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The effects of postflowering temperature on the fruit chemical composition of Glen Ample raspberries were studied under controlled environment conditions. The berry weight decreased significantly with increasing temperature (12, 18, and 24 degrees C) and with progress of the harvest period. Because the moisture content increased in parallel with the berry weight, the antioxidant capacity (AOC) and the concentration of a range of bioactive compounds decreased with decreasing temperature and progress of the harvest season when expressed on a fresh weight basis in the conventional way. Under those circumstances, dry weight units are therefore preferable. However, despite the dilution effect of large berries, the concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) increased with decreasing temperature, even on a fresh weight basis. Berry AOC was closely correlated with total phenolic concentration (r = 0.958), predominantly anthocyanins and ellagitannins. While a total of 10 anthocyanins were detected, cyanidin-3-sophoroside and cyanidin-3-(2(G)-glucosylrutinoside)-rutinoside accounted for 73% of the total, the former decreasing and the latter increasing with increasing growth temperature. By far, the most prevalent ellagitannins were lambertianin C and sanguiin H-6, both of which increased significantly with increasing temperature. It is concluded that the growth temperature has significant and contrasting effects on the concentration of a range of potentially bioactive compounds in raspberry.


Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an economically important small fruit species, rich in antioxidants and other phytochemicals (Rao and Snyder, 2010). Most research in the area of screening the antioxidant activity in dietary plants have mainly been focused on variation among species and cultivars and effects of postharvest handling and storage (e.g. Kalt et al., 2002). Little is known about the impact of environmental factors such as temperature and light conditions. The use of plastic tunnels for out-of-season production of red raspberries has expanded production in Norway. This involves a change in climate environment which might influence the chemical composition of the fruits. Here we present the results of an investigation of temperature on fruit quality of red raspberry (Remberg et al., 2010).


Norske forsøk viser, at langskudsplanter af hindebær skal være lange og med mange sideskud for at give et stort udbytte. Det opnås bedst, hvis planterne produceres i plasthus og ikke på friland.


To bioforskarar tok turen til Finland og universitetet i Helsinki for å diskutere prosjektsamarbeid over landegrensene. Dei vart imponert over måten finnane jobbar på , og kva ressursar dei har tilgjengeleg.


Høstbærende bringebær har evnen til å blomstre og sette frukt på årsskudda og dermed gjennomføre hele livssyklusen på ett år. Dette medfører at de blir svært seine (høstbærende), og de må derfor dyrkes i plasttunnel eller veksthus hos oss. Vi har tidligere vist for sorten "Polka" at den, i motsetning til de vanlige sortene med toårig livssyklus, ikke trenger kort dag (KD) eller låg temperatur for å danne blomster. Tvert i mot var blomstringen framskyndet av lang dag (LD) og høg temperatur. Selv ved konstant temperatur på 30°C var det ingen problem med blomstringen. Dette stemmer også med engelske undersøkelser med sorten "Autumn Bliss". Det har i det siste kommet flere nye sorter av høstbærende bringebær på markedet, og vi har nå utført forsøk med noen av disse sortene. Vi presenterer her noen resultat fra denne undersøkelsen