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Skade- og nyttedyr i frukthagar, deira kroppsbygnad, struktur og funksjon, utvikling og skade. Bestemmingsnøklar. Plantesjukdommar. Skade- og mangelsymptom. Norsk tekst til 72 fargeplansjar



Developmental time and survival of eggs, larvae, pupae and adult females of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were investigated at different temperatures within the range of 5 to 23oC. In addition, the influence of temperature during the larval period on the weight of the succeeding pupae was studied, as well as the effect of temperature on fecundity of adult females. The lower developmental thresholds (Tb) and thermal requirement (DD) were established for all developmental stages and the larval instars using linear regression analysis. Tb and DD were 8.6°C and 75 degree-days for eggs, 5.4°C and 496 degree-days for the total larval period, 7.2°C and 304 degree-days for pupae, and 5.0°C and 56 degree-days for adult females, respectively. Pupal mortality was low at all temperatures. The survival of eggs and larvae was highest at 18oC, whereas mortality was 100% at 8.5oC. Larval mortality was highest in the first instar and decreased with increasing age. Pupae gained the highest weight when the larvae were reared at 18oC, and decreased with declining temperature. Temperature had no significant effect on total fecundity or fertility. Fecundity was basically unimodal distributed at all temperatures. At low temperatures the egg deposition period was markedly prolonged.


The subfamily ground midges (Lestremiinae) has been poorly studied in Fennoscandia. Until quite recently (1986) only eight species of this group was known from this area. However, the number of species recorded has increased considerably the few last years. This article surveys new and old records of ground midge from Fennoscandia. The survey is based on a new material collected in 49 localities in various parts of Fennoscandia, and on records in previous publications. A list of altogether 73 species of ground midge is presented, including 25 species which are new to Finland, Norway or Sweden.