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10 solbærsorter ble plantet i et feltforsøk på NIBIO Apelsvoll i 2017, og vekst, avling, bladsykdommer, blomstring- og høstetidspunkt og innholdsstoff i bæra ble registrert i åra 2019-2022. Sortene ble i 2016 valgt ut som lovende enten til industriformål, eller til friskkonsum av ‘Sortsgruppe Ribes’ som består av representanter fra dyrking, planteproduksjon, rådgiving og forskning. Sortene/seleksjonen var: ‘Ben Tron’ (referansesort), ‘Ben Hope’, ‘Ben Tirran’, JHI 9163-5, ‘Augustus’, ‘Gjest’, ‘Joniniai’, ‘Almiai’, ‘Tihope’ og ‘Mortti’. Dato for blomstring og høstemodne bær, vinterskade, vokseform, bladsykdommer, plantevolum, avling, klase- og bærstørrelse, kartfall og bærkvalitet ble registrert årlig. Sortene ‘Ben Tron’, JHI 9163-5, ‘Augustus’ og ‘Mortti’ er valgt ut i samarbeid med NLR og dyrkere til å testes videre i storskalafelt for industriformål hos dyrkere. ‘Almiai’ blir testet videre i et dyrkingssystem (espalier) for friskkonsum-formål. Disse sortene har også et godt potensial for å dyrkes økologisk.


In the frame of EUFRIN apple rootstock trials, seven apple rootstocks are being tested for their resistance to ARD (apple replant disease) in several European countries. Current paper focus on the rootstock and soil type (ARD vs. fresh soil) effect on the accumulation of phenolic compounds in apple fruit. This research was performed at the Lithuanian trial site. Accumulation of phenolics compounds in fruit tissues was enhanced at replant soil. On the average of all rootstocks, total phenol content in fruit flesh increased by 25%, and in fruit peel by 31%. Hyperoside and rutin in fruit flesh and hyperoside, reynoutrin, phloridzin and procyanidin C1 were the most variable among detected phenolic compounds and their content in fruits from ARD soil was by 50 – 77 % higher than in fruits from the fresh soil. Content of (-) epicatechin in fruit flesh and (+) catechin and procyanidin B1 in fruit peel was similar in both ARD and fresh soil. Rootstock had a significant effect on the accumulation of phenolic compounds, but this effect was modified by soil conditions. Soil type had no effect on total phenol accumulation in fruits (flesh and peel) grown on Pajam 2 rootstock. Also, a stable phenol content in fruit flesh was on G.11 and M200 rootstocks, and in fruit peel on G.41. The highest increase of total phenol content at replant conditions was recorded on B.10 (by 66% in flesh and 60% in peel) and on G.935 (by 68% in flesh and 47% in peel) rootstocks.