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Despite the fact that creosote mainly consists of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), more polar compounds like phenolics, benzenes and N-, S-, O-heterocyclics dominate the groundwater downstream from creosote-contaminated sites. In this study, bioassay-directed fractionation, combined with fullscan GC-MS, identified organic toxicants in creosote-contaminated groundwater. An organic extract of creosote-contaminated groundwater was fractionised on a polar silica column using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the toxicity of the fractions was measured by the Microtox®-bioassay. PAHs, which comprise up to 85% of pure creosote, accounted for only about 13% of total toxicity in the creosote-contaminated groundwater, while methylated benzenes, phenolics and N-heterocyclics accounted for ca. 80% of the measured toxicity. The fraction containing alkylated quinolines was the most toxic single fraction, accounting for 26% of the total measured toxicity. The results imply that focus on PAHs may underestimate risks associated with creosote-contaminated groundwater, and that environmental risk assessment should focus to a higher degree on substituted PAHs and phenolics because they are more toxic than the unsubstituted ones. Additionally, benzenes and N-heterocyclics (e.g. alkylated quinolines) should be assessed.


Deponering i strandkantdeponi er en av flere mulige tiltak for å redusere miljøvirkninger av forurensete sedimenter. Valg av riktige filtermaterialer til bruk i permeable barrierer er viktig for å redusere spredningen fra slike deponier. Forskningsresultater viser at spredningen av tributyltinn (TBT) fra strandkantdeponier kan reduseres ved riktig sammensetning av filtermaterialer i slike barrierer. Her gis en kort oppsummering av forskning som er gjennomført ved Bioforsk Jord og miljø for å forbedre tiltaksløsninger og kost-nytte vurderinger ved deponering av forurensede sedimenter i strandkantdeponier.


Gjennom forprosjektet har det blitt gjort innledende prøvetaking for å dokumenter hvorvidt punktutslipp fra veksthus kan gi problematiske konsentrasjoner av plantevernmidler i vassdrag nedstrøms veksthusanleggene