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Vi har sju norske storferaser og seks av disse har så små populasjoner at de regnes som truet. Norsk genressurssenter har det siste året tatt et krafttak for å få et fullstendig manntall over disse seks rasene ved å oppgradere slektskapsdatabasen Kuregisteret i samarbeid med Geomatikkseksjonen ved Skog og landskap. Men hva er egentlig en norsk storferase?


Mål og metode: I denne rapporten for Agder presenteres materiale som er samlet inn i forbindelse med etableringen av et arealregnskap for Norge med basis i en nasjonal utvalgsundersøkelse av arealdekket. Materialet omfatter 52 utvalgsflater lagt systematisk ut over de to fylkene. Disse flatene utgjør en liten, men likevel statistisk forventningsrett utvalgsundersøkelse av arealdekket. Spesielt vil materialet gi opplysninger om utmarka som utfyller registerdata og data fra andre undersøkelser. For arealtyper med mindre arealdekning enn 5 % vil usikkerheten være stor.....


The coastal heath region along the western coast of Norway, dominated by Calluna vulgaris, is undergoing rapid change. Vegetation changes are caused by changes in management, including reduced frequency or abandonment of periodic heath burning and reduced cutting and grazing. The islands of Froan, in the outermost part of Sør-Trøndelag County in mid-western Norway, are dominated by coastal heath in a state of recession due to reduced traditional land use. The coastal heath is acknowledged as vulnerable and valuable by national environmental authorities, and local landscape management is supported by different national subsidies. The authors mapped the vegetation on Froan and used rule-based GIS-modelling to predict the relative potential for future vegetation changes. The model was based on a range of map layers, including management themes such as history of heath burning and peat removal, current practices of sheep grazing, and also themes derived from the vegetation map, such as soil nutrients, soil moisture and present management status. The resulting model output provides relative probabilities of future changes under different land-use scenarios, and highlights where management efforts should be focused in order to maintain the traditional landscape character.


The conference «Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Vegetation and Landscapes» took place in Hveragerði, Iceland from the 16th to the 18th of September 2009. The 105 participants from 15 countries contributed with 50 oral presentations and 19 posters. This special edition of «Viten», published by the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, presents the conference proceedings, containing 32 articles and 13 posters. We wish to thank the participants for their contributions to both the conference and this report! .....

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Our primary mission is to create an office in Juba with the necessary knowledge, computer equipment, GIS-software and the necessary satellite images. The office and its employees are going to be the independent land cover mapping authority in Southern Sudan. 4 persons from Norwegian Forest and Landscape institute had totally 11 stays in Juba in 2008. Our main task this year was to establish the office with equipment and expertise. The competence of the employees proved to vary a lot and in many cases to be inadequate. We started the transfer of knowledge on a very basic and simple level. The first year was celebrated by making a simple map showing the location of the known Forest Reserves in Southern Sudan at that time. The office had produced their first official map.

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The primary mission of the project is to create a Land Resource Survey and Information Centre in Juba with the necessary knowledge, computer equipment, GIS-software and the satellite images to map and monitor land resources. The office and its employees will be the independent land cover mapping authority in Southern Sudan. The Norwegian role is to support capacity building in the institution. The actual survey, mapping and monitoring activities should be carried out by the institution itself. The project was a continuation of work started in 2008. In 2009, more advanced training in GPS, digital mapping, remote sensing and production was carried out and a forest inventory was started. The office was upgraded with an installation of a battery backup system witch provide power enough to run the office for 3-5 hours in case of no electricity. A network of contacts with other relevant activities in South-Sudan was also established. The first land cover map produced by the office, covering the area between Yei and Juba, was produced based on interpretation in satellite images and verification in the field. The map “Forest reserves in Sothern Sudan” was upgraded to show the known forest reserves included as polygons with their actual shape and size.


Vegetasjonskart gjev eit bilete av den mosaikken av vegetasjonstypar som det naturlege plantedekket består av. Ein vegetasjonstype er ei karakteristisk samling planteartar som vil gå att på lokalitetar med like veksetilhøve. Ei oversikt over utbreiinga av vegetasjonstypar gjev oss på denne måten informasjon også om variasjonen i økologiske faktorar (klima, næring og vatn i jorda, snødekke og kulturpåverknad) i eit område. I tillegg kan kvar vegetasjonstype tilleggast eigenskapar med omsyn til ulik ressursutnytting og bruk (beite, slitestyrke for ferdsel, artsmangfald m.m.)....