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Variety trails have been conducted on USGA golf greens at two locations in Norway during 2003-2005. For greens in northern and continental areas with long snow cover, we recommend "Nordlys", "Penncross", "Penn G6" and "SRX 1119" creeping bentgrass; "Avalon" and "CIS AC1" velvet bentgrass;  "Nor", "Leirin", "Jorvik" and "Bardot" browntop bent; "Baroyal" and "Cezanne" slender creeping red fescue;  and "Kiruna", "Soberana", "Bargreen" and "Barbirdi" chewings fescue.  For golf greens in southern and coastal areas with milder winters, we recommend "Independence", Penn G1", "Penn G6" and "Penn A1" creeping bentgrass; "Avalon", "CIS AC1" and Greenwich velvet bentgrass;  "Jorvik", "Barking", "Bardot" and "Denso" browntop bent; "Baroyal" and "Cezanne" slender creeping red fescue;  and "Calliope", "Bellaire", "Center" and "Kiruna" chewings fescue.


Til sammen 43 sorter av 6 ulike grasarter ble prøvd på USGA golf greener på Landvik (Grimstad) og Apelsvoll (Toten) fra 2003 til og med 2005.  Feltene ble stelt som golfgreen med klipping til 4.5 mm for rødsvingel og 3 mm for kvein og tunrapp, daglig slitasje, gjødsling annenhver uke, vertikalskjæring, topdressing m.m.  Feltene ble bedømt for helhetsinntrykk annenhver uke og ellers for dekningsprosent, skuddtetthet, farge, sjukdom og høydetilvekst en gang pr måned. Forsøka viste at følgede sorter kan anbefales på golfgreener i Skandinavia (i prioritert rekkefølge innafor hver art):  Nordlige, kontinentale områder: Hundekvein "Avalon" og "CIS AC1"; krypkvein "Nordlys", "Penncross", "Bueno", "Penn G1" og "Independence"; engkvein "Jorvik", "Leirin", "KvAt 96" og "Nor" ; rødsvingel med korte utløpere "Baroyal" og "Cezanne"; rødsvingel uten utløpere "Kiruna", "Darwin", "Soberana", "Bargreen", "Center" og "Barbirdie". Sørlige, kystnære områder: Hundekvein  "Greenwich", "CIS AC1" og "Avalon", krypkvein "Independence", "Penn G1", "Nordlys", "Penn A1" og "Penn G6" ; engkvein "Jorvik", "Barking", "Denso" og "Bardot"; rødsvingel med korte utløpere "Cezanne" og "Barcrown"; rødsvingel uten utløpere "Calliope", "Center", "Barbirdie", "Kiruna", "Rossignol" og "Bargreen". tunrapp "TruePutt" kan ikke anbefales i noe område av Skandinavia.


During a period of 2 years and 3 months (1 January 2001 - 20 March 2003) Mycoteam had 3161 consultations in buildings in southern Norway, 1428 revealing damage from decay fungi. One consultation often revealed several occurrences of fungi, and the total number of occurrences of decay fungi was 3434. Thirty-five different species/genera/groups of decay fungi were recorded. During this period brown rot was more frequent (77.4 %) than soft rot (19.2 %) and white rot (3.4 %). Coniophora puteana (16.3 %) and Serpula lacrymans (16 %) were the most frequently identified species. Different species of the genus Antrodia were recorded in 18.4 % of the occurrences, while the group Corticiaceae accounted for 5.7 % and soft rot for 15.8 %. Investigations of damaged structural parts of buildings showed that decay fungi were most common in walls (18.3 %). Floor damage accounted for 13.4 % of the damaged structures and roofs for 8.8 %. Nearly all species and groups of the investigated fungi were most common indoors. Gloeophyllum sepiarium on the other hand was most common outdoors, and Dacrymyces stillatus was exclusively found outdoors. The Norwegian data were compared with published time series data from Denmark (1946-66, 1966-71, 1974-75, 1982) and Finland (1978-84, 1985-88). S. lacrymans and C. puteana were the most frequent species in these datasets too. Antrodia spp. were also common in the Finnish reports, but barely recorded (as identified species) in Denmark. In both the Danish and the Finnish data, damage to floors is the most frequently recorded structural damage in buildings.


The effect of various fertilizers and biostimulant on turfgrass establishment, tiller density, colour, overall quality (= visual merit), disease occurrence, thatch accumulation, and root development was evaluated on a new USGA green, a new sand-based football field, and a two year old USGA green at three locations in SE Norway in 2005. Within each trial, all treatments were adjusted to the same total nitrogen rate (2.5, 3.0 and 1.75 kg N/100 m2 on the new golf green, new football field and existing golf green, respectively), but application intervals and total inputs of other nutrients varied according to the recommendations of the fertilizer companies participating in the project. Fertilizer programmes consisting of the inorganic products Arena® (small granules), Fullgjødsel®, and a combination of the two, always applied at biweekly intervals, were used as control treatments on the two year old golf green, the new football field, and the new golf green, respectively. On the new USGA green at Landvik, incorporation of the 100% organic product Sustane or the partly organic product Turf Food into the seedbed before sowing significantly increased turfgrass establishment rate compared to the control treatment. The higher N availability of these treatments, and of a treatment receiving the organic, but easily decomposable product Gro-Power®, was further verified by soil samples taken during grow-in. However, on average for the establishment year and given the longer application intervals, Sustane, Turf Food, the partly organic product Bio Kombi and the seaweed-based products Golf Algin S / Algin Food S, all resulted in quality, tiller density and colour ratings significantly lower than in the control treatment. This was the case also for the liquid fertilizer Flex" which was applied at the same frequency as the control. The effects of adding the seaweed product Maxicrop" to the control treatment, or adding of the mycorrhiza product Endo Roots to the Turf Food treatment, were also not significant. The only treatment that caused an overall impression slightly better than the control was the substitution of some of the Arena® with Gro-Power®, but even this difference was not significant. In late autumn, plots receiving organic fertilizers and biostimulants tended to be more infected by Pythium spp. and Microdichium nivale than the control treatment. On the new football field at Særheim, the mostly organic product ProGreen resulted in faster grow-in than Golf Algin S / Golf Algin Food and Fullgjødsel®, which , in turn, caused faster establishment than Flex". Differences during summer were not significant, but in autumn turfgrass colour and overall quality tended to be better on plots receiving Flex" or the combination of ProGreen and the biostimulant Activo 3-3-6 than on control plots receiving Fullgjødsel®. On the two year old USGA green at Apelsvoll, the colour and overall quality of the Flex" treatment tended to be inferior to the control treatment throughout the growing season. While a double application of the biostimulant GoGreen 2-0-10 + Fe caused a significant improvement in turfgrass colour in autumn, the highest overall quality was usually recorded on plots receiving ammoniumsulfate plus Arena® Høst. The project will continue for another evaluation year. Given that the total nitrogen remain the same in all treatments, participating companies will be allowed to make minor adjustments in the way their products are used in the experiments.


I alt 35 lokalsortar av eple vart evaluert for resistens mot skurv og mjøldogg i veksthus og planteskule. Det vart ikkje observert sporulerande skurv på lokalsortane "Gravenstein frå Fusa", "Kviteple" og kontrollsortane "Discovery" og "Priam", verken i veksthus eller planteskule. På 4 andre lokalsortar ("Martaeple", "Furuholm", "Leiknes" og "Ørekrok") og kontrollsorten NY 18491 vart det ikkje observert sporulerande skurv i veksthus, men på desse sortane vart nokre få skurvflekkar observert på blad i planteskule. Det vart funne mjøldogg på alle sortane i planteskule, men fleire lokalsortar hadde svært lite mjøldogg (som "Discovery").


Three Norwegian prototypes of the Danish weed module were evaluated at three efficacy target levels: medium, low and high. Seven fields trials were carried out in spring barley in 2003. In 2004 one oat, five spring wheat and three spring barley trials were conducted. The dose rates recommended by the medium efficacy prototype varied from 30 to 100% of the standard dose. On average doses were reduced by 38%, though there was no significant difference in weed control compared to high efficacy prototype. One of the 100% dose incidents was due to drought stress and the other to the occurrence of Galium aparine and large plants of volunteer oil seed rape. Use of the high efficacy prototype resulted in no reduction compared to the standard herbicide dose. The treatment options from the low efficacy prototype showed an average herbicide reduction of 75% compared to the standard doses. This resulted in a significantly poorer weed control compared to the other prototypes. Weed covarage at harvest did not vary  significantly between prototypes and did not exceed 6% compared to 20% in the untreated plots. There were no significant yield differences between prototypes in spring wheat and barley. The results from the validation trials demontrated that there was no risk associated with the use of the medium efficacy prototype in spring cereals. The low efficacy prototype seemed to be safe regarding the yield, but weed control was probably not satisfying and some seed dispersal could be expected. In cereal mono cropping, however, limited seed dispersal could be acceptable.


Evaluering av forvaltningsplaner for gås i Norge basert på en større spørreundersøkelse av berørte gårdbrukere. Videre en gjennomgang av ulike tiltak som er gjennomført for å redusere konflikten mellom gås og landbruk, herunder både forebyggende tiltak og jakt. Beskrivelse av status mht lokale forvaltningsplaner for de ulike gåseartene i forskjellige fylker og kommuner i hele landet.