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Wood samples treated with ammonium copper quat (ACQ 1900 and ACQ 2200), chromated copper arsenate (CCA), Tanalith E 3491 and Wolmanit CX-8 have been studied in accelerated weathering experiments. The weathering experiment was performed by cycles of 2 h UV-light irradiation followed by water spray for 18 min. The changes on the surface of the weathered samples were characterized by roughness and color measurements on the samples with 0, 200, 400 and 600 h of total weathering.The objective of this study was to investigate the changes created by weathering on impregnated wood with several different wood preservatives. This study was performed on the accelerated weathering test cycle, using UVirradiation and water spray in order to simulate natural weathering. Surface roughness and color measurement was used to investigate the changes after several intervals (0200400600 h) in artificial weathering of treated and untreated wood.
Inge Stupak Møller Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen Antti Asikainen Dominik Röser Anders Lunnan Erik Karltun M. Jonsell M. Schröder R. Ozolincius M. Mandre Talis Gaitnieks Ingeborg Callesen Nicholas Clarke Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari A. Indriksons Morten Ingerslev L. KairiukstisSammendrag
The substitution of biomass for fossil fuels in energy consumption is a measure to mitigate global warming, and political action plans at European and national levels exist for an increased use. The use of forest biomass for energy can imply different economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages for the society, the energy sector and forestry. For the achievement of an increased and sustainable use of forest biomass for energy, the WOOD-EN-MAN project aimed at synthesis and creation of new knowledge within the field.
Svampen Phytophthora har i mange år været problematisk i den norske produktion af cypres (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). Til gengæld har pyntegrøntproduktionen med forskellige granarter indtil videre været forskånet for angreb af denne alvorlige skadevolder.
Ketil KohmannSammendrag
Artikkelen omtaler utbredelsen av svartor i Norge. Det påpekes at svartor er mer enn et treslag for sumpet mark. Det er høyaktuelt ved tilplanting av tidligere åkermark og ved tilplanting av midlere til gode granboniteter der det har vært stor frekvens av råte i forrige generasjon gran. Bruksområdet for svartor spenner fra paneler til møbler og kan godt ses på som alternativ til tropiske treslag. Egenvekten er høyere enn gran men noe lavere enn for bjørk. Det er det eneste lauvtreslag som med rimelig sikkerhet kan plantes i Norge uten inngjerding mot beitende dyr som f.eks. elg. Likeledes står svartor langt ned på ønskelisten til smågnagere som mus og vånd.
Svartskurv er en vanlig sjukdom i potet og forårsaker flere ulike symtomer. Artikkelen beskriver symtomene med tekst og bilder. Enkelte norske undersøkelser om utbredelse og skade av svartskurv blir også omtalt
Arne HermansenSammendrag
Svartskurv er en vanlig sjukdom i potet. Ulike symptomer på svartskurv i potet blir beskrevet med tekst og bilder. Artikkelen omtaler også noen norske undersøkelser om utbredelse og skade av svartskurv i potet i Norge.
Due to a late harvesting season compared to that found in other European countries, the sweet cherry industry in Norway is now expanding, aiming for export markets. Cultivars producing high quality fruit that ripen late (late July and throughout August) and that are suitable to grow in high density production systems are sought. In addition, early ripening cultivars are sought for local marketing in early and middle July. Testing cultivars and advanced selections has been carried out at Ullensvang Research Centre since 1959. During the last 6 years, approximately 130 cultivars and advanced selections have been included in the testing program. Important parameters like fruit size, fruit firmness, low fruit cracking, high and precocious yield, fresh appearance and good flavour are evaluated. Based on the results from this testing program, the following cultivars are currently recommended: a) for early season: `Burlat", `Moreau" and `Merchant", b) for mid-season: `Giorgia", `Chelan", `Samba", `Techlovan" and `Van", c) for late season: `Lapins", `Kordia", `Regina" and `Sweetheart".
Some high density sweet cherry orchards in Norway suffer from decay of trees resulting in death or reduced vigour of trees. A survey has been conducted monitoring healthy and infected trees from several orchards. The nutritional statuses of the soil and in the trees were in general in accordance with general accommodation. Different species of root nematodes were identified with levels above the damage of thresholds. Neither insects, diseases, bacterials nor virus were registered as the main reason for this dieback. However, differences between cultivars and rootstocks sensitivity were observed. In order to investigate this cherry tree decay further, new field trials were established in 2001 with trees of the cultivars Van and Kristin grafted on the two rootstocks Prunus avium seedling and Colt and trained as a central leader trees. Two parallel trials were planted; one in the soil of on old cherry orchard and the other in the soil from agricultural land where no fruit production has been conducted in advance. During the first years significant larger annual vegetative growth measured as trunk cross sectional area and annual shoot growth were registered from the trees growing in the agricultural soil. In the replanted cherry soil, trees grafted on the rootstock Colt grew more vigorously than the seedling rootstock based on leaf areas and shoot growth measurements. The first significant crop is expected in 2005.
Næringsstofmangel hos nordmannsgran kan ofte erkendes på nålefarven. Dette videnblad giver eksempler på nålesymptomer ved mangel på kvælstof, magnesium, kalium og mangan.