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The semi-individual tree crown approach (semi-ITC) was used to predict crown base heights (CBH) on the level of single crown segments based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) derived metrics. The root-mean-squared-differences (RMSD) on the segment level were smallest for spruce. However, they were larger than the standard deviation of the measured CBH for pine and birch. The RMSD values were also larger compared to other studies. This can in part be explained by the fact that the semi-ITC approach incorporates errors of the segmentation algorithm. As a consequence, all instead of only correctly identified trees were considered in modeling which results in more realistic RMSD values. After aggregating the individual segment predictions to the plot level, the RMSD values were smaller than the standard deviations of the field measurements and comparable to other studies. The relative RMSD values for birch, spruce, pine and all species were 51.61, 35.22, 49.28, and 13.89%, respectively.


Today the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus is always univoltine in Northern Europe including Norway and completes development from egg to adult between May and August. Further south in Europe, development is bivoltine with the completion of two generations in most years. A temperature-driven developmental model suggests that by 2070-2100 the voltinism of I. typographus will change dramatically in Norway. If summers become only 2.5°C warmer than today bivoltinism can be expected every single year in the major spruce growing areas in S-Norway. This is likely to have dramatic effects on forestry since two generations per year will give two, instead of one, attack periods each summer. In addition to increasing the number of attacked trees the effect of the attacks may also be more severe, as Norway spruce is more susceptible to beetle attacks later in the summer. However, climate change will probably also change the phenology of Norway spruce and thus its susceptibility to attack by I. typographus and its phytopathogenic fungal associates. We are currently modelling how tree resistance varies with temperature and tree phenology in order to provide more well-founded advice to forest managers on the interaction between bark beetles and tree in a future climate.


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In this study we demonstrate how airborne laser scanning (ALS) can be applied to map effective leaf area index (LAI(e)) in a spruce forest, after being calibrated with ground based measurements. In 2003 and 2005, ALS data and field estimates of LAI(e) were acquired in a Norway spruce forest in SE Norway. We used LI-COR's LAI-2000 (R) Plant canopy analyzer ("LAI-2000") and hemispherical images ("HI") for field based estimates of LAI(e). ALS penetration rate calculated from first echoes and from first and last echoes was strongly related to field estimates of LAI(e). We fitted regression models of LAI(e) against the log-transformed inverse of the ALS penetration rate, and in accordance with the Beer-Lambert law this produced a linear, no-intercept relationship. This was particularly the case for the LAI-2000, having R-2 values > 0.9. The strongest relationship was obtained by selecting ALS data from within a circle around each plot with a radius of 0.75 times the tree height. We found a slight difference in the relationship for the two years, which can be attributed to the differences in the ALS acquisition settings. The relationship was valid across four age classes of trees representing different stages of stand development, except in one case with newly regenerated stands which most likely was an artifact. Using LAI(e) based on HI data produced weaker relationships with the ALS data. This was the case even when we simulated LAI-2000 measurements based on the HI data. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Gransnutebiller (Hylobius abietis) er et problem i norsk skogbruk, fordi de gnager bark av unge gran- og furuplanter og forårsaker skader og avgang i foryngelsene de første årene etter hogst. Intensiteten i angrepene varier i rom og tid, men uten bruk av en form for plantebeskyttelse kan avgangen i noen tilfeller bli nær 100 %. Det er derfor standard i norske skogplanteskoler å behandle salgsplanter av gran og furu med et kjemisk snutebillemiddel.....

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Rapporten tar for seg effekten av insekticidene Karate Zeon og Merit Forest på snutebillegnag og planteutvikling hos granplanter. Forskjellige konsentrasjoner av midlene (1, 2 og 3 % bruksløsning) ble testet ved både rothalsbehandling og behandling av hele planten. Disse behandlingene ble foretatt om høsten før kjølelagring av plantene. I tillegg ble behandling av hele planten på våren med 1 % bruksløsning av begge midler testet. Behandlede planter ble satt ut på tre forsøksfelt i Buskerud våren 2007. Avgang og skader ble undersøkt etter én og to sesonger i felt. Det ble ikke observert sviskader, skader på knopper eller problemer med utvikling av toppskuddet etter noen av behandlingene. På grunn av beskjedent snutebilletrykk på alle tre forsøksfelt i perioden (maks 15 % av de ubehandlede kontrollplantene på hvert felt hadde store snutebilleskader) kan vi ikke trekke vidtgående konklusjoner når det gjelder effekten mot snutebiller av de forskjellige behandlingene. Det vi kan trekke ut av materialet er imidlertid 1) at hel behandling av plantene har bedre effekt enn rothalsbehandling, 2) at Merit Forest bør brukes i noe høyere konsentrasjon enn Karate Zeon, 3) at konsentrasjonene bør være høyere enn (laveste) angitte bruksløsning på midlenes etikett.