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The objective of this study is to identify the needs related to geospatial LC, LU, and LCLUC information for spatial planning in Poland and Norway, and examine the usefulness of CLMS products in the context of these planning systems. The research has conducted based on a comparative analysis of two planning systems, to indicate areas where CLMS can improve or supplement national spatial data. The study shows that CLMS can provide information on up-to-date spatial data showing actual LC/LU/LCLUC, but that the degree of detail and the accuracy may be insufficient. CLMS data is harmonised across Europe and thus meets the need expressed by international organisations, for data that are consistent at a continental level. This is not a requirement in national planning systems in Poland and Norway, where the needs are regulated by national legislation. The thematic and geometric accuracy of national data sources are usually better than the data provided by CLMS, but CLMS might fill gaps when specific topics are missing in national mapping programs.


Lordalen i Lesja kommune er et godt utnyttet beiteområde. Selv med dominans av skrinne vegetasjonstyper, kan området gi et tilfredsstillende resultat dersom dyretallet tilpasses beitegrunnlaget og dyra spres over hele arealet.