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Wild berries are characteristic part of the Northern nature and a potential speciality of Nordic countries. Wild berries are also a rich and valuable resource that has not yet been exploited in a satisfactory level. Approximately 90-95 per cent of the whole wild berry crop yield is left unpicked in the Nordic forests every year. The challenges of the wild berry utilization are similar in Nordic countries - the logistics of berry picking including traceability, fragmented sector structure as well as the high share of unprocessed raw material in export. The Nordic project focusing on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) "Bilberry: Towards functional food markets" (2007-2009) is a part of the New Nordic Food programme funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. The programme aims to enhance cooperation and innovation among companies that utilize the natural resources in the Nordic countries. The aim of the project is to improve wild berry production and utilization in the Nordic and global market. To achieve this goal a network between the Nordic experts presenting the different fields of the wild berry sector has been established. The project has focused on marketing research, quality issues, biodiversity and traceability of wild berries, especially bilberry. The results of the marketing survey were published in November 2008. The aim of the survey was to generate an overall picture of the companies working with wild berries in Nordic countries and gather information on the existence and willingness of the berry companies to cooperate for instance in wild berry supply, logistics, marketing or research and development. According to the results, a general agreement for the need of increased cooperation at the Nordic level was highlighted


Wild berries are a characteristic part of Northern nature and a particular speciality of Nordic countries. Wild berries are also a rich and valuable resource that has not yet been exploited in a satisfactory level. Approximately 90 – 95 % of the whole wild berry crop yield is left unpicked in the Nordic forests every year. The challenges of wild berry utilization are similar in Nordic countries - the logistics of berry picking including traceability, fragmented sector structure as well as the high share of unprocessed raw material in export. The Nordic project focusing on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) “Bilberry: Towards functional food markets” (2007 – 2009) is a part of the New Nordic Food programme funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. The programme aims to enhance cooperation and innovation among companies that utilize the natural resources of the Nordic countries. The aim of the project is to improve wild berry production and utilization in the Nordic and global market. To achieve this goal a network between the Nordic experts presenting the different fields of the wild berry sector has been established. The project has focused on marketing research, quality issues, biodiversity and the traceability of wild berries; especially the bilberry. The results of the marketing survey were published in November 2008. The aim of the survey was to generate an overall picture of the companies working with wild berries in Nordic countries and to gather information on the existence and willingness of the berry companies to cooperate in wild berry supply, logistics, marketing and research and development. According to the results, a general agreement for the need of increased cooperation at the Nordic level was highlighted.


Wild berries are characteristic part of the Northern nature and a potential speciality of Nordic countries. Wild berries are also a rich and valuable resource that has not yet been exploited in a satisfactory level. Approximately 90-95 per cent of the whole wild berry crop yield is left unpicked in the Nordic forests every year. The challenges of the wild berry utilization are similar in Nordic countries - the logistics of berry picking including traceability, fragmented sector structure as well as the high share of unprocessed raw material in export. The Nordic project focusing on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) "Bilberry: Towards functional food markets" (2007-2009) is a part of the New Nordic Food programme funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. The programme aims to enhance cooperation and innovation among companies that utilize the natural resources in the Nordic countries. The aim of the project is to improve wild berry production and utilization in the Nordic and global market. To achieve this goal a network between the Nordic experts presenting the different fields of the wild berry sector has been established. The project has focused on marketing research, quality issues, biodiversity and traceability of wild berries, especially bilberry. The results of the marketing survey were published in November 2008. The aim of the survey was to generate an overall picture of the companies working with wild berries in Nordic countries and gather information on the existence and willingness of the berry companies to cooperate for instance in wild berry supply, logistics, marketing or research and development


Bær er fargesterke, de er vakre og de smaker godt. I tillegg inneholder bær en rekke forbindelser som har dokumenterte positive effekter på helsen vår. Planter inneholder tusenvis av kjemiske forbindelser. Noen av disse forbindelsene er bare til nytte for planten selv, men mange er også til nytte for oss mennesker. Molte ble for eksempel tidligere brukt som middel mot skjørbruk, lenge før en visste betydningen av C-vitamin. Bær inneholder karbohydrater, syrer, mineraler, aromastoffer og mange ulike forbindelser som vi kaller antioksidanter. Antioksidantene hindrer ødeleggelse av celler og arvestoff i kroppen vår. Det er mange typer antioksidanter i bær; vitamin C, karotenoider, xanthophyll og polyfenoler. Karotenoider og xanthophyll er orange og gule fargestoffer. Polyfenoler er igjen en stor gruppe forbindelser som anthocyaniner (røde fargestoffer), ellagitanniner og ellagin syre. Denne komplekse miksen av ulike antioksidanter gir bærene vakre farger, og for oss som spiser dem en rekke positive effekter på helsen.


The general aim of this thesis was to gain more knowledge on how the sensory profile and fatty acid composition of meat from lambs were affected when lambs were finished on concentrate and roughage or different types of pastures. The different types of pastures were mountain pastures, cultivated pastures, ryegrass pastures and semi-natural pastures. The effect of gender on meat quality was examined as well. To evaluate the effects of these factors, three studies were performed.In the first study (Paper I) the sensory profile and fatty acid composition in meat from lambs slaughtered directly from unimproved mountain pastures was compared with meat from lambs raised on unimproved mountain pastures and fattened on biodiverse cultivated pastures for 26, 39 and 42 days, respectively, before slaughter. This experiment was conducted at two different locations in Norway in 2006 and 2007, with a total of 124 Norwegian White Sheep (NWS) lambs. Loin samples of M. Longissimus dorsi from lambs above a live body weight of 40 kg were selected and analysed for sensory attributes, and fatty acid composition was determined in the subcutaneous fat over the Longissimus dorsi. Significant differences were found in the sensory attributes of hardness, tenderness, fattiness, metallic and rancid flavour, and in the polyunsaturated fatty acid content between the two treatments.The effects of the different production systems on sensory attributes and fatty acid composition were examined in the second study (Paper II). 150 NWS lambs grazed on the same semi-natural lowland pasture with their dams for three months or more. The effect of pre-slaughter fattening on meat quality was compared using a control group of lambs slaughtered directly from the pasture. Four pre-slaughter treatments were established: weaning and indoor-feeding on concentrate and grass silage for either 44 or 24 days before slaughtering (Conc44, Conc24), and grazing on ryegrass pasture for the same periods (Rye44, Rye24). Loin samples of M. Longissimus dorsi including the subcutaneous fat over the muscle from 15 carcasses from each treatment were analysed for sensory attributes and fatty acid composition. A lower intensity of acid taste was observed in meat from lambs in treatment Conc44 compared with meat from lambs in the control treatment. A higher content of the fatty acids C16:0, C18:1n-9 and C18:2n-6 and the n-6/n-3 ratios was related to meat from lambs fed concentrate, while a higher content of the fatty acids C18:0, C18:1t-11 and C18:3n-3 was found in meat from grazing lambs. In the third study (Paper III), the effect of gender and feeding on the fatty acid composition and sensory profile of meat from NWS lambs was investigated. Lambs from the 2006 treatment in Northern Norway in Study I were used in the first experiment including 22 female and 22 male lambs. In addition, all lambs from Study II, including 46 female and 29 male lambs, were used in the second experiment. Loin samples of M. Longissimus dorsi were analyzed for sensory profile and fatty acid composition. All lambs were slaughtered in September. There were no significant differences in sensory profile between lambs in experiment 1, while in experiment 2, meat from male lambs had higher scores for cloying and rancid flavour and lower scores for sour and sweet taste compared to meat from female lambs. The main conclusions from the present study are that finishing lambs on cultivated pastures can alter the sensory profile and fatty acid composition acquired on mountain pastures to a small degree. Finishing lambs indoors on concentrate and roughage can also alter the fatty acid composition in the meat compared to meat from lambs that graze on semi-natural pastures during the summer. The differences in sensory profile between genders in favour of the meat from female lambs indicate that females may be prioritised over males and off-season fresh meat should preferably be produced from female lambs. Furthermore, male lambs should be given the optimum conditions to be prepared for slaughter early in the season thereby reducing the risk of quality problems. Meat from lambs that is not ready for slaughter when gathered from natural and semi-natural pastures in the autumn should be marketed separately.


35 ammekyr av rasen Hereford inngikk i et forsøk hvor man ønsket å studere betydningen av fôringsstrategi i innefôringsperioden på fôrforbruk, fruktbarhet og kalvehelse. Kyrne ble gruppert etter hold ved innsett. Gruppa med høyest hold ble fôret for nedgang med inntil 1,8 holdpoeng i innefôringsperioden, mens gruppa med middels hold ble fôret for nedgang med inntil 1,3 holdpoeng fram til beiteslipp.Fôringsforsøket viste at strategien med å redusere fôrtilgangen for å spare vinterfôr og utnytte kyrnes energireserver til et visst nivå, kan gi tilfredsstillende produksjonsresultater hos både ku og kalv. Av dyrevelferdsmessige årsaker bør en stor del av grovfôrrasjonen bestå av lavenergifôr slik at kyrne får tilfredstilt sitt behov for vomaktivitet og tidsfordriv gjennom hele døgnet.


Forsøk med oppfôring av kopplam etter to ulike strategier viser at produksjon av kopplam med bruk av melkeerstatning og kraftfôr generelt er lite lønnsomt. Det er beregnet et forventet "overskudd" per kopplam på bakgrunn av utgifter til melkeerstatning og kraftfôr de første syv ukene (tabell 1) og utgiftene til kraftfôr i beiteperioden fram til slakt. "Overskuddet" er beregnet til ca 173 kr og 53 kr hhv i 2007 og 2008. Det er i beregningene ikke tatt hensyn til alle utgifter som vaksiner, smokker, flasker, strø og arbeid. Det kan være aktuelt å se på andre former for framfôring som for eksempel en mer moderat tildeling av kraftfôr i beiteperioden (400-500 g per dyr per dag) og eventuelt bruk av annen type beite enn vanlig eng. Mer forskning må til før det er mulig å konkludere med lønnsomheten i norsk kopplamproduksjon.


28 oksekalver av rasen Hereford inngikk i et forsøk med intensiv oppfôring for slakting i en alder av ca 12 måneder i to forsøksledd. Det ble ikke funnet noen forskjeller i produksjonsresultater på kalvene i de to gruppene, men det ble funnet et merforbruk av kraftfôr for den ene gruppen. Det ble konkludert med at intensiv oppfôring av Hereford kalver til slakting når de er ca 1 år gamle er mulig.