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In this study, we present a new method for single tree segmentation and characterization from a canopy surface model (CSM), and its corresponding point cloud, based on airborne laser scanning. The method comprises new algorithms for controlling the shape of crown segments, and for residual adjustment of the canopy surface model (CSM). We present a new criterion that measures the success of locating trees, and demonstrate how this criterion can be used for optimizing the degree of CSM smoothing. From the adjusted CSM segments, we derived tree height and crown diameter, and based on all first laser pulse measurements within the segments we derived crown-base height. The method was applied and validated in a Norway spruce dominated forest reserve having a heterogeneous structure. The number of trees automatically detected varied with social status of the trees, from 93 percent of the dominant trees to 19 percent of the suppressed trees. The RMSE values for tree height, crown diameter, and crown-base height were around 1.2 m, 1.1 m, and 3.5 m, respectively. The method overestimated crown diameter (0.8 m) and crown base height (3.0 m).


Denne presentasjonen gir ein oversikt over ugrasmiddel som er godkjente i dei ulike grønsakskulturane i Noreg, der det er gitt tidsavgrensa dispensasjonar og der det kan ligga til rette for bruk, enten ved dispensasjon eller off-label godkjenning. Stomp som enno ikkje er godkjent, men utprøvd i mange kulturar, blir også trekt inn i oversikten.