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Phosphorus (P) should be recycled from organic wastes as much as possible, and input is needed in stockless organic agriculture. Seven organic residues were assessed and compared them to mineral P fertilizer and rock phosphate as fertilizer for barley. P availability in the mixtures and residual P availability were also assessed by diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). The best availability was found in digested liquid manure followed by wood ash, fish sludge, composted solid manure and composted food waste. Meat and bone meal, the commercially available product Ladybug plus and rock phosphate had low P availability at the same level as no P. Only wood ash had significant P available for the next crop. The pH level of the soil did not affect P availability for any of the P sources. DGT predicted P availability moderately well, as it measures P supply over a short period without any biological factors.

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Exposure to sunshine is known to play a role in litter decomposition in some semi-arid areas. The aim of this study was to find out if it also plays a role in higher latitude environments in peat litter decomposition and could contribute to an explanation to the patchy nature of peat litter decomposition. Peat litter from 5 microenvironments (top of slope, bottom of slope, ridge, ryam and hollow) and put out and exposed to the sun or shaded over a summer in Western Siberia, 26 km west of the town of Khanty-Mansiysk. Afterwards the peat litter was incubated in the laboratory - at field capacity or submerged in peat water - and CO2 and methane emission measured. Chemical composition of exposed and control peat litter was also investigated using stepwise extraction. The results indicate that exposure to sunlight does increase subsequent decomposition rate in most peat litters when incubated at field capacity, but the difference between the treatments levelled off at the end of the 2 weeks incubation in most peat litter types. The total extra carbon loss was calculated to be up to about 2 mg C m− 2 over a season. When incubated submerged previous photo-exposure had less effect on CO2 evolution then when incubated at field capacity. No methane emission was recorded in any treatment. Some differences in chemical composition between exposed and shaded peat litters were found that could help explain the differences in subsequent decomposition rate. The results indicate that photodegradation could play a role in peat litter decomposition at higher latitudes when peat is disturbed and exposed to sunshine. However, the effect of photo-exposure in these areas is much smaller than observed in semi-arid areas at lower latitudes.

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Extensive green roofs have become a frequently used option for stormwater retention across manydifferent climates including cold and wet regions. Despite the extensive documentation of green rooftechnology for stormwater management, the knowledge about their function and potential use in wetand cold regions is deficient. Using historic data on daily temperature and precipitation in a green roofwater balance model coupled with the Oudin model of evapotranspiration (ET), we evaluated the effects ofmaximum green roof storage capacities (Smax) and ET on stormwater retention along climatic gradientsin Northern Europe. Large differences in potential annual stormwater retention were found betweenlocations, driven by differences in temperature and precipitation amounts. Highest retention in abso-lute values was found for the wettest locations, while the warmest and driest locations showed highestretention in percentage of annual precipitation (up to 58% compared to 17% for the lower range). Alllocations showed a considerable retention of stormwater during summer, ranging from 52% to 91%. Stor-age capacities accepting drought conditions once every 3.3–3.9 year were found to be about 25 mm inthe cold and wet locations increasing to 40–50 mm in the warmer and drier locations. Correspondingstorage capacities to prevent wilting of non-succulent vegetation was on average a factor of 1.5 larger(not including Sheffield and Malmö). Annual retention increased both with an increase in plant wateruse (specific crop factors, Kc) and with an increase in Smax, but was found to be more sensitive to changesin Kcthan to changes in Smax. Hence, ET was the limiting factor for green roof retention capacity in thecold and wet locations, but relatively large changes in evapotranspiration would be needed to have animpact on retention. The potential to use vegetation with higher water use to better restore the storagecapacity between storm-events in these regions was however limited by the risk of permanent wilting ofnon-succulent vegetation, even on the wettest locations. A considerable increase in roof storage capacityand substrate thickness would be required to reduce this risk; still the increase in stormwater retentionwould be marginal.

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Nitrogen-limited ecosystems are threatened by extensive spread of broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link), a European leguminous shrub that is invasive in several countries. The establishment of invading species may, however, be suppressed by competition from native vegetation. The neighbor impact of the grass Festuca rubra subsp. commutata Gaudin on the performance of C. scoparius was studied in a greenhouse experiment with different arrival order, under low and high nitrogen supply, and with or without inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Aboveground biomass of both species was measured after a six-months establishment period, and after a five-months regrowth period. In both periods, presence of F. rubra reduced the performance of C. scoparius as indicated by negative neighbor-effect intensity indices (NIntA). During the establishment period the competitive impact of F. rubra was highest, when planted before C. scoparius, followed by synchronous and late planting. Inoculation with rhizobia and low fertilization decreased the competitive impact of F. rubra. After cutting and regrowth priority effects of F. rubra were still visible. Interaction between the two study species was not affected anymore by inoculation, but strongly by fertilization, with highest competitive impact of F. rubra on C. scoparius under high nitrogen fertilization. In both study periods biomass of C. scoparius was negatively correlated with biomass of F. rubra. Our study provides knowledge about competition processes, which help to improve conservation and restoration measures regarding the spread of C. scoparius. Early sowing of a native grass can help to suppress the invasive species at an early stage. Competitive impact of the grass might be strengthened by high nitrogen availability.

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Grønne tak demper og fordrøyer avrenning etter nedbør og er etablert som et tiltak for lokal overvannsdisponering. I prosjektet Fremtidens Byer, ble det i 2014 etablert forsøkstak med utprøving av ulike tekniske løsninger og vegetasjon i flere norske byer. I denne rapporten følger vi opp utviklingen på disse takene med analyser og vurderinger av vegetasjonen 4 vekstsesonger etter oppstart......

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(Forord) Denne veilederen er et resultat av et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom NIBIO og Fylkesmennene i Akershus, Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold, Hedmark og Nord-Trøndelag. Dette er fylker med mye bakkeplanering, og fylkesmennene deltar derfor også med finansiering. Prosjektet startet med et idemøte med deltakere fra fylkesmenn, veiledningstjenesten, entreprenører og andre statlige etater med interesser innen bakkeplanering...