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This study presents a specifically designed Mercury module in a coupled benthic-pelagic reactive-transport model - Bottom RedOx Model (BROM) that allows to study mercury (Hg) biogeochemistry under different conditions. This module considers the transformation of elemental mercury (Hg(0)), divalent mercury (Hg(II)) and methylmercury (MeHg). The behavior of mercury species in the model is interconnected with changes of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, iron oxides, organic matter, and biota. We simulated the transformation and transport of Hg species in the water column and upper sediment layer under five different scenarios, combining various levels of oxygenation and trophic state in the Berre lagoon, a shallow eutrophic lagoon of the French Mediterranean coast subjected to seasonal anoxia. The first scenario represents the conditions in the lagoon that are compared with experimental data. The four other scenarios were produced by varying the biological productivity, using low and high nutrient (N and P) concentrations, and by varying the redox conditions using different intensity of vertical mixing in the water column. The results of the simulation show that both oxidized and reduced sediments can accumulate Hg, but any shifts in redox conditions in bottom water and upper sediment layer lead to the release of Hg species into the water column. Eutrophication and/or restricted vertical mixing lead to reducing conditions and intensify MeHg formation in the sediment with periodic release to the water column. Oxygenation of an anoxic water body can lead to the appearance of Hg species in the water column and uptake by organisms, whereby Hg may enter into the food web. The comparison of studied scenarios shows that a well-oxygenated eutrophic system favors the conditions for Hg species bioaccumulation with a potential adverse effect on the ecosystem. The research is relevant to the UN Minimata convention, EU policies on water, environmental quality standards and Mercury in particular.

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In cold climate regions a significant fraction of annual soil erosion in agricultural land occurs during snowmelt and rain on partially frozen soils. Physically based and spatially distributed soil erosion models have proved to be good tools for understanding the processes occurring at catchment scale during rainfall erosion. However, most existing erosion models do not account for snow in a suitable way. A combination of the UEBGrid snow pack model and the LISEM erosion model was therefore used in this study. The aim was to test and validate this model combination and to assess its utility in relation to quantification and process understanding. Applying this model combination to simulate surface runoff and soil erosion showed that, in principle, it is possible to satisfactorily simulate surface runoff and observed soil erosion patterns during winter. The values for the calibration parameters were similar for the two chosen winter periods when the rainfall and snowmelt episodes occurred. However, the calibration procedure showed that the utility of this combination had several limitations. It is hoped that this study can help to improve existing models and trigger new developments in including snow pack dynamics and soil freezing and thawing in soil erosion models.

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Given the compound differences between tris(2-butoxyethyl)- and tris(2-cloroethyl) phosphate (TBOEP and TCEP, respectively), we hypothesized that exposure of juvenile salmon to TBOEP and TCEP will produce compound-specific differences in uptake and bioaccumulation patterns, resulting in potential formation of OHmetabolites. Juvenile salmon were exposed to waterborne TCEP or TBOEP (0.04, 0.2 and 1 mg/L) for 7 days. The muscle accumulation was measured and bioconcentration factor (BCF) was calculated, showing that TCEP was less accumulative and resistant to metabolism in salmon than TBOEP. Metabolite formations were only detected in TBOEP-exposed fish, showing seven phase I biotransformation metabolites with hydroxylation, ether cleavage or combination of both reactions as important metabolic pathways. In vitro incubation of trout S9 liver fraction with TBOEP was performed showing that the generated metabolite patterns were similar to those found in muscle tissue exposed in vivo. However, another OH-TBOEP isomer and an unidentified metabolite not present in in vivo exposure were observed with the trout S9 incubation. Overall, some of the observed metabolic products were similar to those in a previous in vitro report using human liver microsomes and some metabolites were identified for the first time in the present study. Toxicological analysis indicated that TBOEP produced less effect, although it was taken up faster and accumulated more in fish muscle than TCEP. TCEP produced more severe toxicological responses in multiple fish organs. However, liver biotransformation responses did not parallel the metabolite formation observed in TBOEP-exposed fish.

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Fytinsyre er plantenes fosforlager, finnes i spesielt høyt nivå i korn, og kan finnes i relativt betydelige konsentrasjoner i enkelte typer husdyrgjødsel og jord. Fytinsyre er en inositol-ring (karbon-ring) med seks fosfat (forkortet IP6), og under omdanning blir en og en fosfat-gruppe frigitt (IP6-IP5-IP4-IP3-IP2-IP1-IP) til en til slutt har en ring uten fosfat (IP). Fytinsyre er ikke tilgjengelig for planter og i miljøet er omdanningen av fytinsyre til fosfat (orto.P) - som er den fosforformen som plantene tar opp - en langsom prosess. Fosfat bundet som organisk fosfor i fytinsyre utgjør dermed en ‘fosfor-pool’ som verken er plante- eller algetilgjengelig, men som over tid vil frigjøre fosfat som da blir plante- og algetilgjengelig. Alger kan under visse forhold produsere enzymer som spalter av organisk bundet fosfat, og det antas at edbrytningsproduktene med få fosfatgrupper, IP1 og kanskje IP2, derfor under gitte forhold kan være algetilgjenglig....


The report presents results from monitoring of ten rivers and creeks in the Halden Watershed in the period 1 May 2017 to 1 May 2018. Water samples were collected every 14th day and analysed for total phosphorous (TP) and suspended sediments (SS). Every 28th day the samples were also analysed for dissolved phosphate. Results from previous monitoring in the period May 1th 2012 to May 1th 2017 are found in Greipsland (2015), Greipsland (2016) and Greipsland (2017).