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Avlingsnivået i økologisk dyrka eng er avhengig av ytre vekstfaktorar som jord og vêr, både om vinteren og i vekstsesongen. Vidare er botanisk samansetjing i enga, særleg innhald av kløver, gjødslingsnivå, alder på enga og tal slåttar viktig. Avlingskvaliteten er i stor grad påverka av dei same faktorane. Tidleg førsteslått, hyppig slått og høg andel kløver gir høg fôrverdi, høgt proteininnhald og høg proteinavling.


Kløverinnslaget er viktig for avlingsmengd og proteininnhald i økologisk dyrka eng. Kløver har også høg fordøyelegheit. Kyr et gjerne kløver og har høgare fôropptak og mjølkeproduksjon når surfôret er kløverrikt. På grunn av høgt proteininnhald i kløver, kan proteinutnyttinga i mjølkeproduksjonen gå ned med aukande innslag av kløver i rasjonen.

Til dokument


Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conservation can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate if the standard recommendations for supplementation can be revised and adapted for organically managed dairy cows, on the basis of that the diets differ from those in conventional systems. A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the response to Vitamin E supplementation considering lactation and gestation stage and the composition of the basal diet. Most of the experiments that focused on animal health-related issues were conducted during late gestation and early lactation. In more recent studies reporting positive effects of Vitamin E supplementation on animal health and fertility, cows were fed conserved forages such as hay, haylage or maize silage, which all have low natural content of Vitamin E. In the studies reporting no or only minor positive effects of Vitamin E supplementation, cows were often fed diets based on grass or grass-clover silages, which reflects the structure of organic cattle diets. In conclusion, it was proposed that Vitamin E supplementation is not needed for mid and late lactating cows on pasture or fed a basal diet of grass-clover-silages. For dry and peripartum cows as well as for cows fed maize silage, hay or haylage, supplementation was strongly recommended