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I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene fra resultatkontrollen i 2011, som omfatter foryngelseskontroll, kontroll av skogsveger og kontroll av skogbruksplaner. Resultatene fra foryngelseskontrollen er basert på 1 018 foryngelsesfelt. Andelen av arealet der foryngelsesmetoden var planting var i 2011 på 52,9 %. Arealer som forynges ved en kombinasjon av planting og naturlig foryngelse utgjorde 7,7 %, mens såing utgjorde 0,5 % av totalarealet. Areal tilrettelagt for naturlig foryngelse utgjorde 27,6 %. Andelen der det ikke er gjennomført tiltak for å legge til rette for foryngelse var på 11,4 %. Denne andelen har vært noe lavere de to siste årene sammenlignet med nivået sett over tid. Foryngelsesplikten ble vurdert som oppfylt på 86,9 % av arealet der foryngelsesmetoden er planting, og på 69,2 % av arealet som forynges ved en kombinasjon av planting og naturlig foryngelse. Det er imidlertid vurdert å være et behov for oppfølgende tiltak i om lag halvparten av disse arealene, og på en drøy tredjedel av arealet som er tilrettelagt for naturlig foryngelse. På arealer som ikke er tilrettelagt for foryngelse oppgis at over fire femtedeler av arealet har behov for oppfølgende tiltak. Det er kontrollert 158 skogsbilveganlegg i 2011. Resultatkontrollen viser at det i selve godkjenningsprosessen blir gjort få endringer av vegplanene. Dette indikerer at planene er godt gjennomarbeidet før de kommer til formell behandling. Den tekniske og landskapsmessige standarden på ferdigstilte anlegg har over lang tid vært god, og dette er også tilfellet i 2011. Kontroll av skogbruksplanprosjekter omfatter 20 godkjente og avsluttede takstprosjekter. Takstene omfatter et areal på 4,2 millioner dekar fordelt på 3 959 eiendommer, med en gjennomsnittskostnad på 10,4 kroner per dekar. Til sammen utgjør miljøfigurer fra MiSregistreringer et areal på 100 677 dekar.

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Airborne laser scanning data and corresponding field data were acquired from boreal forests in Norway and Sweden, coniferous and broadleaved forests in Germany and tropical pulpwood plantations in Brazil. Treetop positions were extracted using six different algorithms developed in Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, and the accuracy of tree detection and height estimation was assessed. Furthermore, the weaknesses and strengths of the methods under different types of forest were analyzed. The results showed that forest structure strongly affected the performance of all algorithms. Particularly, the success of tree detection was found to be dependent on tree density and clustering. The differences in performance between methods were more pronounced for tree detection than for height estimation. The algorithms showed a slightly better performance in the conditions for which they were developed, while some could be adapted by different parameterization according to training with local data. The results of this study may help guiding the choice of method under different forest types and may be of great value for future refinement of the single-tree detection algorithms.


Fra en fryktet undergang for snart 100 år siden er mengden skog i Norge i dag større enn noen sinne.


Groundwater pollution by agrochemicals, degradation of soil quality and pollution of aquatic ecosystems by agricultural drainage waters have become an issue in the last decades. Flow processes in the vadose zone are closely related to these problems. In general, water flow in soils can be classified into two major categories: uniform and non-uniform (preferential) flow (In: U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics, Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone, 2001, pp.149-187). The former describes a relatively slow movement of water through the porous soil matrix and can be modelled by Richard”s equation. The latter comprises all flow types where water bypasses a portion of the soil matrix and flows through localised (i.e. preferential) paths. Unlike uniform flow, preferential flow is hardly predictable because the assumptions of Richard”s equation of a homogeneous representative elementary volume characterised by a single value of water potential, water content and hydraulic conductivity are frequently violated (Eur J Soil Sci, 2007; 58:523-546)....


A crucial process of the terrestrial carbon cycle is photosynthetic uptake through plants. This may be quantified by calculating the fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (fapar), based on multispectral reflectance properties of the earth surface. The fapar index is available with global coverage from satellite sensors.Here, we combine two satellite missions, SeaWifs on board OrbView2 and MERIS on board Envisat, to produce time series with 10 days resolution for a period of 14 years (19982011) at a spatial resolution of 0.5 latitude x 0.5 longitude. These more than 50000 individual time series represent a huge range of dynamical behavior with respect to variability, periodicities and correlation structure.To characterize differences as a function of spatial location or distance, we employ Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) and Recurrence Network Analysis (RNA). Two strategies are followed. On one hand, RQA and network variables are calculated for individual time series using identical recurrence parameters, and compared to see whether differences between them resemble different climate regimes, biomes, plant functional types or landuse classes. On the other hand, a multivariate extension of RNA will be exploited to see whether networks within networks occur, i.e. whether RNA provides sufficient contrasts to discern different clusters of pixels on the globe.Taken together, the recurrence analysis might lead to a new classification of the terrestrial biosphere which in turn can be compared to existing partitioning based on climate and/or vegetation properties. A number of technical issues will be addressed as well, such as the impact of the finite length of the series (504 values each), the necessity to gapfill parts of the data, the stability of network variables against changes in the recurrence parameters, or the computational challenges involved in the multinetwork analysis of many series. http://dames.pik-potsdam.de/Abstracts.pdf


Our aim is to investigate the temporal dynamics of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR) on a global scale and its relation to the main meteorological variables across space. We focus on complex patterns in time, which are neither regular (trend and seasonality) nor random (noise), but somewhere in between. We quantify complexity and information content or entropy using methods from order statistics and complexity sciences.Time series with high entropy are difficult to predict, whereas time series with high complexity are difficult to describe. This leads to a spatially explicit characterization of complex patterns in a very sensitive way. We use FAPAR observations (SeaWiFS and MERIS, 1998 to 2012) along with gridded global surface air temperature, precipitation and shortwave radiation.All these time series are explored on a pixelbypixel basis and clustered according to a very recent classification system of the land surface. In addition, we quantify the time reversal asymmetry of these data. We compare environmental time series with data from a stochastic candidate process temporally symmetric and long range correlated artificial knoise.Results were plotted in the ComplexityversusEntropy plane (CH plane), showing the particular footprint of each variable in a very sensitive way. Visualized in world maps, results revealed unexpected complex pattern in some dry regions, in particular on pixels surrounding deserts and in eastern Sahara. In this respect, the results provide a new classification of the climate and the biosphere. http://dames.pik-potsdam.de/Abstracts.pdf


We calculate entropy and complexity of runoff time series and artificially generated series with long-range correlations. Entropy and complexity of data series may be represented against each other in a two-dimensional diagram which we will refer to as Complexity-Entropy Causality Plane, or CECP. We use a recently developed framework for these two indicators based on order statistics. It is well-known that runoff, as all other environmental time series actually measured, is a mixture of deterministic (signal) and stochastic (noise) parts, the latter due to noise inherent in the measurement process and externally induced by natural processes. The distinction between signal and noise is notoriously difficult and subject to much debate. In our approach, the observed series are compared to purely stochastic but long-range correlated processes, the k noise, where k is a parameter determining the strength of the correlations. Although these processes resemble runoff series in their correlation behavior and may be even tuned to any runoff series by changing the value of k, the CECP locations and in particular the order pattern statistics reveals qualitative differences between runoff and k noise. We use these differences to conclude on the deterministic nature of the (short-term) dynamics of the runoff time series. The proposed methodology also represents a stringent test bed for hydrological models.


Norske regnskogmilliarder fordrer dokumentasjon av karbonbinding og avskoging. Nye satellittovervåkingsmetoder kan bistå mottakerlandene, mener kronikkforfatterne.


Aktuelle skogskjøtseltiltak er vurdert med hensyn på effekten på karbonlagring og karbonopptak i Akershus. Analysene er basert på areal- og skogdata fra Landsskogtakseringen, og prognoser som framskriver skogtilstanden med hensyn på volum, tilvekst og biomasse i en hundreårsperiode ut fra definerte forutsetninger om skogbehandling. Vurderte tiltak er økt plantetetthet, endret avvirkningsnivå og økt omløpstid, tynning, uttak av hogstavfall til energiformål, og gjødsling. I tillegg er andre aktuelle tiltak kort omtalt. Det har i hele perioden 1920-1999 vært en økning i stående volum i Akershus, med totalt stående volum i Akershus på 31,9 mill. m3, og årlig tilvekst på nærmere 1,3 mill. m3 i siste fylkestakst (1999). Omregnet til CO2-ekvivalenter utgjør den levende trebiomassen i skog 54,5 mill. tonn, mens årlig brutto tilvekst er på nærmere 1,9 mill. tonn CO2. Hovedeffektene av ulike skjøtselstiltak er sammenstilt i tabellen under. Disse viser at det gjennom økt fokus på en klimarettet skogskjøtsel vil være mulig å øke CO2-bindingen i skogen i vesentlig grad. Gjennom høsting av hogstavfall og økt tynning og gjødsling er det rom for å ta ut et større energipotensiale fra skogen enn det som utnyttes i dag. Tiltak som øker skogproduksjonen vil på sikt kunne gi grunnlag for substitusjonseffekter utover dette, men slike effekter har vi ikke vurdert spesifikt her....