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Etter oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet har NIBIO ansvaret for prøvetaking og drift av sju overvåkingsfelt for jordbruksbelastet grunnvann. Haslemoen i Våler kommune, Rimstadmoen i Larvik kommune, Horpestad i Klepp kommune, Nedre Eri i Lærdal kommune, Skogmo i Overhalla kommune, Grødalen i Sunndal kommune samt Lofthus i Ullensvang kommune. Gjennom finansiering fra «Handlingsplan for bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler 2022-2025» har det blitt utført tilleggsundersøkelser på disse lokalitetene. Herunder supplerende prøvetaking, analyser av «nye» plantevernmidler, analyse av plantevernmidler i ulike jorddyp for utvalgte kulturer samt drift av automatisk overvåking av grunnvann og markvann. Finansieringen har gitt synergi og økt kunnskapen om plantevernmidler i grunnvann i jordbruksområder. Alle lokalitetene ligger innenfor nasjonale grunnvannsforekomster, som gitt i Vann-Nett. Rapporten gir oversikt over resultater i perioden 2022-2023.


På vegne av Tinfos AS har NIBIO gjennomført overvåking av vannkvalitet i Hovlandsåna i forbindelse med etableringen av nye Flateland kraftverk i Vegusdal. I 4. kvartal 2023 (Q4) har mesteparten av arbeidene vært tilknyttet ferdigstilling av utløpet til overføringstunnelen fra Myklebostad til Kjetevatn, ferdigstilling av dammen i Kjetevatn og trykktunnelen fra Kjetevatn til Flateland. Dette er aktiviteter som har hatt liten grad av påvirkning på vannkjemien i Hovlandsåna. I oktober var det lite nedbør, men høy fyllingsgrad i magasinene oppstrøms Lislevatn bidro til en jevn og relativt høy vannføring med svært lav partikkeltransport i elva. I forbindelse med svært mye nedbør i begynnelsen av november ble det registrert kraftig økende turbiditet ved begge loggerstasjonene og turbiditetssondene målte tidvis svært høye verdier som følge av opphopning av sand, grus og organisk materiale i stålrørene der målesondene er plassert. Loggerne ble tatt inn 09.11.2023 og både kvartalsprøvene tatt samme dag, samt ukesprøvene som ble tatt frem til juleferien, viste jevnt lave konsentrasjoner av nitrogen og fosfor ved de tre stasjonene. Bunndyrprøver ble tatt 13.10.2023 og tilstandsvurdering basert på eutrofieringsindeksen ASPT viste «god» tilstand ved samtlige stasjoner.


Fairly little is known about the river-stationary fish stocks within the Mauken-Blåtind shooting and practice fields area. The military have used the area since the mid-50s. The study shows that the in-digenous trout population in Mårelva is in a very poor ecological condition. A compilation of reports from previous years conducted in the anadromous part of the same river shows that seatrout and salmon stocks also are in very poor ecological condition. This has persisted since the 70s. The reason is not known. During fieldwork fine particulate matter that probably came from road dust and runoff from roads was observed in the river sediments. Roads can act as transport routes for surface water and erosion to waterbodies. A 51 km road network is within Mårelva catchment area, in comparison to a 10 km long river. Bjelma has its catchment area at Camp Akkasæter where a new camp area is being constructed. After a sediment pond was destroyed during a spring flood in 2023, Bjelma seems to have received a large load of sedimented particles. Here, however, benthic animals are in good eco-logical condition. Skarelva is a tributary watercourse to Mårelva in where the watercourse is charac-terized by large rocks and wire currents and migration barriers. No fish were found here which seems natural to this watercourse. Here, benthic fauna is in a good ecological condition, as are the water chemical support parameters. At the anadromous part of Mårelva, the density of salmonids was in good ecological condition in a small area. Previous extensive research shows the salmonids is in a very poor ecological condition. The spring samples of benthic fauna were in a good ecological condition, but the autumn samples were in a moderate ecological condition.


Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Rana kommune for å sammenstille resultater fra vannprøver tatt i Vollaelva i Lurøy kommune i perioden 15.05.2023-05.09.2023. Undersøkelsen inkluderte kjemiske analyser av totalnitrogen (TN) og totalfosfor (TP), samt mikrobiologiske analyser av Escherichia coli (E. coli). Vannkvaliteten i Vollaelva ved prøvepunktet i overvåkingsperioden indikerer svært dårlig tilstand (jf. Vannforskriften) grunnet høye fosforkonsentrasjoner i elva. Mikrobiologiske analyser viser at det forekom betydelige tilførsler av fekal forurensning, som kan stamme fra husdyrgjødsel og utslipp av avløpsvann. Denne forurensingen har betydning for fosforkonsentrasjoner og den hygieniske tilstanden i elva. Gjennomsnittskonsentrasjonen i overvåkingsperioden av totalfosfor i 2023 er halvert sammenlignet med 2022.

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Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves can be identified as a major role in the planning of urban drainage infrastructure. Sri Lanka, which is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, is frequently exposed to various climatic alterations. Sri Lanka has specific region-wise IDF relationships for the entire country, however, these IDF curves were developed more than 30 years ago. Many in-situ rainfall observations in Sri Lanka have insufficient record lengths and the absence of finer time scale records (e.g. 15 min, hourly) leading to unreliable IDF curve developments. Given this importance, the present paper demonstrates the application of Satellite-based Precipitation Product (SbPP) daily rainfall in developing IDF curves for Sri Lanka. Rainfall satellite estimates derived from Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM-3B42), and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks – Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) have been used to evaluate the ability of application of remote sensing data to develop IDF curves for Sri Lanka against rain gauge (RG) data. Our study breaks new ground by generating 50 IDF curves tailored to specific locations covering the whole county Sri Lanka, using daily rainfall data from RGs and three SbPPs during the period between 1990 and 2019. This marks a significant departure from the conventional approach, offering a more granular understanding of rainfall patterns in the country. By providing IDF curves for individual locations, our research presents a novel contribution to Sri Lanka's IDF history. At first, to evaluate the accuracy of SbPPs, statistical analysis was conducted using continuous and categorical evaluation indices. Second, IDF curves were developed and compared with the presently available IDF curves. Results showcased that IMERG outperformed all SbPPs, while PERSIANN-CDR showed dire performances. The IMERG and TRMM-3B42 products tend to overestimate light precipitation regions in high elevations and overestimate heavy rainfall in low elevations compared to rain gauge data. Rainfall intensities derived by rain gauge data depicted relative changes within ±30% for shorter durations and ±20% for longer durations while SbPPs showed beyond ±30% difference concerning the previously developed IDFs. It was apparent that these products have significant inaccuracies which cannot be neglected when utilizing them in developing IDF curves. This study will be beneficial in solving design problems associated with urban runoff control and disposal where knowing the rainfall intensities of different return periods with different durations is vital.

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This study presents the first attempt in Sri Lanka to generate a forest fire risk map covering the entire country using a GIS-based forest fire index (FFI) model. The model utilized seven parameters: land use, temperature, slope, proximity to roads and settlements, elevation, and aspect. All these parameters were derived using GIS techniques with ArcGIS10.4 and QGIS3.16. Data from Remote Sensing sources, particularly the MODIS hotspot real-world dataset, were employed to gather fire count information for the year 2020. Validation was conducted through the merging hotspot technique and kernel density estimation (KDE). The research findings highlight the districts in the Central and Uva provinces, such as NuwaraEliya (10.3 km2), Kandy (2.74 km2), and Badulla (10.41 km2), as having a “very low risk" of forest fire potential. Conversely, districts like Hambanthota (0.1 km2), Kaluthara (0.04 km2), and Kurunegala (0.2 km2) exhibit a “very high risk" of forest fire potential, although it is negligible compared country's total area. Overall, the study suggests that Sri Lanka is not currently facing a significant threat of forest fires and is a “medium risk" of forest fires as 49.49% of land falls under this category. These results are of immense value to relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation, in formulating effective strategies to manage and mitigate forest fire risks in the country.