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Nivået av stor granbarkbille i Sør-Norge er nå 49 % av hva det var ved slutten av barkbilleutbruddet på 1970-tallet. De fleste fylkene eller delfylkene har en økning i fangstene av stor granbarkbille per felle fra 2019 til 2020, mens det er en nedgang i Vestfold, Nordland og Aust-Agder. Ved slutten av utbruddet på 1970-tallet hadde Vestfold og Telemark rundt 25 000 biller per felle, men i 2020 er det ingen fylker eller delfylker som overstiger 10 000 biller per felle. Den boreonemorale vegetasjonssonen, som inkluderer fylkene rundt Oslofjorden, har mest tørke- og barkbilleskader. Skadene og billeøkningene i enkelte lokaliteter i disse fylkene er trolig en forsinket effekt av tørkesommeren 2018, og det er særlig lokaliteter med berggrunn som disponer for tørke som er utsatt. Kjølig vær i mai bidro til at billeflukt og angrep ble mer konsentrert under varmeperioden i juni. I den boreale sonen, som omfatter barskogsdominerte skoger i innlandet av Østlandet, samt Trøndelag og Helgeland, er det lite eller ingen tørke- og barkbilleskader i 2020.

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BACKGROUND Pollen beetles are key pests in oilseed rape (OSR) production. These beetles use visual and olfactory cues to locate their host plants at specific phenological stages, hence trap cropping may represent an alternative pest control strategy. In this study, a trap crop strategy for spring OSR was developed. To elaborate such a trap cropping system, a pest control measure that eradicates the attracted beetles in the trap crop before they migrate further into the main crop was included in the final trap cropping strategy. RESULTS Testing yellow‐flowering turnip rape and one yellow‐ and two cream‐coloured flowering OSR cultivars as potential crops in different trap cropping strategies, we found that pollen beetles clearly preferred turnip rape over the cream‐coloured and yellow OSR cultivars, and preferred the yellow OSR cultivar over the two cream‐coloured cultivars. This behaviour was related to the plant growth stage and associated volatile and colour signals of the tested cultivars. Using turnip rape as a trap crop and testing kairomone‐ or insecticide‐assisted trap cropping as the pest control strategy was as effective as compared with whole fields treated with a standard pesticide. CONCLUSION Combining a turnip rape cultivar as trap crop with kairomone traps placed in the trap crop as a killing agent may enable renunciation of pesticides in spring OSR production. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry

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In a field-trapping experiment with plant volatiles, we observed notably high attraction of green lacewing (Chrysotropia ciliata) males to the compound p-anisaldehyde. Based on this finding, we initiated the present study to elucidate this phenomenon and to investigate the chemical ecology of C. ciliata. Scanning electron microscopy revealed elliptical glands abundantly distributed on the 2nd to 6th abdominal sternites of C. ciliata males, whereas females of the species completely lacked such glands. No p-anisaldehyde was found in extractions of body parts of C. ciliata. Methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid were identified exclusively in the extract from abdominal segments 2–8 of males. Field-trapping experiments revealed no attraction of C. ciliata to either methyl p-anisate or p-methoxybenzoic acid. In contrast, males showed marked attraction to p-anisaldehyde in the field and antennae showed strong responses to this compound. Headspace collections in the field from living insects in their natural environment and during their main daily activity period indicated that p-anisaldehyde was emitted exclusively by C. ciliata males. Our overall results suggest that p-anisaldehyde might serve as a male-produced pheromone that attracts conspecific C. ciliata males. Here, we discuss hypotheses regarding possible mechanisms involved in regulation of p-anisaldehyde production, including involvement of the compounds methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid, and the potential ecological function of p-anisaldehyde in C. ciliata.