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This report describes the development of a novel model & digital map system for visualising diverse ecosystem services at national scale in Norway. Denne rapporten beskriver utviklingen av en ny metode og en digital kartløsning for å visualisere ulike økosystemtjenester på nasjonal skala i Norge.

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Forskrift til gjødslingsplanlegging stiller krav til at næringen tar ut representative jordprøver og at analyseresultatene benyttes for å lage en gjødslingsplan. Denne rapporten beskriver status for de jordprøver som tas ut i regi av næringen. Rapporten foreslår en standardisert datafangst av jordprøvene og en standardisert dataforvaltning av analyseresultatene.....

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Protected Areas (PAs) in Tanzania had been established originally for the goal of habitat, landscape and biodiversity conservation. However, human activities such as agricultural expansion and wood harvesting pose challenges to the conservation objectives. We monitored a decade of deforestation within 708 PAs and their unprotected buffer areas, analyzed deforestation by PA management regimes, and assessed connectivity among PAs. Data came from a Landsat based wall-to-wall forest to non-forest change map for the period 2002–2013, developed for the definition of Tanzania’s National Forest Reference Emissions Level (FREL). Deforestation data were extracted in a series of concentric bands that allow pairwise comparison and correlation analysis between the inside of PAs and the external buffer areas. Half of the PAs exhibit either no deforestation or significantly less deforestation than the unprotected buffer areas. A small proportion (10%; n = 71) are responsible for more than 90% of the total deforestation; but these few PAs represent more than 75% of the total area under protection. While about half of the PAs are connected to one or more other PAs, the remaining half, most of which are Forest Reserves, are isolated. Furthermore, deforestation inside isolated PAs is significantly correlated with deforestation in the unprotected buffer areas, suggesting pressure from land use outside PAs. Management regimes varied in reducing deforestation inside PA territories, but differences in protection status within a management regime are also large. Deforestation as percentages of land area and forested areas of PAs was largest for Forest Reserves and Game Controlled areas, while most National Parks, Nature Reserves and Forest Plantations generally retained large proportions of their forest cover. Areas of immediate management concern include the few PAs with a disproportionately large contribution to the total deforestation, and the sizeable number of PAs being isolated. Future protection should account for landscapes outside protected areas, engage local communities and establish new PAs or corridors such as village-managed forest areas.


Denne rapporten oppsummerer arbeidet i Landfrag arbeidspakke 1, «Arealstruktur og avstander». Den dokumenterer hvordan vi har etablert datasettene med veinettverk, jordteiger og driftssentre for bruk i modelleringsarbeid i Landfrag (arbeidspakke 2, «Økonomisk modellering og bærekraft»). Vi har også sett på hvordan disse dataene kan brukes inn i kart og statistikk for å beskrive dagens arealfragmentering. Vi gir en kort beskrivelse og sammenligning av jordbruksdrifta i alle studieområdene i prosjektet Landfrag. For noen av studieområdene (Voss, Giske/Haram, Vestvågøy, Våler/Åsnes) viser vi eksempler på aggregert informasjon som er basert på datasettene og beregning av avstand mellom driftssenter og jordteig.


Cultivated organic soils account for ~7% of Norway’s agricultural land area, and they are estimated to be a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project ‘Climate smart management practices on Norwegian organic soils’ (MYR), commissioned by the Research Council of Norway (decision no. 281109), aims to evaluate GHG (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) emissions and impacts on biomass productivity from three land use types (cultivated, abandoned and restored) on organic soils. At the cultivated sites, impacts of drainage depth and management intensity will be measured. We established experimental sites in Norway covering a broad range of climate and management regimes, which will produce observational data in high spatiotemporal resolution during 2019-2022. Using state-of-the-art modelling techniques, MYR aims to predict the potential GHG mitigation under different scenarios (e.g. different water table depth, management practices and climate pattern). Four models (BASGRA, DNDC, Coup and ECOSSE) will be further developed according to the physical/chemical properties of peat soil and then used independently in simulating biogeochemical processes and biomass dynamics in the different land uses. Robust parameterization schemes for each model to improve the predictive accuracy will be derived from a new dataset collected from multiple experimental sites in the Nordic region. Thereafter, the models will be used in the regional simulation to present the spatial heterogeneity in large scale. Eventually, a multi-model ensemble prediction will be carried out to provide scenario analyses by 2030 and 2050. By integrating experimental results and modelling, the project aims at generating useful information for recommendations on environment-friendly use of Norwegian peatlands.