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Bekjemping av etablerte planteskadegjørere er tidkrevende og kostbart. Forebyggende og systematisk arbeid for å begrense spredningen av farlige skadegjørere kan spare næringa for store summer. Denne veilederen gir oversikt over tiltak som er sentrale for å hindre slik spredning, både inn på eiendommen og mellom ulike skifter. Blant de viktigste tiltakene er godt vekstskifte, god vekst gjennom god agronomi og friskt/rent plantemateriale, og å unngå flytting av infisert jord. En viktig forutsetning for å hindre spredning er å kjenne status for ulike skadegjørere i jorda.

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Alle skadedyr kan utvikle resistens mot kjemiske midler dersom det sprøytes for ensidig og ofte. Dette temaarket gir informasjon om hvordan risikoen for resistens kan reduseres hos de viktigste skadedyrene i vårkorn (bygg, havre og hvete).

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Rhodiola rosea L. (roseroot) is an adaptogen plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. The broad spectrum of biological activity of R. rosea is attributed to its major phenyletanes and phenylpropanoids: rosavin, salidroside, rosin, cinnamyl alcohol, and tyrosol. In this study, we compared the content of phenyletanes and phenylpropanoids in rhizomes of R. rosea from the Norwegian germplasm collection collected in 2004 and in 2017. In general, the content of these bioactive compounds in 2017 was significantly higher than that observed in 2004. The freeze-drying method increased the concentration of all phenyletanes and phenylpropanoids in rhizomes compared with conventional drying at 70 °C. As far as we know, the content of salidroside (51.0 mg g−1) observed in this study is the highest ever detected in Rhodiola spp. Long-term vegetative propagation and high genetic diversity of R. rosea together with the freeze-drying method may have led to the high content of the bioactive compounds observed in the current study.


Pythium species are ubiquitous organisms known to be pathogens to terrestrial plants and marine algae. While several Pythium species (hereafter, Pythium) are described as pathogens to marine red algae, little is known about the pathogenicity of Pythium on marine green algae. A strain of a Pythium was isolated from a taxonomically unresolved filamentous Ulva collected in an intertidal area of Oslo fjord. Its pathogenicity to a euryhaline Ulva intestinalis collected in the same area was subsequently tested under salinities of 0, 15, and 30 parts per thousand (ppt). The Pythium isolate readily infected U. intestinalis and decimated the filaments at 0 ppt. Mycelium survived on U. intestinalis filaments for at least 2 weeks at 15 and 30 ppt, but the infection did not progress. Sporulation was not observed in the infected algal filaments at any salinity. Conversely, Pythium sporulated on infected grass pieces at 0, 15, and 30 ppt. High salinity retarded sporulation, but did not prevent it. Our Pythium isolate produced filamentous non-inflated sporangia. The sexual stage was never observed and phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer suggest this isolate belongs to the clade B2. We conclude that the Pythium found in the Oslo fjord was a pathogen of U. intestinalis under low salinity.


Flere og flere, både offentlige etater og private hageeiere, ønsker å bytte ut kortklipte plener med artsrike blomsterenger. Noen begrunner dette med at ei blomstereng er mindre arbeidskrevende enn en plen fordi den skal slås bare en til to ganger i sesongen. Andre ønsker å legge forholda til rette for pollinerende insekter. Uansett motiv vil ei blomstereng være et nyttig bidrag for å øke mangfoldet av insekter og planter. Pollinerende insekter er avhengige av et stort mangfold av blomster for å sikre seg mat (nektar og pollen) gjennom hele sesongen. Motsatt er plantene avhengige av humler og andre villbier, sommerfugler, biller og blomsterfluer for at de skal kunne formere seg.

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The growing interest in precision livestock farming is prompted by a desire to understand the basic behavioural needs of the animals and optimize the contribution of each animal. The aim of this study was to develop a system that automatically generated individual animal behaviour and localization data in sheep. A sensor-fusion-system tracking individual sheep position and detecting sheep standing/lying behaviour was proposed. The mean error and standard deviation of sheep position performed by the ultra-wideband location system was 0.357 ± 0.254 m, and the sensitivity of the sheep standing and lying detection performed by infrared radiation cameras and three-dimenional computer vision technology were 98.16% and 100%, respectively. The proposed system was able to generate individual animal activity reports and the real-time detection was achieved. The system can increase the convenience for animal behaviour studies and monitoring of animal welfare in the production environment.