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Kompetansenettverket hjelper deg! Små matbedrifter og små reiselivsbedrifter med tilknytning til landbruket (færre enn 10 ansatte) kan få tilbud via det Nordnorske Kompetansenettverket for småskala matproduksjon for å lykkes med videre utvikling og verdiskaping. Kompetansenettverket er et landsdekkende tilbud. Gjennom kontakt med ditt lokale nettverk får du tilgang til kompetanse innen mat over hele landet.


Advantages:•Better animal welfare •Better utilization of local wood resources, preserve open landscape •Easy to combine with bio energy production •Flexible buildings, economy? •Local added value Challenges:•Optimise composting process •Manurial value •Competence •Effective production of woodchips


Roundwood timber is raw material for numerous products. Wood based products are generally recognised as favourable regarding energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Several studies have shown that the net CO2 emissions can be reduced by using biofuels harvested from forests to substitute fossil fuels, and by using wood for building materials. Energy use and GHG emissions associated with producing roundwood can be influenced by a broad range of factors, such as silvicultural practice, topography, applied technology, forestland ownership, industrial structure, etc. This emphasizes the importance of using representative data for energy use and GHG emissions when calculating environmental impacts. The aim of this study was to investigate the embodied energy and life cycle GHG emissions of industrial softwood sawlogs in Norway, covering the production chain from tree seed to log yard. Analyses were based on activity data for the Norwegian forest sector for the year 2007. The results showed that the embodied energy and GHG emissions were low compared with the energy and CO2-equivalents stored in the roundwood (about 2%). The findings from this study can be used to inform future decisions on processes in forestry that should be focused on when planning actions to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. Additionally, as roundwood timber is raw material for numerous products the results can be useful when preparing documentation of environmental impacts, such as environmental product declarations, which are increasingly demanded by the market.



The study aims to estimate the effects on the sheep farm economy of reducing grazing levels necessitated due to possible overgrazing by sheep on two important mountainous range pastures in southwest Norway. The pasture range in Setesdal Vesthei is grazed by sheep from distant farms located at Jæren (south of Stavanger), while south-western Hardangervidda is grazed by sheep from local farms and distant farms located along the coast. Farmers utilizing the pasture areas combine sheep with dairy cows, off farm work or businesses, while the local farms combine it with orchards. A Linear Programming (LP) model for specialized sheep farms based on farm records has been developed to study effects of reaching various grazing capacity levels. Reducing the number of sheep in Setesdal Vesthei by 10 percent would lower farm income per breeding stock animal with € 15 to € 119 and with € 35 to € 211 for Hardangervidda. The decrease in annual income will range from € 15,00 to € 119,00 in total for the farms using Setesdal Vesthei. The economic effects depend much on meat production per ewe. Replacing unilateral sheep grazing with a mixed system involving suckling goats and heifers is discussed to deal with the problems of encroachment and increasing elevation of the alpine tree-line.

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Økt pris og mindre tilgang på flis har ført til økende interesse for å bruke torv som strø til husdyr. Torv er et godt strømateriale i følge litteratur og i følge mange husdyrholdere som har gjort egne erfaringer. En viktig fordel med torv er at etterbruken blir enklere. Dette fordi torvblandet gjødsel egner seg mye bedre som plantenæring enn flisblandet gjødsel. For deg som ønsker å prøve torvstrø, er det viktig å ta hensyn til at torv har andre egenskaper enn flis, og at dette har konsekvenser for hvordan strøet skal brukes. Riktig brukt skal torv gi et mykt og tørt underlag som dyra trives på.


This paper presents a simple system for efficient regulation under asymmetric information. Each firm’s income is controlled by a tax that depends on the firm’s own output and on a parameter construed as a share permit. These "shares of total expected output" lower a firm’s tax burden and are acquired in a competitive market. By employing this scheme, the planner only requires knowledge of marginal damage to induce the first-best outcome. Relative to a traditional cap-and-trade approach the system increases expected social welfare. If incentives for strategic behavior in the market exist, their impact may be scaled down.