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Prosjektet "Økologisk jordbærproduksjon i Hedmark og Oppland" (2000 - 2003), som ledes fra Planteforsk Kise er godt i gang. To økologiske jordbærprodusenter fra hvert av fylkene bidrar i prosjektet. Prøvefelt med jordbærsorter er lagt ut hos dyrkerne, og forsøksfelt med sorter, alternative metoder mot jordbærmjøldogg og antagonistiske sopper mot gråskimmel er etablert ved Planteforsk Kise og hos èn av dyrkerne. Artikelen presenterer resultater etter første sesong.


The present theses deal with the problem of assessing the risk of exotic plant pest introduction following international trade in plants and plant commodities. The general hypothesis of this work was that exotic plant pest introduction risk could be quantified. Whereas this is a multidisciplinary challenge centring on the scientific domains of ecology and statistics, the present exposition had to be constrained to cover some selected parts only of this broad field. A major objective was to study how modern computer intensive methods and statistical methodology could support the combination of different data sources to derive new information about, and in quantifying the magnitude of, and uncertainty in, plant pest introduction risks. Specific attention was also paid to elucidate the characteristics of pest risk assessment as well as the similarities compared to other fields of risk analysis. The general conclusion is that risk assessment is a promising, yet imperfect, approach for solving the problem of plant pest spread and subsequent introduction. Important aspects of the risk assessment approach are its possibility to shed light on the problems of spread of pest organisms, and the resource allocation such a risk assessment study requires. Through a risk assessment study we are enforced to learn more about these problems, and, especially when a quantitative assessment is requested, large gaps in our scientific knowledge may be revealed. These effects of risk assessment would hopefully also be applicable to the general global problem of anthropogenic spread of species and subsequent biological invasions. Sammendraget er redigert.


Extended summary and conclusions The Pechenganikel combine in the Nikel-Zapolyarny area was established in 1933. During the first 30 years of production, 100 000 tons of sulphur dioxide (SO2) were emitted annually. Since 1971, nickel from the Norilsk ores in Siberia have been processed in the smelters. The Norilsk ore contains more sulphur than the Nikel ore. As a result of the processing of this sulphur-rich ore, emissions of SO2 increased rapidly, reaching 400 000 tons in 1979. Current annual emissions are much lower, about 150 000 tons. However, the present emission is still above the critical level for sensitive biota in the Nikel-Pasvik area. Investigations of soils show that the soil layers are contaminated by heavy metals (nickel and copper). The results also indicate an influence on soil fertility expressed as changes in base saturation (BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil acidity. According to the calculations (critical loads) future sulphur deposition has to be reduced to very low levels in order to stop the ongoing soil acidification. Air pollution influence has had severe effects on forest vegetation in the Nikel-Pasvik area. Trees, vascular plants, mosses and lichens are all affected. In the close vicinity of the smelters forests are dead or severely damaged. Visible injuries to vegetation caused by SO2 have some years been frequent. Symptoms are recognised on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and downy birch (Betula pubescens), which are the dominant tree species in the region, and on other plants, e.g. dwarf birch (Betula nana) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). The species composition of the ground vegetation in the forest has been influenced, and epiphytic lichen vegetation has been severely influenced over large areas. Critical levels are exceeded on more than 3200 square kilometres of Russian and Norwegian territory. Air pollution has reduced invertebrate and animal diversity due to lack of forest vegetation and contamination of surface soils in the vicinity of the nickel smelters. Small vertebrates are impacted by an increased heavy metal content in the liver. However, no negative health effects to reindeer are foreseen. Long-term monitoring of water chemistry in lakes and rivers has revealed that extensive surface water acidification has taken place, particularly on the Norwegian side of the border. Critical loads are exceeded in large areas of Sør-Varanger municipality, especially in the Jarfjord area, and in areas situated around Nikel and Zapolyarny. However, on the Russian side, the contamination of lakes by the heavy metals (nickel and copper) is more severe than acidification, especially in the vicinity of the smelters, where damage to fish populations as well as phytoplankton and invertebrate communities are observed. Studies of human health in the Nikel-Pasvik area revealed no major health effects that can be ascribed to the air pollution by nickel and sulphur dioxide in the Nikel-Zapolyarny area or in the Pasvik valley. The most severe effects of air pollution in the border areas between Norway and Russia, caused by sulphur dioxide emission from Nikel and Zapolyarny, on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems seem to be on vegetation, surface water and soils, and thus also on other compartments of the ecosystem.


Several strong westerly storms hit Western Norway during the winter of 1986-87. We studied the uptake, loss and visible effects of sea salt aerosols in Scots pine and Norway spruce. Foliage of was sampled at distances 0-100 km from the coastline between 59¢ª and 65¢ª N, and analysed for chloride, sodium and other elements. The range of chloride and sodium concentrations in needles was 0.5-5.0, and 0.1-3.0 mg g-1, respectively. The local variation was very large close to the coast. The relation to distance from the sea was improved by using distance from the nearest fjord rather than from the outer coastline. Other elements were less variable and not related to distance from the sea, or to sea salt concentrations. Only 1-10% of the needles sea salt content could be removed by 2 minutes washing in distilled water, and still much less of other elements. The amount of sea salt removed by washing was less related to distance from the sea than was the total content. Visible damage to the foliage occurred at chloride concentrations above 1 mg g-1 in the needles. Our conclusions are that analysis of the needles chloride or sodium content is a robust method for confirming damage to tree foliage by sea salt aerosols. Fjords as well as the ocean are significant sources of sea salt aerosols. Large local variation in salt deposition and damage will occur at a rugged coast. Nutrients and other elements are not significantly affected by the sea salt deposition. The use of chloride or sodium as a tracer for dry deposition should take into account not only the enrichment of these elements in canopy throughfall, but also the accumulation in the needles.