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På oppdrag frå landbruksavdelinga i Hordaland har NILF utført ei undersøking blant småskalaprodusentar og publikum under arrangementet «Bønder i byd’n – Bergen matfestival » i 2006. Festivalen har vore arrangert fem gonger i si noverande form med Fylkesmannens landbruksavdeling i Hordaland som arrangør i samarbeid med landbruksavdelinga i Sogn og Fjordane, samt ei rekkje andre samarbeidspartnarar. For å finne ut kva utstillarane og publikum tykte, intervjua vi 38 småskalaprodusentar og 47 vitjande under festivalen. Dei fleste av spørsmåla hadde kategoriserte svaralternativ, medan nokre hadde opne svaralternativ. Respondentane fekk også komme med utdjupande kommentarar om arrangementet. […]


In order to investigate the influence of biological growth on flow and transport patterns in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, bromide tracer experiments were conducted in two 3m long tanks. The tanks were filled with light weight aggregates and shell sand, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity, drainable porosity and dispersivity of the two filter mediawere determined before and after biological growth. The obtained breakthrough curves of bromide tracer showed that biological growth caused a pronounced reduction in drainable porosity, mainly for shell sand, whereas its effect on saturated hydraulic conductivity was negligible. The spatial distribution of the bromide after biological growth in the two filter media showed that the flow occurred preferentially along certain paths. However, in the light"weight aggregates filter medium, biological growth with possible clogging effects seems to reduce the efficiency of some preferential flow paths, increase the retention time, and hence, improves the system treatment efficiency. This study showed that selecting a filter medium including coarse fractions to some extent can mitigate the potential negative effects of bioclogging.


In order to investigate the influence of biological growth on flow and transport patterns in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, bromide tracer experiments were conducted in two 3 In long tanks. The tanks were filled with light weight aggregates and shell sand, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity, drainable porosity and dispersivity of the two filter media were determined before and after biological growth. The obtained breakthrough curves of bromide tracer showed that biological growth caused a pronounced reduction in drainable porosity; mainly for shell sand whereas its effect on saturated hydraulic conductivity was negligible. The spatial distribution of the bromide after biological growth in the two filter media showed that the flow occurred preferentially along certain paths. However, in the light-weight aggregates filter medium, biological growth with possible clogging effects seems to reduce the efficiency of some preferential flow paths, increase the retention time, and hence, improves the system treatment efficiency This study showed that selecting a filter medium including coarse fractions to some extent can mitigate the potential negative effects of bioclogging. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Mammalian herbivores generally influence soil properties of pastures significantly. However, rather little is known about the impact of Arctic Ungulates on tundra soils. The aim of this investigation was to identify possible changes in chemical soil properties due to different reindeer management systems on Finnmarksvidda: a) year-around used pastures in Finland, and b) winter pastures in Norway. The two management systems are separated permanently by a fence, which was established during the 1950`ies. Based on a literature survey and field observations we distinguished between the following four succession/ degradation stages (DS) of the fruticose lichen dominated dwarf shrub tundra: DS I) thick (> 4 cm) lichen cover; DS II) grazed/ thin lichen cover (< 4 cm), but good plant cover; DS III) fruticose lichen cover almost absent, reduced plant cover and patches with exposed humus; DS IV) lichen, plant and humus cover almost absent, patches with bare mineral soil. According to this classification a 3 km2 large area along the boarder fence between Finland and Norway was mapped via a grid of sampling points. To compare soil chemical properties between the different DS"s and different management systems, corresponding soil samples were taken from the organic-horizons at both side of the fence. Soil chemical parameters determined were pH, soil organic carbon (org.-C), Kjeldahl-N, C/N, cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation, and total and plant available P, Ca, Mg, K.


Flere dyrkingssystem, med et spekter fra konvensjonell åpenåkerdrift uten eng eller husdyr, til økologisk husdyrhold med lite åpenåker, er blitt sammenlignet på Apelsvoll. Etter 14 år har vi undersøkt en rekke indikatorer på jordstrukturen, og har funnet tegn til tydelige forverringer av jordstrukturen ved årlig høstpløying uten eng. Flere av indikatorene viser positiv virkning av å ha økende andel eng i omløpet. Jordarbeiding uten pløying har også gitt høy strukturstabilitet og det bevarer moldinnholdet i jorda.