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During the period 2005-2006, trials with the bioregulator gibberellic acid (GA3) were conducted at Bioforsk Ullensvang in western Norway on mature sweet cherry trees. In 2005, unsprayed control trees of the cultivars `Van" and `Lapins" were compared with trees treated with one single application of 10, 20 and 30 ppm GA3 at the straw-yellow stage of fruit development. The same program was conducted the following year but included one extra application with 40 ppm GA3 to the cultivar `Lapins". Fruits were harvested when non-treated control fruits were mature, and again three times with 3 days intervals. At each harvest date a sub-sample of fruits were stored 3, 7, 10 and 14 days at 4ºC. Average fruit weight, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, fruit surface colour were determined for sub-samples of fruits at harvest dates and after storage. Fruit size was increased by near 1 g per fruit for both cultivars after GA3 application. Fruit firmness at harvest was not increased for the cultivar `Van" but responded linearly with increasing dosage of GA3 for the cultivar `Lapins". The maturity was delayed with half a week for "Van" and about one week for `Lapins" for all GA3 treated trees. The content of soluble solids was in general high and independent of the different treatments. Fruit size, firmness or soluble solid content were not influenced after storage and had market quality still after 10 days in cold store.


During the period 1998-2000, thinning trials were conducted using bloom thinners on mature European plum trees at Ullensvang and at fruit growers sites in western Norway. In 1998, unsprayed control and handthinned `Victoria" trees were compared with trees treated at full bloom with a single application of 1% Armothin® or 1.5% ammoniumthiosulphate (ATS). The same program was conducted in the following two years with the addition of a single full bloom treatment with 250 ppm ethephon and a post-bloom application one month after full bloom with the mixture 10 ppm 1-napththaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 75 ppm ethephon. High volume sprays were conducted the first two years and low volume the last year. Thinning trials testing 1-1.5 % ATS and 5-7 % lime sulphur in comparison with unthinned and handthinned trees to the cultivars `Opal" and `Victoria" were conducted in 2000, at growers sites. Generally, thinning treatments reduced crop load and enhanced fruit quality (fruit size, soluble solid content, fruit firmness and ground and surface colour), but the results varied from year to year. Fruit set was reduced to about half of control values and the percentage of class 1 fruits was doubled compared to the control trees. High volume sprays to running off was more effective than low volume. The cultivar `Opal" was more sensitive to ATS than `Victoria" and a low dosage recommended. All thinning compounds caused some minor leaf injury but no fruit damage. The flower thinners were efficient at rather low temperture. No differences in the amount of gummosis (internal disorder of the fruits) were observed due to treatments on the `Victoria" plums. Return bloom was improved by thinning. In conclusion, a single dilute application at full bloom of 1% Armothin®, 1.5% ATS or 250 ppm ethephon or one application of the mixture 10 ppm NAA-75 ppm ethephon four weeks after bloom reduced fruit set and crop load and increased the fruit quality and return bloom to the cultivar `Victoria". Similar results gave one dilute spray with 1 % ATS or 5 % lime sulphur at full bloom to the cultivar `Opal".


Betre lystilhøve i frukttrea aukar veksten hjå tre og frukter, og fruktkvalitetsfaktorar som farge og oppløyst turrstoff vert betre. Sjølv om daglengda under norske veksttilhøve er lang, er den samla lystilgangen mindre enn på sørlegare breiddegrader pga den korte vekstsesongen. Metodar som aukar ljostilgangen, t.d. lysreflekterande duk under trea, vil vera gunstig for norsk fruktdyrking. Ein har prøvd ein voven plast duk (Extenday (R)) i frukthagar på Vestlandet. Der radavstanden var 4 m, har ein strekt ut 3m brei duk på bakken langs køyregangane og festa med gummiband til trea på kvar side. Der radavstanden var 5 m, nytta ein 4m brei duk. Duken låg ute frå midten av juni til etter hausting. Det var ingen temepratureffekt av duken. Men det var 5 gonger så mykje lys i trekruna hjå tre som sto i felt med reflekterande duk i høve til kontroll tre. I køyregangen var det 3 gonger så mykje lys over duk som i køyregangar med gras. I Aroma var eple frå tre frå felt med duk større, søtare og med meir raud dekkfarge enn frå kontroll trea. Det var særleg stor skilnad frå eple på dei nedte greinene. Med omsyn til fastleik og syreinnhald var det ikkje sikre skilnader. Men Streif-indeks viste at refleksduken framskunda mogninga.


I eit felt med "Excalibur" og "Prinlew" plommer vart køyregangen dekka med kvit reflekterande duk for å betra ljostilhøva i trekruna. Duken låg i hagen frå 2 veker etter bløming til etter at plommene var hausta i midten av september. Der det ikkje var nytta reflekterande duk var fruktene nede på treet grønare, hadde mindre dekkfarge og lågare innhald av oppløyst turrstoff enn fruktene oppe i trekrunene. Fruktene frå tre som hadde stått over reflekterande duk var like godt farga og hadde same syrinnhald og fastleik om dei var hausta oppe eller nede på trea. Men det var også for desse trea høgare innhald av oppløyst turrstoff i fruktene oppe i trea i høve til dei som hadde vakse nedst i trea. Reflekterande duk gav jamnare mogning hjå plommene oppe og nede i trea. Dermed kan ein klara seg med færre haustingar. Temperaturen var ikkje heva der ein nytta duk, og duken svekka grasveksten i køyregangane.


Viktige eigenskapar til ei grunnstamme er å regulera veksten og gje store og jamnte avlingar av kvalitetsfrukt. Gjennom eit stort foredlingsarbeid i fleire land i Europa dei siste 10-åra, har det lukkast å foredla fram ei rad grunnstammer med moderat vekst, tidleg bering og god bereevne. Denne rapporten omtalar resultat av utprøving av 27 ulike grunnstammer med redusert vekst til søtkirsebærsorten Lapins gjennomført ved Bioforsk Ullensvang i åra frå 1999-2006. Dette er del av eit europisk samarbeidsprosjekt der 11 land er med.


Viktige eigenskapar til ei grunnstamme er å regulera veksten og gje store og jamne avlingar av kvalitetsfrukt. Gjennom eit stort foredlingsarbeid i fleire land i Europa dei to siste 10 åra, har det lukkast å foredla fram ei rad grunnstammer med moderat vekst, tidleg bering og god bereevne. Denne rapporten omtalar resultat av utprøving av 27 ulike grunnstammer med redusert vekst til søtkirsebærsorten Lapins gjennomført ved Bioforsk Ullensvang i åra frå 1999-2006. Dette er del av eit europisk samarbeidsprosjekt der 11 land er med.


Det er kjent at den fysiologisk tilstanden (alder) hos settepotetene kan ha stor betydning for spireegenskaper, vekstkraft, avlingsstørrelse og kvalitet. Likevel har det vært lite fokus på temaet her i landet. Vi gir her en presentasjon av hva fysiologisk alder er, hva den kan bety for potetdyrkeren og hvordan den kan påvirkes.


Cover crops are included in cropping systems to achieve various ecological benefits. In stockless organic cereal systems, nitrogen is commonly supplied by undersowing a legume shortly after sowing of cereals. Retarded growth of annual weeds is considered as an additional benefit of using cover crops. There is, however, less knowledge on the influence of undersown cover crops on the growth of perennial weeds. This issue was addressed in a field experiment at Ås in southeast Norway. For obtaining an experimental field with uniform distribution of the perennial weed species, root fragments of Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis and rhizomes of Elymus repens, were transplanted by hand in the spring of 2001. A split plot design with 3 replications was initiated in 2002 and continued until the autumn of 2006. Barley undersown with red clover versus barley alone composed the two main plot treatments, except in 2006, in which barley was grown without red clover in the whole field. This was combined with four sub-plot mechanical treatments in the autumn: 1) untreated control; 2) mowing; 3) rotary tilling and 4) shallow ploughing plus harrowing. The autumn treatments were only carried out in 2004 and 2005. Number of weeds was counted at different dates throughout the growing season, and weed biomass was assessed just before harvest. Preliminary results indicate that red clover undersown in barley, compared to barley alone, reduced the biomass of established stands of S. arvensis by 50%, 42% and 13% in 2004, 2005 and 2006 respectively. The effect on E. repens varied from +10% in 2004 to -42% in 2005 and -50% in 2006. There was no suppression on established stands of C. arvense (+10%, 0 % and +70%). Of the autumn mechanical treatments rotary tilling and shallow ploughing most effectively retarded the growth of perennial weeds, especially C. arvense and E. repens. Rotary tilling and shallow ploughing reduced mean weed biomass for 2005 and 2006 of C. arvense by 80% (rotary tilling) and 40% (shallow ploughing), and E. repens by 77% and 89%, respectively. Mowing and shallow ploughing reduced mean weed biomass for 2005 and 2006 of S. arvensis most effectively, with a reduction of 62% for both treatments. Although the results need more attention before detailed recommendations can be given, the study indicates clearly that the effect of different mechanical treatments in the autumn depend on weed species.


To felt som sammenligner henholdsvis 10 og 8 solbærsorter egnet til økologisk dyrking er plantet på Bioforsk Kise i 2002 og 2004. Artikkelen gir foreløpige vurderinger av 10 solbærsorter plantet i 2002, vurdert etter to høsteår.