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Two new species of Schistidium are described from Asian Russia. Their distinctness is supported by nrDNA ITS1-2 sequence data. S. austrosibiricum was not previously differentiated from S. sinensi- apocarpum, mainly due to their similarly long and sharply serrate hair-points in stem and perichaetial leaves and papillose dorsal side of costa. However, they differ in leaf size and shape, hair-points flatness and leaf lamina areolation. S. austrosibiricum is known from southernmost mountain areas of Asian Russia, while S. sinensiapocarpum is a widespread circumholarctic montane species. The sec- ond species, S. scabripilum is morphologically similar to S. echinatum, and some specimens were previously referred to it. The main differences between them concern hair-point length and structure, including length of protruding spinulae and their angle with the hair-point axis. However, they belong to different clades in the molecular phylogenetic tree and possess different distribution patterns. S. scabripilum is a northern Asian species, found in the Putorana Plateau, southern Taimyr, Yakutia and Chukotka, while S. echinatum is known from the Alps, Caucasus and Ural mountains, and in western North America. Description, illustrations, distribution and ecological data are provided for the new species, and comparison with similar species is given.

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Schistidium marginale is described as a new species from several European states including Austria, Georgia, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. The species is fully illustrated, its affinities are discussed in detail and its current distribution is mapped. The new species is closely related to S. confertum and S. echinatum from which it differs in having a coarser and thicker costa which is 3–4-stratose in mid-leaf and 4-layered at the base; strongly thickened, 2–4-stratose and (1–)2–5-seriate leaf margins; and a thicker and stiffer leaf hair-point. It clearly belongs to Schistidium Bruch & Schimp. sect. Conferta (Vilh.) Ochyra on account of the distinct 3–6(–7)-seriate basal marginal border of quadrate to short-rectangular, often subhyaline cells with distinctly thickened transverse walls.

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The cyanomorph and photosymbiodemes are here reported for the first time for Ricasolia virens (With.) H.H. Blom & Tønsberg comb. nov. (≡ Lobaria virens (With.) J.R. Laundon). The cyanomorph of R. virens is dendriscocauloid. The observed early developmental stages involve (1) a free-living cyanomorph and (2) a photosymbiodeme composed of the cyanomorph supporting small, foliose, chloromorphic lobes. Whereas the chloromorph continues to grow, the cyanomorph decays and disappears leading to the final stage (3), the free-living chloromorph. Secondary cyanomorphs emerging from the chloromorph are not known.