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Resultatene bekrefter den dominerende rollen til genotype for danning av fenoler. Det ble også vist at virkningen av omgivelsene var påvirket av genptype. Av andre faktorer påvirket nitrogen fenolene mest. Resultatene foreslår at foredling er en måte å øke innholdet av fenoler på. Imidlertid, foredling tar tid og produktet er tilpasset bare for et spesifikt miljø. Siden det blir konsumert relativt mye bær, kan kunnskap om faktorer som bare har liten virkning på innholdet av fenoler ha en stor betydning for inntaket av disse.


Trees of `Discovery" apples growing on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks were assessed in field trials at two sites (western and eastern Norway) at 60° North. The rootstocks included two selections of M.9 (EMLA, RN.29), two from the Polish (P) series (P.59, P.60), three from the Geneva (G) series (G.30, G.78730-026, G.202) and M.26. Trees were planted in the spring 1997 as two years old feather trees, spaced 1.5 x 4 m, trained as slender spindles and evaluated for five subsequent years. Soil management were grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks after five years growth. P.59, G.78730-026 and M.9 RN.29 produced the smallest and G.30 and G.202 the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area. P.59 and G.30 had the greatest yields per tree, followed by G.202, P.60 and M.9 EMLA. Trees on P.59 were the most yield efficient followed by the two M.9 clones. The fruit density measured as number of fruits per trunk-cross-sectional area showed similar results. The different rootstocks affected little the fruit weights. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was in general high and did not differ between trees on the various rootstocks.


The performance of the plum rootstocks Marianna, Pixy and Wangenheim using St. Julien A as a standard to the cultivars Avalon, Edda, Excalibur, Jubileum, Reeves and Victoria Naa was assessed in a field trial at western Norway at 60° North. Trees were planted in spring 1999 and evaluated for the five subsequent years. The plant material was one year old whips, spaced 2.0 x 4.5 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Soil management were grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks after five years growth. Wangenheim produced the smallest and St. Julien A and Pixy the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area in average for the different cultivars. Pixy produced the largest yields per tree to the cultivars Edda, Excalibur and Reeves while St. Julien A was the most productive to Avalon, Jubileum and Victoria Naa. Trees on Pixy were the most yield efficient for all cultivars with the exception of Victoria Naa. The fruit sizes were in general large, but became affected by the different rootstocks to some extent. Depending on the cultivar, fruit size was favourable affected by Pixy and St. Julien A, while trees on Marianna produced the smallest fruits. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was in general high and did not differ between trees on the various rootstocks. The cultivar Avalon had the largest amounts of soluble solids.


Surface-active spiders were sampled from a ley and two adjacent field margins on a dairy farm in western Norway, using pitfall traps from April to June 2001. Altogether, 1153 specimens, representing 33 species, were found. In total, 10 species were found in the ley, 16 species in the edge of the ley, 22 species in the field margin "ley/forest" and 16 species in the field margin "ley/stream".  Erigone atra, Bathyphantes gracilis, Savignia frontata and Collinsia inerrans were the most abundant species in the ley. C. inerrans was not found in the field margins. This species is previously recorded only a few times in Norway. Diplocephalus latifrons, Tapinocyba insecta, Dicymbium tibiale, Bathyphantes nigrinus and Diplostyla concolor were most abundant in the field margin "ley/ forest". D. latifrons, D. tibiale and Pardosa amentata were most abundant in the field margin "ley/ stream", followed by E. atra and B. gracilis. The present results were compared to results from ley and pasture on another farm in the region, recorded in 2000. A Detrended Correspondence Analyses (DCA) of the data sets showed that the spider fauna from the leys were more similar, independent of location, than the fauna in ley and field margins on the same locality. The interactions between cultivated fields and field margins according to spider species composition, dominance pattern and habitat preferences are discussed.


Alternate bearing is a major problem for the Norwegian apple industry. Due to over-cropping one year where fruit size and quality are reduced, the trees are likely to turn into a pattern with high and low yield every second year. This inconsistent yield pattern provides problem for both the growers and the market. Commercial practise is to remove the excessive flowers or fruitlets by chemicals or by handthinning. The only officially registered agents for apple thinning are ethephon and ammoniumthiosulphat. The growers find them unpredictable in use and more knowledge is wanted in order to give more precisely thinning recommendations. A new project started at Ullensvang Research Centre in 2003. It will last for three years and focus on optimising the crop loads and test different thinning agents under bloom and at different fruitlet stages. Different crop levels will be established during and after bloom by hand adjusted by trunk cross sectional area. The experimental trees will be monitored during a 3-year period. Traditional pomological observations will be registered included storage of the fruits where fruit quality will be measured. Leaf areas per tree will be calculated using an area meter. In addition different thinning chemicals will be tested according the program to the working group of European Fruit Research Institute Networks. Emphasis will be put on concentration and thinning periods of the agents ethephon, ammoniumthiosulphat and compounds that could be approved for organic growing like colza oil. Results from the 2003 season will be presented.