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Publikasjonen inneheld samandragsartiklar frå avsluttingsseminaret for det stratgiske instituttprogrammet "Næringsforsyning i økologiske dyrkingssystem med lite husdyrgjødsel". Følgjande emne er presentert:1) Gjødslingsvekster som nitrogenkilde ved dyrking av grønnsaker, 2) Oppsummering av erfaringene med bruk av underkulturer og med bruk av planteavklipp som dekkemateriale ved grønnsakdyrking på Kise 1998-2002, 3) Helhetlige metoder for kontroll av ugras og skadedyr i radkulturer ved hjelp av underkultur og plantavklipp, 4) Forgrøder og organiske gjødselslag som næringskilde til korn, 5) Ettervirkning av frøeng i økologiske omløp, 6) Fosfor- og kaliumeffektivitet i bygg og vårhvete: Forskjeller mellom eldre og nyere sorter, 7) Avlingar og jordeigenskapar gjennom seks års økologisk drift i dyrkingssystema på Planteforsk Landvik, Østre Voll, NLH og Planteforsk Kvithamar, 8) Forsøk med  økologisk plantedyrking uten husdyr i Danmark, 9) Kvalitetsdyrking av økologisk vårhvete etter kløverrik eng i Sverige, 10) Finske forsøk med næringsforsyning i økologiske dyringssystem med lite eller ingen tilførsel av husdyrgjødsel.


Uptake in grass crops of ammonium acetate lactate extractable K (KAL) and reserve K (interlayer K + structural K) in soil was studied in 16 field experiments at different locations on a range of mineral soil types in Norway. The K uptake from soil, both from KAL and reserve K, was considerable, often even at the highest level of K fertiliser. During three years, only on the sandy soils with a low level of acid soluble K (KHNO3 minus KAL) was there a yield response to K fertilisation. The KAL values declined rapidly and flattened off at a "minimum level" which differed with soil type. This minimum level for KAL is a useful parameter in fertiliser planning, because the grass usually took up the K in excess of the minimum level over two years. The minimum value of KAL was significantly correlated with the content of clay + silt in soil. The decrease in KAL during the growing season was closely correlated to the KAL value in spring minus the minimum value and, therefore, the amount of K supplied to the grass from the KAL fraction can be calculated. Furthermore, the KAL value for the following spring may be estimated. The release from reserve K was partially related to acid soluble K.


The Norwegian intensive monitoring programme of forest condition has recorded rainfall, throughfall and soil water data from 1986 at 16 forest plots. Using covariance analysis, this study has examined short term and episodic influences on soil water ionic concentration at three of the plots, and identified both seasonal and long-term temporal trends. Acidity has decreased in bulk precipitation and throughfall, and the concentrations of base cations in the organic soil horizon have increased. Nevertheless, there is evidence of continued acidification in the organic and mineral soil horizons, though of a small scale. The influence of sea salt and drought effects on soil water chemistry are examined, but found to be unimportant in causing acidification effects such as increased soil aluminium concentration.


In the period 1993-1996 an experimental field with application of the pesticides bentazone, MCPA and dichlorprop was carried out at Mørdre in Akershus. Samples of surface and drainage water were continuous collected from the field, which were 6 ha. The field was a part of a larger area grown with small grain. Surface water samples were collected from four small plots with different soil management. Columns from three different soil types were installed in the field, to study the movement of the pesticides in the upper soil layer. Bentazone was the most frequently found pesticide and with the highest concentrations in the surface runoff. MCPA was detected at the lowest frequency and with the lowest concentration. From the periods with water flow measurements, the pesticide runoff was less than 1 % of the amount added. The concentrations in the surface water were less than 1/10000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organisms used in toxicological tests. Bentazone was found in all samples of drainage water in 1995 and 1996. In drainage water the concentrations of all pesticides were less than 1/1000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organism. In the column experiment, there were no indications of accumulation of pesticides in the upper soil layer and the recovery was up to 4 % of added amount one year after the last spraying.