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Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en intervjuundersøkelse blant småskala grøntprodusenter i Troms og Finnmark, samt representanter for ulike salgskanaler. Målet var å kartlegge markedsmessige muligheter og utfordringer for småskala grøntproduksjon i landets nordligste fylke. Det er underdekning på potet og grønnsaker i Troms og Finnmark. Produsentmiljøet er lite. For å snu denne utvikling anbefales en satsning på småskalaproduksjon, i tillegg til volumproduksjon. Undersøkelsen viser fremtidstro blant småskala grøntprodusenter, og god markedsadgang. Samtidig opplever produsentene at klimatiske forhold, mangel på produsentnettverk, lange avstander og små markeder, manglende infrastruktur, begrenset innpass i dagligvare, tidspress, lav lønnsomhet og mangel på offentlig støtte skaper utfordringer for næringa. Det er grunn til å anta at særskilte produksjonsmessige (kort vekstsesong og kaldt klima) og markedsmessige (lange avstander og små produsentmiljøer og markeder) som preger landsdelen, gjør utfordringene mer krevende for produsenter i nord enn lenger sør. Rapporten anbefaler at tiltak for å styrke småskala grøntproduksjon i Troms og Finnmark inkluderer å (i) sikre produsentene gode økonomiske betingelser, (ii) tilby veiledning og kurs og (iii) legge til rette for samarbeid og produsentnettverk, spesielt innen markedsføring og salg. Forprosjektet bør følges opp med forskning som blant annet undersøker (i) avlingsvolum og hvilken rolle småskala grøntproduksjon kan spille for regional selvforsyning, (ii) kostnader forbundet med produksjon og salg, samt potensialet for omsetning, (iii) ulike former for produsentsamarbeid og (iv) hvordan nordlig klima påvirker kvaliteten av ulike plantevekster.


Temperature and humidity were measured in 28 vegetable stores and corelated to quality of stored vegetable through two storage seasons. The vegetables swede, carrot and celeriac were grown at one site within each of the four regions in Norway ROG, MID, INN and OSL, respectively. After harvesting, the vegetables were weighed and visually assessed for any injuries or diseases and stored in different stores within the same region as grown. Four bags dug down in four storage bins in each store. Temperature and humidity were logged in each bag as well as on the top of each bin and on wall of the storage. In general, we found significant differences in the storage quality between the different storages as well as between regions. Correlating data on quality with temperature data shows for carrot a tendency to an increase in the proportion of fresh roots and reduction in incidence of tip-rot by an increased average temperature during the first two weeks of storage. This corresponds to results from tested various wound healing treatments. An increase in accumulated temperature during the storage period showed a tendency to increase the emergence of tip-rot and reduce the proportion of fresh roots. For celeriac, the effect of temperature varied between years, possibly due to a large difference in quality in the two test years, and it was difficult to draw any conclusion. In swede, the results suggest that a decrease in temperature in the first two weeks of storage increased the risk of the symptom shown as black veins in the phloem. Nutrient status was found to be a possibly predisposing factor for reduced storage quality in celeriac. Balance of boron (B) to calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) were studied in two sites. Highest incidence of brown spots and lowest proportion of fresh roots following storage was found in celeriac with the lowest Ca/B ratio in leaves, lowest content of Zn in the leaves and roots and lowest soil pH.

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This trial aimed to assess the growth performance of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed novel formulations, evaluate fish welfare status, and determine flesh quality as part of the evaluation of sustainable feeds. A control diet containing fish meal and soy products (CTRL) was compared to: a diet with processed animal proteins (PAP); a diet without PAP (NoPAP); a PAP diet lower in protein (PAP−); and a NoPAP diet higher in protein (NoPAP+). Groups of 50 fish, weighing 58.84 ± 1.39 g (IBW), were allocated to 20 tanks and fed with formulated diets ad libitum over 91 days. Better growth performance was observed after the experiment in fish fed the NoPAP+ diet when compared to other diets. Protein retention was higher in CTRL diets than in PAP and PAP− diets. Protein and phosphorous digestibility were lower in fish fed PAP− diet. Diets did not influence the texture analysis. However, sensory analysis revealed higher acceptance for fish fed the NoPAP diet when compared to the PAP diet. Lysozyme was higher in the NoPAP diet than in other treatments. In addition, long-term predictions using FEEDNETICSTM software suggest some of these alternative formulations may be economically sustainable. Overall, these results support the hypothesis that the new formulations are viable options for trout farming.

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Background and terms of reference Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that escape into the wild could interbreed with native fish, posing a potential risk to the genetic diversity of wild Atlantic salmon populations. The Atlantic salmon in aquaculture are diploid, meaning the fish has two sets of chromosomes. To mitigate the genetic impact on wild populations, the concept of producing sterile triploid farmed Atlantic salmon has been suggested as a solution. However, it is important to ensure that the utilization of triploids in commercial farming aligns with the regulations set forth in the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) requested the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) to do an assessment about health- and welfare consequences in triploid Atlantic salmon under commercial farming conditions, as compared to diploid counterparts. VKM was also requested to describe the underlying physiological mechanisms concerning consequences of triploidy as well as address potential measures to reduce the negative impacts on the health and welfare of the fish. Methods A working group consisting of members with expertise in salmonid biology, aquaculture systems, veterinary medicine, fish health and welfare, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, breeding and genetics has drafted this opinion. To answer the Terms of Reference as mandated by the NFSA, the authors addressed fish health and welfare as a unified concept in this report. Two external experts have reviewed and provided their opinion before it was assessed and approved by the VKM’s Panel on Animal Health and welfare. The literature used in this work was peer-reviewed studies retrieved from a search in four databases as well as non peer-reviewed reports. Selection of studies was conducted independently by two members in the working group and based on predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusions Under commercial farming conditions, triploid Atlantic salmon are often found to have lower standards of health and welfare compared to diploids. For example, field and experimental studies have found triploids to be more prone to skeletal and heart deformities, and cataracts, while field studies suggest that under commercial farming conditions they cope less well with handling and are more susceptible to skin ulcers. However, research has indicated that some of the effects of triploidy can be mitigated through specialized diets or environmental adjustments. There is a noticeable tendency across farm studies and experimental trials for triploid salmon to be equal or larger in size at the end of freshwater phase, but equal or smaller in size at the end of the seawater phase. Most publications conclude that within what is considered the optimal temperature range of diploids, oxygen consumption rate, oxygen binding capacity, and aerobic swimming capacity do not significantly differ between triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon. However, findings from experimental trials suggest a lower optimal temperature range for triploids, and data consistent across studies indicate that triploids possess lower tolerance to hypoxia at elevated temperatures. Triploid Atlantic salmon are less robust to higher water temperatures than diploid, and have other nutritional needs than diploids, especially regarding phosphorus, and histidine. There are few studies on the susceptibility of triploid salmon to infectious agents and diseases. Field observations indicate that triploid fish are more susceptible to primary infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) outbreaks than diploids under commercial farming conditions at the level of the farm, and at cage level within farms that experience an ISA outbreak. A higher susceptibility to the ISA virus would potentially affect not only the health and welfare of the triploid fish at the farm with an outbreak but may potentially spread to other farms. .............

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Åkerbønner er en belgvekst som i hovedsak dyrkes fram til tresking. En kan også høste hele planten som fôrvekst til drøvtyggere, som et alternativ til erter. For å få erfaringer med praktisk dyrking av åkerbønner til fôr på gårdsnivå har NIBIO Særheim, NLR Rogaland og TINE Rådgiving fulgt opp fire gårdsbruk på Jæren i 2022. Målet var å undersøke praktiske utfordringer som feltforsøk ikke fanger opp.

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Virtual fencing systems have emerged as a promising technology for managing the distribution of livestock in extensive grazing environments. This study provides comprehensive documentation of the learning process involving two conditional behavioral mechanisms and the documentation of efficient, effective, and safe animal training for virtual fence applications on nursing Brangus cows. Two hypotheses were examined: (1) animals would learn to avoid restricted zones by increasing their use of containment zones within a virtual fence polygon, and (2) animals would progressively receive fewer audio-electric cues over time and increasingly rely on auditory cues for behavioral modification. Data from GPS coordinates, behavioral metrics derived from the collar data, and cueing events were analyzed to evaluate these hypotheses. The results supported hypothesis 1, revealing that virtual fence activation significantly increased the time spent in containment zones and reduced time in restricted zones compared to when the virtual fence was deactivated. Concurrently, behavioral metrics mirrored these findings, with cows adjusting their daily travel distances, exploration area, and cumulative activity counts in response to the allocation of areas with different virtual fence configurations. Hypothesis 2 was also supported by the results, with a decrease in cueing events over time and increased reliance with animals on audio cueing to avert receiving the mild electric pulse. These outcomes underscore the rapid learning capabilities of groups of nursing cows in responding to virtual fence boundaries.

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Global measures to bring net-zero-carbon and zero-waste emissions are expanding at a rapid pace. Currently, only 16% of the plastic waste from the food industrial sector is reprocessed and recycled, which is way lesser than its accumulation. Several countries have imposed a ban on single-use plastic derived from food and/or beverage industries. All these constraints and challenges have encouraged researchers to find a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based food packaging. The environmentally friendly substitute can be the bio-based polymer material derived from agri-food and marine wastes that connect the waste loop in the current economic model. This waste has the most valuable biopolymer mainly present in the cell wall matrix of plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and algae. All these biopolymers are either accumulated in a landfill or not entirely harvested their high-value compounds as a potential feedstock. Nevertheless, bio-based polymers have better thermos-mechanical properties that can resist various conditions. They comprise superior functional properties when these biopolymers are coupled with other organic compounds such as composite films or multilayer packaging films which enhance the shelf-life of the food. Overall, biopolymers readily react with the soil microbes under specified environmental conditions that can significantly enhance the biodegradability of packaging material. This unique quality is envisaged to solve the existing problems and detrimental effects of synthetic polymer usage in the food industry. In this background, in this chapter, the origin of biopolymers and their potential functionality, mechanical property, and degradability as food packaging materials are discussed. Their current challenges and possible future prospects are also meticulously highlighted.