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A Working Ring Test (WRT) was organised within the framework of the EU/Life+ FutMon Project (`Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System`, LIFE07 ENV/D/000218), to evaluate the overall performance of the laboratories responsible for analysing atmospheric deposition and soil solution samples in European forests, and to verify improvements in the analytical quality resulting from the QA/QC work carried out in the laboratories which participated in previous WRTs organized in the framework of the UN/ECE ICP Forests Monitoring Programme. The WRT was carried out in accordance with International ISO and ILAG guide proficiency test both for sample preparation and numerical elaboration of the results. Four natural atmospheric deposition and soil solution samples and 4 synthetic solutions were distributed to 44 laboratories for analysis using their routine methods for the following variables: pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, sulphate, nitrate, chloride, total alkalinity, total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Two tolerable limits were defined for each variable on the basis of the measured value, the results of previous WRTs, a comparison with the Data Quality Objectives of other international networks, and the importance of the variable in deposition and soil solution monitoring. In the ring test 16% of the results from all the laboratories did not fall within the tolerable limits. This enabled us to identify those variables and laboratories for which improvements in analytical performance are required. The results of the exercise clearly show that the use of data check procedures, as described in the ICP Forests manual for sampling and analysis of atmospheric deposition, makes it possible to detect the presence of inaccurate or outlying results, and would therefore greatly improve the overall performance of the laboratories. Some of the analytical methods used by individual laboratories were found to be unsuitable for the samples included in this WRT, and therefore also for the routine analysis of atmospheric deposition and soil solution samples in European forests. These methods included outdated methods, such as turbidimetry or nephelometry for the determination of sulphate, silver nitrate titration and ion selective electrode for chloride, Kjeldahl digestion for the determination of ammonium and organic nitrogen, and colorimetric titrations for alkalinity. A detailed discussion of the determination of total alkalinity is also given in the report because this variable was associated with the most analytical problems.


Of the 41 countries participating in ICP Forests, 27 countries reported national results of crown condition surveys in the year 2008 for 210 964 trees on 14 786 plots. The transnational result on the European-wide scale relied on 111 560 trees on 5 002 plots of the 16 x 16 km grid in 25 out of 35 participating countries. Mean defoliation of all sample trees of the transnational survey was 20.2%. Of the main species, Quercus robur and Q. petraea had by far the highest mean defoliation (24.9%), followed by Fagus sylvatica (19.4%), Picea abies (19.3%) and Pinus sylvestris (18.2%). These figures are not comparable to those of previous reports because of fluctuations in the plot sample, mainly due to changes in the participation of countries. Therefore, the long-term development of defoliation was calculated from the monitoring results of those countries which have been submitting data since 1990 every year without interruption. In the period of observation the species group Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia shows the severest increase in defoliation, with 10.3% in 1990 and 21.2% in 2008. A similar increase in defoliation, namely from 11.1% to 20.4%, was experienced by Pinus pinaster. Defoliation of these Mediterranean species is largely attributed to several summer drought events. Defoliation of Fagus sylvatica increased from 17.9% to 19.7%. In contrast, Picea abies, Quercus robur and Quercus petraea and in particular Pinus sylvestris recuperated from peaks in defoliation in the mid 1990s. The spatial and temporal variation of bulk deposition and throughfall of sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, calcium, sodium and chlorine was analysed as a basis of ongoing and future studies. Between 174 and 302 intensive monitoring plots were involved in the study. Mean deposition of the years 2004 - 2006 shows spatial patterns reflecting partly regional emission situations. The temporal variation was calculated for the period 2001 - 2006. Sulphur throughfall decreased from 6.0 kg ha-1 yr-1 in 2001 to 4.5 kg ha-1 yr-1 in 2006. Bulk deposition of sulphur shows a similar decrease at a lower level, namely from 4.9 kg ha-1 yr-1 in 2001 to 3.6 kg ha-1 yr-1 in 2006 (corrected for sea salt input). Nitrogen deposition shows a less pronounced rate of decrease.


I årene fra 2004 til 2007 avtok kronetettheten for både gran, furu og bjørk etter en relativt stabil periode på slutten av 1990-tallet og en økning frem til år 2004. I 2008 ble det igjen registrert økende kronetetthet for alle treslagene. For kronefarge har tilstanden vært nokså stabil etter år 2000 med lite misfarging hos de undersøkte trærne. Kronetilstanden er betinget av en rekke faktorer og ulike stresspåvirkninger, slik som aldring, sjukdommer (eksempelvis ulike sopper), vekstbetingelser og klimastress (tørke og frost). Når trær skranter eller blir sjuke skyldes dette ofte et samspill av slike naturlige påvirkninger. De variasjonene vi har sett de siste årene skyldes ofte sopp- og insektskader som igjen er betinget av klimatiske forhold. Tilførsler av luftforurensninger kan komme i tillegg eller i samspill med disse påvirkningene. Bidraget fra forurensningene er vanskelig å fastslå fordi denne påvirkningen har vært svært liten i forhold til de andre påvirkningsfaktorene. I fremtiden vil eventuelle utslag av et endret klima trolig spille en større rolle. Resultater fra skogøkologiske undersøkelser viser at det er betydelige variasjoner fra år til år i enkelte målinger. Disse variasjonene ligger likevel innenfor det som er vanlig i boreal barskog.


In Norway, it is planned to double the stationary use of bioenergy from all sources by up to 14 TWh before 2020, with much of this increase coming from forest resources, including residues like branches and tops (which are not much used today) being removed after tree harvest. This removal will reduce the supply of nutrients and organic matter to the forest soil, and may in the longer term increase the risk for future nutrient imbalance, reduced forest production, and changes in biodiversity and ground vegetation species composition. However, field experiments have found contrasting results (e.g. Johnson and Curtis 2001; Olsson et al. 1996). Soil effects of increased biomass removal will be closely related to soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, litter quality, and turnover rates. The SOM pool is derived from a balance between above- and below-ground input of plant material and decomposition of both plants and SOM. Harvest intensity may affect the decomposition of existing SOM as well as the build-up of new SOM from litter and forest residues, by changing factors like soil temperature and moisture as well as amount and type of litter input. Changes in input of litter with different nutrient concentrations and decomposition patterns along with changes in SOM decomposition will affect the total storage of carbon, nitrogen and other vital nutrients in the soil. To quantify how different harvesting regimes lead to different C addition to soil, and to determine which factors have the greatest effect on decomposition of SOM under different environmental conditions, two Norway spruce forest systems will be investigated in the context of a research project starting in 2008/2009, one in eastern and one in western Norway, representing different climatic and landscape types. At each location, two treatment regimes will be tested: Conventional harvesting, with residues left on-site (CH) Aboveground whole-tree harvest, with branches, needles, and tops removed (WTH). Input of different forest residues will be quantified post harvest. Soil water at 30 cm soil depth will be analysed for nutrients and element fluxes will be estimated to provide information about nutrient leaching. Soil respiration will be measured, along with lab decomposition studies under different temperature and moisture regimes. Long term in situ decomposition studies will be carried out in the WTH plots using three different tree compartments (needles, coarse twigs, fine roots) decomposing in litter bags, in order to determine their limit value. The structure of the fungal community will be determined by soil core sampling and use of molecular techniques allowing qualitative and quantitative estimation. Understorey vegetation will be sampled to determine the biomass, and the frequency of all vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens will be estimated. After harvesting, replanting will be carried out. Seedling survival, causes of mortality and potential damage, growth, and needle nutrients will be monitored. Results from these studies will be used to identify key processes explaining trends observed in two series of ongoing long-term whole-tree thinning trials. We shall combine knowledge obtained using field experiments with results of modelling and data from the Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Forest Damage and National Forest Inventory. This will help us to predict and map the ecologically most suitable areas for increased harvesting of branches and tops on a regional scale based on current knowledge, and to identify uncertainties and additional knowledge needed to improve current predictions.


The CO2 uptake of the terrestrial biosphere (Gross Primary Productivity, GPP) plays a key role in the global carbon balance. This carbon flux cannot be determined directly on a global scale. Yet, the remotely sensed Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) is a valuable proxy for GPP. This study aims at characterizing global FAPAR dynamics on different temporal scales and extracting corresponding spatial structures. The time series were analyzed to uncover the presence and extent of trends, and to identify quasi-oscillatory patterns from intra- to interannual time scales....


A catchment provides ecosystem data along with (relatively) simple, operationally defined boundaries. In addition runoff is an integrated measure of the hydrochemical ecosystem response, which can be represented by fluxes at the weir. Integration at the weir occurs first of all with respect to spatial scales. Almost all fluid output leaves a (tight) catchment at this point. Evaluation of the runoff dynamics (quantity and quality) is primarily concerned with temporal scales. The Lange Bramke catchment study with its four runoff series from forested catchments (spring and weir at Lange Bramke, weirs at Dicke Bramke and Steile Bramke) provides an exceptionally comprehensive data set. The following scales and processes can be considered, when interpreting temporal variations in runoff data: above the time scale of forest rotation (species composition, biomass accumulation, timber export, soil nutrient pools) at decadal time scales up to a full forest rotation of about 100-120 years (changes in forest growth rate, changes in deposition, climate change, insect outbreaks) at annual time scales (uptake, transpiration) at hourly to weekly time scales of hydrological events (precipitation, runoff, dilution effects of solvents).