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Sigevannet ved HRA ble i 2006 overvåket ved å ta stikkprøver før og etter rensing. Renseanlegget omfatter luftet lagune og sedimentering. I tillegg ble det tatt prøver av grunnvannet i 4 brønner. Brønn B6 nedstrøms er blitt ødelagt pga. isspregning. Rensingen av sigevann har vært god i 2006, med følgende rensegrader; 93 % for KOF, 50 % for Tot-N, 70 % for NH4-N og 95 % for Fe, til tross for en tilsynelatende betydelig økning i konsentrasjonene. Basert på totalavrenningen utgjør utslippet med sigevann om lag 80 t KOF, 4 t Tot-N og 700 kg Fe. Organiske miljøgifter analysert i 2006 omfatter fenoler, metylfenoler, klorfenoler og BTEX. Innholdet i renset sigevann er lavt. Sigevannet som slippes ut til infiltrering i grunnvann, har høye nivåer av N, Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr og Ni. Grunnvannet under deponiet har forhøyde nivåer av Mn, Cu.

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Pesticide losses to the environment are unwanted due to possible environmental and health hazards. An experimental wetland is established to study the efficiency with respect to retention of sediments, nutrients and pesticides. Pesticides were applied on an arable soil plot in the watershed. Statistical analyses were carried out on three selected pesticides; propachlor, metalaxyl and chlorfenvinfoss. All pesticides were found in the experimental wetland, with peak concenttrations shortly after spraying. In 2003 pesticide retention varied from 11% to 42% and in 2004 retention varied from 19% to 56 %. Comparing eight different wetland filters, we found that L6 and L8, with flagstones and straw, respectively, had a higher total pesticide retention than a standard Norwegian wetland (L4). When the compounds were treated separately, however, the picture was different. Statistical analyses showed that the treatments were signficantly different from zero in six of the wetlands for remowal of propachlor, for removal of metalaxyl none were significantly different, and for removal of chlorfenvinphos four treatments were significantly different. For the three compounds none of the relative treatments were significantly different from L4. Chemical properties of the pesticides could explain some of the behaviour in the watershed and in the wetland.


Since the formation of the International Herbage Seed Group (IHSG, formerly IHSPRG) in 1978, International Herbage Seed Conferences have been organized, mostly at four year intervals. The Sixth Conference was held at Gjennestad Horticultural College in Vestfold, Norway, from 18 to 20 June 2007. As for other IHSG activities, the objective of the conference was ‘to encourage cooperation and communication between workers actively engaged in herbage seed production research’. About 80 delegates from 20 countries attended the conference. Four invited and almost sixty voluntary papers were presented, either orally or as posters. The topics were split into the following sessions: 1. Opening session with overview over herbage seed production and seed trade, world wide. 2. Herbage seed for the future: Biodiversity, GMOs and the role of seed yield capacity in herbage breeding programs. 3. Seed production of tropical species and species for stressful environments. 4. Physiological restraints to seed set and seed filling. 5. Establishing the potential for high and pure seed yields. 6. Fertility, plant growth regulators, and plant protection. 7. Statistical methods, seed harvest, and post-harvest issues.


Pesticides in Norwegian ground water have been monitored since 1995. Here we report data including 2004. The monitoring has focused on shallow groundwater near agricultural fields (4 locations), farm wells (22 locations) and on public water works (38 locations), 450 samples were analyzed for a total of 62 pesticide compounds and metabolites, and the result was 514 detections of single compounds. Altogether 27 pesticides and metabolites were detected; 2 insecticides, 9 fungicides and 16 herbicides. Herbicides were most frequently detected (in 79% of the samples), followed by fungicides (20%) and insecticides (1%). Pesticide concentration was generally low, although high concentrations also occurred, for example 33 "g/l of metribuzine in shallow ground water near agricultural fields, and 20 "g/l of bentazon in a farm well. Some water soluble pesticides occurred both frequently and with relatively high concentrations in shallow ground water near agricultural fields. The results show that local ground water near farms is vulnerable for contamination of pesticides and needs further monitoring. Efforts should be made to minimize contamination of wells in farming areas through education on pesticide use, monitoring and well positioning. Few pesticides were detected in ground water from water works and the concentrations were low. Monitoring of water works ended in 2002. The data show that there is a continuous need to monitor pesticides as well as selected metabolites in shallow ground water and wells near agricultural fields in Norway.


Bioforsk jord og miljø avslutter nå et strategisk program Binding og mobilisering av organiske miljøproblemstoffer som har pågått siden 2001. Det første året ble det tatt sigevannsprøver fra en kommunal fylling. Ved en fullscreening-analyse ble det påvist stoffer som en tradisjonelt ikke har tenkt på som miljøproblem-legemidler og luktstoffer brukt i mange personlige hygiene- og husholdningsprodukter


Oversvømmelse av jordbruksarealer på grunn av flom i store vassdrag kan medføre avlingstap eller kraftig avlingsforringelse. På sikt er det et større problem når topplag og undergrunnsjord blir vasket vekk når for eksempel flomverk svikter, og store mengder sand sedimenteres på produktive jordbruksområder. Å bygge opp nytt jordsmonn med gode fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper er en stor utfordring, og det kan ta tid før den nye jorda gir normale avlinger. I denne artikkelen gir vi en oversikt over erfaringene som ble gjort etter flommen i Glomma og Gudbrandsdalslågen i 1995


The control of Alopecurus geniculatus, Poa annua and Poa trivialis using iodosulfuron (Hussar/Hussar OD) was investigated in field experiments in the seed harvest year in timothy (Phleum pratense), and in the sowing year and seed harvest year in smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) and red fescue (Festuca rubra). Iodosulfuron (10 g a.i. ha-1) usually had good effect on Poa trivialis and Alopecurus geniculatus. As for Poa annua the effect on seed contamination was better than on weed coverage in the field. Early application improved weed control in the seed harvest years, and iodosulfuron was shown to perform well at low temperatures. The herbicide often delayed timothy development, but caused seed yield reduction only in two out of eight experiments, both with moist soil at treatment. The visual damage increased with increasing rates and use of additives (alcoholetoxylate or rape oil). A questionnaire investigation among timothy growers in 2004 showed that farmers using Hussar had 43% lower contamination of P. trivialis in cleaned seed yield and 20% lower yield than the farmers not using Hussar. In some trials in timothy and smooth meadow-grass, the new formulation Hussar OD gave slightly more damage than the old formulation Hussar. While well-established timothy crops seem to tolerate some visual damage without seed yield reduction, the risk of yield reduction in first year crops can usually be avoided by splitting the application into 5 g a.i. ha-1 at 14 days intervals. In smooth meadow-grass and red fescue established without cover crop, repeated applications of 5 g a.i. ha-1 in the sowing year resulted in better control of P. annua and significant seed yield improvements compared to application only in the seed harvest year. Both Hussar and Hussar OD have off-label approvals for members of the Norwegian Seed Growers Association.