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Denne rapporten er laget på bakgrunn av arbeid med prosjektet "Reduced pesticide loads and risks in cropping systems (REDUCE)". Hensikten har vært å studere endringer i risikoen for utvasking av plantevernmidler og fosfor som følge av jordart og forskjellig driftsform. Uforstyrra jordsøyler ble tatt ut på fire ulike lokaliteter to påfølgende år, på høsten 2008 og på høsten 2009.


The efficiency of different organic waste material as NPK fertilizer and risk for leaching losses related to shower precipitation in the first part of the growing season was testet in a pot experiment on a sandy soil in green house. Six organic fertilizers were evaluated: liquid anaerobic digestate (LAD) of source separated household waste, nitrified liquid anaerobic digestate (NLAD) of same origin as LAD, meat and bone meal (MBM), hydrolysed salmon protein (HSP), reactor composted catering waste (CW) and cattle manure (CM). Unfertilized control, calcium nitrate (CN) and compound fertilizer, Fullgjødsel® 21-4-10 were used as reference fertilizers. Two levels of N-fertilization were applied: 80 kg N ha-1 and 160 kg N ha-1. The amount of fertilizer applied was based on content of mineral N for LAD, NLAD, CN and Fullgjødsel, while Kjeldahl-N content was used for dosage of MBM, HSP, CW and CM. At Zadoks 14 the pots were given a surplus of 28 mm water, as a simulated shower precipitation, and leached water was collected and analyzed for content of N and P. LAD and Fullgjødsel® gave equal yield of barley and uptake of N, P, and K in barley grain, when equal amounts of mineral nitrogen were applied. NLAD gave significantly lower barley yield than the original LAD due to leaching of nitrate-N after simulated surplus of 28 mm precipitation at Zadoks 14. CW also gave yield of barley grain similar to Fullgjødsel®, but significantly less yield of straw. The nutrient content in the different organic fertilizers caused different yield limiting effects. MBM showed K deficiency and had equally small K uptake as CN. Cattle manure had only a small portion of mineral N, and low uptake of N. NLAD had low uptake of P compared to LAD, which also was related to smaller amount of P applied in NLAD. The was significant increased leaching of nitrate N from the treatments receiving 160 kg N ha-1 of CN and NLAD compared to all the other organic fertilizers. It was found significant increased leaching of NH4-N at LAD with 160 kg N ha-1 compared to the other treatments, but the amount of leached NH4-N was very small compared to the nitrate-N leaching for the CN and NLAD treatments. Although the LAD treatment received less P than the CM treatment, the highest P-leaching was found for the LAD treatment. A relatively high proportion of the leached P was PO4-P for the LAD treatment receiving 160 kg N ha-1. CM and CW also had significantly higher P leaching than the other organic fertilizers at 160 kg N ha-1, while most of the treatments had very small P losses and not significantly higher than the unfertilized control. This study showed that liquid anaerobic digestate (LAD) was equally good as NPK fertilizer to barley when equal amounts of mineral N were applied. Liquid anaerobic digestate made of source separated household waste can be recommended as fertilizer to cereals. Nitrification of the ammonium N in the digestate caused significantly increased nitrate leaching, and can not be recommended. The composted catering (CW) and hydrolysed salmon protein (HSP) also showed good fertilizer effect, but these fertilizers had not optimal NPK composition and had lower K content than the crop demand. In these materials are used as fertilizers additional K should be applied in order to obtain normal yields.


JOVA-programmet omfatter lange tidsserier med kontinuerlig overvåkning av næringsstoffavrenning fra små jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt. Denne overvåkningen bidrar til å kvantifisere tilførsel av nitrogen og fosfor fra forskjellige driftsformer og til en viss grad klima. Ved implementering av vannforskriften som oppfølging av EUs rammedirektiv for vann, kan JOVA danne et viktig grunnlag for tiltaksanalyser som gjennomføres.


Resultatene fra Program for jord- og vannovervåking (JOVA) viser at næringsstofftapene har økt i flere felt gjennom overvåkingsperioden, på tross av omfattende tiltaksgjennomføring. På Østlandet har det i overvåkingsperioden vært en stor reduksjon i arealet som høstpløyes, men de siste årene har til gjengjeld arealet med høstharving økt forholdsvis mye. I felt med mye husdyr gjødsles det godt over anbefalte verdier, dette gjelder spesielt i felt der husdyrtallet har økt de senere årene. De fleste plantevernmidler som brukes i dag og som det analyseres for, gjenfinnes i vannmiljøet. De høyeste konsentrasjonene påvises ved nedbør kort tid etter sprøyting.