dairy and cash crop farmers in Norway are considering to, and four percent are planning to convert to organic farming during the next five years. These two farmer groups can be considered as the potential for conversion to organic farming in Norway. In a questionnaire survey, this group rated attitudes on organic and conventional farming more similar to organic farmers than other conven¬tional farmers did. For farmers considering or planning to convert, additional organic farming payments, organic farming laws and regulations and price premiums for organic products were more important sources of risk than for other conven¬tional farmers. Most of these mentioned factors are influenced by agricultural policies, which thus represent an important factor for farmers` decision regarding the conversion to organic farming.