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A review of research and research needs in urban forestry was carried out in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden during 2005. A questionnaire addressing post-2000 and ongoing research was sent to 146 researchers and generated 76 completed questionnaires. Universities were found to lead urban forestry research, while municipalities headed funding organisations in terms of number of projects funded. Planning, ecological and management aspects were the most common research themes, but socially oriented research also played an important role. The research needs questionnaire was sent to 192 key research actors (assignors, users and researchers), resulting in 63 completed needs assessments. The research themes of ‘urban forest management\", ‘social and cultural values\" and ‘urban forest and green planning\" were prioritised for future research. Comparison of ongoing research and research needs showed discrepancies, as ongoing research does not always cover the same themes identified as primary research needs. Priorities for future research as identified by the research community respective those assigning and using research also differed. Economic assessment of benefits, for example, scored much higher as a need among researchers than other respondents. In terms of present weaknesses in the research ‘infrastructure\", research actors emphasised lack of funding, fragmentation of research and insufficient critical mass. The region\"s urban forestry research can be enhanced and made more meaningful by strengthening national and international networking within the research community, across disciplines, as well as between researchers and those commissioning and using research.

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After two decades of monitoring forest health in Europe, in response to concern for negative effects of air pollution, a similar worry is now increasing in China. In a co-operative project between Chinese and Norwegian researchers a forest monitoring was implemented in the acid rain region in south China. During 2000–2004 two small watersheds were monitored: TieShanPing (TSP) near ChongQing City and LuChongGuan (LCG) near GuiYang City. They are covered by Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) forest. The methodology of the European intensive forest monitoring programme (ICP-Forests level-II) was adopted; including crown assessments, foliar chemistry, air and soil chemistry, and more. This paper presents results of this co-operative project. Considerable forest damage was revealed by monitoring the crown condition of Masson pine trees. The average defoliation percentage for all assessed trees (predominant, dominant and co-dominant pines, corresponding to Kraft classes 1–3) in the more acidified TSP was over 40% and remained stable throughout the monitoring period, accompanied by an extremely high mortality in some years. In contrast, the defoliation in the less acidified LCG was relatively low but increased considerably, from 16% to around 40%, within the 4 monitoring years. The significance of air pollution for the forest damage remains uncertain. The annual SO2 concentration in TSP and LCG is about 2 and 4 times higher than the critical level of 20 μg m−3 given in the LRTAP convention for effects on forests. Therefore the air pollution effects cannot be ruled out as contributing factors for forest damage. However, this cannot be substantiated based on the presented monitoring data since none of the specific symptoms of air pollution damage were observed. Furthermore, an analysis of the monitoring data did not reveal any significant correlation between defoliation and the soil chemical properties. It is noteworthy that the evident agents that were identified are capable of causing the observed forest damage. These agents were insect attacks and climatic stress. It is possible that the forest damage has complex causes.


Naturtyper kan avledes fra vegetasjonskart. Måten dette gjøres på beskrives nærmere, med eksempler fra Ballangen kommune.


I en treårig forsøksserie er ulike arter og sorter av høstkorn prøvd sammen under sammenlignbare forsøksbetingelser som ligger nærmere opp mot praktisk dyrking enn det en vanligvis har i ordinære verdiprøvingsforsøk. Det er gjennomført forsøk både under konvensjonelle og økologiske dyrkingsbetingelser i Sør- og Midt-Norge.