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The strategy to mitigate phosphorus (P) losses in areas of arable cropping in Norway has focused on measures to reduce erosion. Risk assessment of erosion has formed the basis for implementation of measures. The soil P content has increased during the last decades motivating an evaluation of its effect on P transfer in the landscape. The present study describes the spatial variability of runoff P concentrations from an agricultural dominated catchment (4.5 km2) representative for agriculture in south-eastern Norway. The concentrations of suspended sediments (SS), total P (TP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff from 22 subcatchments (0.3 "263 ha) during one year (monthly and during runoff-events) were evaluated. Contributions from point sources were 38 kg TP yr-1 compared to a total P loss of 685 kg yr-1 from the whole catchment. During low flow, mean diffuse TP concentration in runoff from subcatchments varied from 28 to 382 µg L-1. The mean low flow TP concentration was 39 µg L-1 from the housing area (only diffuse runoff) and 33 µg L-1 from the forested area. During high flow the highest diffuse TP concentration was measured in an area with high erosion risk and high soil P status. At the subcatchment level the transfer of SS varied from 25 to 175% of the whole catchment SS transfer. Correspondingly for TP, the transfer varied from 50 to 260% of the whole catchment TP transfer. For each of five agricultural subcatchments the slope of the relationship between TP and SS concentrations reflected the mean soil P status of the subcatchment. Erosion risk estimates were closely related to the SS concentration (R2 = 0.83). The study illustrates that soil P status in addition to soil erosion are important factors for P transfer.


Program for Jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av Bioforsk Jord og miljø, og utføres i samarbeid med en rekke andre institusjoner. Programmet rapporterer årlig overvåkingsresultater fra nedbørfelt over hele landet. Feltene representerer ulike driftsformer, jordbunnsforhold, og hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. De årlige feltrapportene beskriver jordbruksdrift, og avrenning og tap av næringsstoffer og partikler i de ulike feltene. Tap av partikler og næringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk år, 1. mai - 30. april, mens tap av pesticider rapporteres for kalenderår.



Fosforbindingsegenskapene til de to filtermaterialene Filtralite-PTM og Fosen skjellsand er blitt sammenlignet i et pilotskala-anlegg. Anlegget bestod av to kar i plexiglass (3m x 0,8m x 0,29m), ett for hvert materiale. De to karene ble tilført en kunstig P-løsning (6 mg P l-1) i 18 måneder. Fosforkonsentrasjonen i innløp, utløp og i grunnvannsrør jevnt fordelt i karene ble målt igjennom hele forsøksperioden. Mengden akkumulert total P (TP) ble målt i prøver fra filtermaterialet ved forsøkets slutt. Resultatene viser at TP i første del av karet var mye høyere for Filtralite-PTM enn for Fosen skjellsand, henholdsvis 4000 og 330 mg P kg-1. Dette tilsvarer 2000 og 330 g P m-3 filtermateriale. I begge karene sank konsentrasjonen av TP mot utløpet. De første 0,9 m av karet med Fosen skjellsand var mettet med P, mens bare 0,3 m av karet med Filtralite-PTM var mettet. Resultatene viser også at for å beregne en realistisk levetid for et filteranlegg, må en gjennomsnittelig bindingskapasitet (basert på målinger av TP i materi-alprøver fra hele anlegget) brukes. Dette fordi bare materialet i de fremre deler av et anlegg vil ha oppnådd maksimal bindingskapasitet når utløpskonsentrasjonen er høyere enn kravet (ofte satt til 1 mg P l-1). En slik gjennomsnittlig bindingskapasitet bør baseres på målinger av TP i materiale fra et anlegg der utløpskonsentrasjonen nettopp har nådd 1 mg P l-


Hydraulics of subsurface flow filters (SSF) was studied by measurement of soil hydraulic conductivity (K) variation and performing tracer tests in two SSF filters consisting of 1-4 mm Ca rich sand (shell sand). Soil samples were carefully taken at several locations in Filter I. A tracer experiment was conducted in the undisturbed Filter II using KI. The measured K variability in Filter I was used to analyze the variations in tracer breakthrough. The spatial distribution of K was obtained by fitting a variogram to observed data and interpolation using Kriging. The tracer residence probability density function (PDF) was determined by modelling the tracer movement with a 3-D groundwater model. The observed and simulated tracer arrival was compared for cases with constant K, constant K and dispersion (D), and for spatially variable K and dispersion. The results show that groundwater models were well suited to simulate solute movement in the SSF system studied. An almost perfect fit to observed tracer PDF was obtained when variable K and dispersion was included in the model. This indicates that information on K variability and dispersion is important for studying solute movement in SSF constructed wetlands.


Controlled experiments were carried out in a meso-scale sub-surface flow constructed sand filter treating municipal wastewater from a single household. The system consisted of a 50 cm high vertical flow column (pre-filter) with unsaturated flow and a 3 m long horizontal sub-surface flow unit (main filter) with saturated flow. Fluxes of nitrogen and carbon were analysed in four different operating conditions (low and high loading, with and without the pre-filter unit). Water samples were taken from the inlet, the outlet and within the sand filter at different depths and locations and analysed for water quality (Tot N, NO3-N, NH4-N, TOC, DOC, CODcr, BOD5, SS, pH and EC) and dissolved gas content (N2O, CH4 and CO2). Emissions of N2O, CH4 and CO2 were measured with the closed-chamber technique adjacent to water quality sampling points. The results show that pre-filtering in a vertical, unsaturated flow column changed the incoming ammonium to nitrate during low loading. During high loading part of the ammonium nitrified in the pre-filter was lost by denitrification. Within the horizontal main filter there were two pathways for the incoming nitrate: denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).


The suitability of shell sand as a P sorbent has been tested both with laboratory batch experiments as well as in a sub-surface flow (SSF) meso-scale constructed sand filter treating municipal wastewater from a single household. The batch experiments suggest that retention of P in shell sand occurs both as sorption and precipitation. The soil-water ratio was found to be a crucial parameter when performing laboratory batch experiments. The maximum retention capacity was about 8000 and 800 mg P kg-1 sand, and the Kd was 33.7 and 82.9 L kg-1 for soil-water ratios of 5 g "75 mL and 50 g " 50 mL, re-spectively. The average total accumulated P concentration in samples from the SSF sand filter was 335 mg P kg-1. The Kd value based on [PO43-] and accumulated concentration of inorganic P in the SSF filter was 89.8 L kg-1. Thus the batch experiments overestimated the retention capacity of shell sand in real sand filter systems, however, a ratio of 50-50 gave a more reasonable estimate than a ratio of 5-75. The Kd value from batch samples with a ratio of 50-50 also gave a good estimate of the Kd value in the constructed sand filter. Ca-P was found to be the predominant form of P mineral in samples col-lected from the SSF sand filter. Some Al-P, loosely bounded P and occluded P were also present in the sand.