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In August 2004, Glomerella acutata Guerber & Correll was detected on fruits from highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) for the first time in Norway. Both the conidial (Colletotrichum acutatum J. H. Simmonds) and the ascigerous (G. acutata) stage developed on naturally infected blueberry fruits. Perithecia also readily formed on blueberries and strawberries inoculated with a culture from highbush blueberry, and on artificial, solid medium (both on strawberry leaf agar and potato dextrose agar). To our knowledge this is the first report worldwide of the teleomorph of Glomerella acutata on a naturally infected host.


In August 2004, Glomerella acutata Guerber & Correll was detected on fruits from highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) for the first time in Norway. Both the conidial (Colletotrichum acutatum J. H. Simmonds) and the ascigerous (G. acutata) stage developed on naturally infected blueberry fruits. Perithecia also readily formed on blueberries and strawberries inoculated with a culture from highbush blueberry, and on artificial, solid medium (both on strawberry leaf agar and potato dextrose agar). To our knowledge this is the first report worldwide of the teleomorph of Glomerella acutata on a naturally infected host.


The potential tradeoffs between vegetative and reproductive growth is a constant challenge for the forage plant breeders. Breeding for seed production has inevitably played a secondary role compared to improvements of the vegetative production. In this paper the current status regarding genetic variation, genotype x environment interactions, heritability estimates and mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seed yield and seed yield components in grasses and legumes are reviewed, with special focus on important forage grasses. Investigations of seed yield components have shown that components contributing to an increased utilization of the reproductive potential, like seed set and seed retention, seems efficient in increasing seed yield without adverse effects on the vegetative production. The generation of transgenic plants (GMO) have been reported for many forage species, and genetic engineering will increasingly be used to manipulate traits like nutritive value, resistance to fungal and viral diseases, and the reproductive system like male and female sterility and apomixis. Turf and forage grasses, and forage legumes are outcrossing species with prolific pollen production and pollination facilitated by wind or insects. They are potentially some of the most problematic crops when it comes to gene flow by pollen especially during the generations of seed multiplication. GM plants with engineered reproductive systems will pose new challenges for the seed producers. Co-existence of GM grasses and legumes with conventional and organic seed production will be very difficult to establish, and commercialization of GM cultivars will therefore certainly require gene containment technologies that prevent or reduce transgene escape. Mapping of QTLs, identification of markers and candidate genes associated with seed yield components, and the utilization of comparative genomics with cereal species have revealed several key components which may facilitate development of markers for marker-assisted breeding for the improvement of seed yield.


Dette foredrag gir en oversikt over hvilke praktiske tiltak greenkeepere bør legg inn i skjøtselsplanen for 2007 for å oppnå god overvintring neste vinter. Foredraget gir også en oversikt over hvilke konsekvenser framtidige klimaendringer bør ha på greenskjøtselen.


Omlegging til økologiskproduksjon er lønnsomt for tilpasningsdyktige produsenter av veksthusgrønnsaker. Det viser resultater fra forsøkene på Bioforsk Vest Særheim samt erfaringer fra storskalaforsøk i gartnerier.


Tidlig beiteslipp om vårene, gjerne supplert med tilleggsfôring med grovfôr gir god lammetivekst og sterke og livskraftige lam

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High mortality among chicks, due to fragmentation and changes in habitat caused by commercial forestry, is considered one of the main reasons for the general decline in capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in boreal forests. Using GPS satellite telemetry, we studied the movement patterns of young capercaillie broods: 1) to test if this new technology could be applied to gain more detailed insight into behaviour and habitat selection at a small spatial scale, and if so, 2) to compare the broods' relative use of planted and older, naturally regenerated forests. Hens of four broods with chicks 2-7 days old were captured and fitted with 90-g backpacks containing GPS units and VHF transmitters. The GPS units were programmed to record positions every 15 minutes, the shortest interval possible. With a storage capacity of 450 positions, movements could be monitored for ca 4.5 days. In our study area (Varaldskogen) with moderate topography, the GPS technology performed quite well. A total of 1,277 positions were obtained (84% of potential maximum), of which 77% were within 20 in of the true position of the brood. The movement patterns of the four broods were quite similar, with a mean speed of 83.2 m +/- 9.9 (SE) per hour during the 4.5-day tracking period. Broods moved almost continuously during the 24-hour cycle, presumably foraging, although their speed was slower at night. The two oldest broods whose initial age was seven days moved faster than the two younger broods whose initial age was two and three days, respectively. Strong autocorrelation among successive positions made us examine habitat selection using a binominal choice method for each brood separately. When broods were inside old 'natural' forest, they remained there instead of moving into plantations. When inside plantations, they did not discriminate between remaining there and moving into nearby old forest, but they tended to move faster in plantations than in old forest. Clearly, the new, cost-effective GPS telemetry offers new and better opportunities for studying small-scale brood movement. Very frequent and accurate positions can be obtained without either disturbing the birds or leaving scent marks that may attract predators.


Et 4-årig forskningsprosjekt ved Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har fokusert på hvilke effekter et endret klima kan få på granbarkbillen. Dette er den andre av to artikler som gjengir noen av resultatene og hva de kan bety for norsk skog. I forrige artikkel tok vi for oss hvordan utbruddene kan bli både hyppigere og kortere i fremtiden, og at svingningene i bestandsnivået skjer i takt over store områder. Her ser vi på hvordan varmere somre i fremtiden kan øke granbarkbillens utviklingshastighet fra egg til voksent insekt. Resultatet kan bli at vi får to barkbillegenerasjoner per sommer i stedet for én, og dermed to perioder der billene angriper skog.


Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har fokusert på hvilke effekter et endret klima kan få på granbarkbillen. Dette er den første av to artikler som gjengir noen av resultatene og hva de kan bety for norsk skog. Hyppigere stormer og tørkeperioder vil gi hyppigere utbrudd, men utbruddene kan komme til å bli mer kortvarige. Bestandsnivået til granbarkbillen svinger ofte i takt i landsdeler som rammes av de samme stormene. En viktig praktisk konsekvens av denne samvariasjonen over store områder er at skogskjøtseltiltak må skje på stor skala for å ha ønsket effekt.

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Barkbillebestandene i Trøndelag og Nordland har vist en økende trend fram til i år og vil trolig øke ytterligere etter den varme sommeren i 2007. Nivået i disse fylkene er for tiden blant de høyeste i landet, og i Nord-Trøndelag må vi tilbake til slutten av 70- tallet for å finne høyere verdier. En regnfull sommer østafjells ga nedgang i barkbillefangstene sammenlignet med fjorårets varme sommer, men sammenlignet med 2005 er det en svak økning. Trøndelag og Nordland har store skogressurser med en høy andel av eldre skog som ikke har vært utsatt for omfattende barkbilleutbrudd i kjent tid. Det er behov for bedre modeller for å kunne forutsi hvordan bestandene av granbarkbiller vil utvikle seg i nordlige skogområder, og for å undersøke hvilke egenskaper ved skoglandskapet som er viktigst for utformingen av et klimatilpasset skogbruk i fremtiden.