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Denne rapporten er en delutredning i forbindelse med prosjektet Forenklet tiltaksanalyse for Haldenvassdraget gjort på oppdrag for Miljøprosjektet i Haldenvassdraget med NIVA som ansvarlig prosjektleder. Jordforsk har utredet jordbruk og spredt avløp. For jordbruk legger rapporten hovedvekt erosjon som kilde til fosforavrenning. Det er gjort en vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og behov for tiltak i de ulike delnedbørfeltene i Haldenvassdraget. Det er beregnet erosjon (GIS avrenning) ved dagens jordarbeiding og effekter av å legge mer areal i ulike erosjonsrisikoklasser i stubb over vinteren. En rekke tiltak er beskrevet som vegetasjonssoner, fangdammer, hydrotekniske tiltak i tillegg til jordarbeidingstiltak. Høsthvete er spesielt fokusert og det anbefales å gjøre spesielle vurderinger i forhold til arealenes lokalisering i forhold til vannforekomster. For spredt avløp foreslås det å gjøre en detaljert feltkartlegging før pålegg om utbedring gis for de nedbørfelt som har store bidrag fra spredt avløp. Som et minimum bør metoden med å utnytte opplysninger i slamtømmeregisteret benyttes. Generelt anbefales at man målretter innsatsen og ser både landbruk og spredt avløp sammen i delnedbørfeltene.Rapporten gir grunnlag for prioritere mellom delnedbørfelter der man kan gå inn på enkeltbruk og enkelteiendommer med detaljert tiltaksplanlegging.


The objective of the project was to evaluate the extension and reasons of pesticide contamination of drinking water wells in an area with intensive cultivation of potatoes and small grains on fluvial deposits. Most of the households in the field drinking water was supplied from simple groundwater wells, consisting of 5/4 - steel pipes with filter tips, hammered down to the groundwater zone. The area was assumed to be vulnerable to groundwater pollution as permeable deposits covered the major part of the area. High concentrations of pesticides had also been found in groundwater wells in a pilot project. In the project extension and causes of pesticide contamination of the drinking water wells have been assessed from: Soil properties, properties of deeper deposits, hydrogeology and groundwater flow, localisation and use of washing sites and agricultural practise, simulations of groundwater flow around washing sites and wells, simulations of diffuse pesticide leakage from soil and monitoring contents of pesticides and nitrates in groundwater samples from drinking water wells. The results show that most of the pesticide contamination to the groundwater in water could be explained by diffuse leakage from soil after application of normal doses of pesticides on the fields. Some few higher concentrations can be explained by point sources. The investigation supports the hypothesis that the high concentrations of metribuzin and metalaksyl in samples of drinking water in the pilot project, were caused by point source contamination from washing sites. Changes in the attitude among the farmers and procedure for spraying after increased focus on the risk of pesticide pollution might have caused a better procedure for handling of pesticides. The combination of washing sites and drinking water wells requires a high degree of attention and knowledge about pesticides, soil and water. Knowledge from the project has brought into focus the question; how to practice the approval and use of pesticides to reduce contamination. Should pesticides be given general approvals or whether approvals might include restrictions within areas with high risks of groundwater contamination. The last approach will move responsibility to the end-users and will also require adequate advisory tools and services.