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Life history traits have been studied under various environmental factors, but the ability to combine them into a simple function to assess pest response to climate is still lacking complete understanding. This study proposed a risk index derived by combining development, mortality, and fertility rates from a stage-structured dynamic mathematical model. The first part presents the theoretical framework behind the risk index. The second part of the study is concerned with the application of the index in two case studies of major economic pest: the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) and the spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii), pests of rice crops and soft fruits, respectively. The mathematical calculations provided a single function composed of the main thermal biodemographic rates. This function has a threshold value that determines the possibility of population increase as a function of temperature. The tests carried out on the two pest species showed the capability of the index to describe the range of favourable conditions. With this approach, we were able to identify areas where pests are tolerant to climatic conditions and to project them on a geospatial risk map. The theoretical background developed here provided a tool for understanding the biogeography of Nilaparvata lugens and Drosophila suzukii. It is flexible enough to deal with mathematically simple (N. lugens) and complex (D. Suzukii) case studies of crop insect pests. It produces biologically sound indices that behave like thermal performance curves. These theoretical results also provide a reasonable basis for addressing the challenge of pest management in the context of seasonal weather variations and climate change. This may help to improve monitoring and design management strategies to limit the spread of pests in invaded areas, as some non-invaded areas may be suitable for the species to develop.

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We address the question of nature-culture synergies in protected mountain landscapes with a specific focus on the Norwegian National Park of Hardangervidda. Fragile and complex ecosystems developed from long-lasting socio-ecological grazing processes that started approximately 4000 years ago in Scandinavia are facing manifold environmental challenges and societal issues that endanger both natural and cultural heritages. Our goals are to clarify the nature-culture synergies and relationships and investigate holistic management and preservation of natural and cultural values. Our results highlight an urgent need to develop holistic conservation frameworks and methodologies for protected landscapes that integrate cultural and natural heritages and enhance the potential of local communities to protect threatened semi-natural environments and experienced-based knowledge for the future.


Ensiling is a common mode of preservation of animal feed. In this process, the feed undergoes lactic acid fermentation in an anaerobic environment, which decreases pH and inhibits degradation of the feed and its nutritive value. Common silos include top loaded tower silos, side loaded bunker silos (also called horizontal silos), underground pit and trench silos, and bales and tubes wrapped in plastic film. Previous studies have revealed that the type of silo often have an impact on silage properties and feed value, but these effects can vary between silage materials. Silage density is another key factor for silage nutritive value and losses. Generally, high density results in smaller losses than low density, both in bunker silos and bales, but the density effect can also be influenced by properties of the ensiled material. The objectives of this literature review were to identify factors and conditions that can modify the effect of i) silage density, and ii) silo type on dry matter losses, leaching of nutrients, fermentation characteristics, silage feed value and mycotoxins contamination. A systematic literature search was carried out in in the Web of Science core collection platform of databases. Most studies showed positive correlations between silage density, and fermentation and feed value, and negative correlations with DM losses. The majority of these studies were conducted at laboratory scale and there was also a great variation in the magnitude of these effects. Further investigations at farm scale may provide more information about the consistency of these effects across experimental scales. The silo type comparisons indicate that silage bales, bags and tubes can be favourable for silage quality and dry matter preservation compared to bunker silos, but information on silo type effects on important crops such as maize is missing.

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Sustainable source-based hydrogels are now paid much importance for managing water pollution due to their distinctive chemical and physical properties like hydrophilicity, biocompatibility, viscoelasticity, superabsorbancy, softness, fluffiness, and biodegradability. Alginate-based hydrogels can incorporate much water due to their hydrophilic nature.Water pollution often changes groundwater, resulting in the inability to use it. Alginate-based gels remove pollutants through adsorption/desorption, transport, and other conventional techniques. Alginatebased hydrogels can incorporate much water due to their hydrophilic nature. Their composites have been demonstrated to control different water pollutants like inorganic, organic, and pathogenic microbes from various water streams in unique structural forms like a flat membrane, hollow fibber, microspheres, gels, foams, nanofibers, Calcium and sodium alginate-based hydrogel along with other materials like activated charcoal, zeolite, bentonite, graphene, biochars and composites have been proved to be effective blend in managing heavy metal pollutants.This review summarizes the results obtained from the sustainable removal of contaminants from water through the alginate-based hydrogel and the challenges associated with it for practical application in the future.

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The biological durability of ten wood species was determined on the basis of results from laboratory agar block tests. The experiment utilised two specimen formats: standard EN 113-2 specimens (15 × 25 × 50 mm) and mini-blocks (5 × 10 × 30 mm) exposed to two fungi (Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor) for varying incubation periods. Mini-block tests yield dissimilar outcomes compared to the European standard test at six, eight, ten or 16 weeks of incubation. This discrepancy extended to both durability classifications based on median percentage mass loss and those based on relative mass loss (x-values). It was therefore concluded that laboratory tests with miniaturised specimens are not advisable as a substitute for conventional durability classification assessments.

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Exploring the complex mechanism of anaerobic digestion with hydrothermal pretreatment (HTAD) for biomass efficiently and optimising the reaction conditions are critical to improving the performance of methane production. This study used H2O automated machine learning (AutoML) for comprehensive prediction, analysis, and targeted optimization of the HTAD system. An IterativeImputer system for data filling was constructed. The comparison of three basic regressors showed that random forest performed optimally for filling (R2 > 0.95). The gradient boosting machine (GBM) model was searched by H2O AutoML to show optimal performance in prediction (R2 > 0.96). The software was developed based on the GBM model, and two prediction schemes were devised. The generalization error of the software was less than 10%. The Shapley Additive exPlanations value showed that solid to liquid ratio, hydrothermal pretreatment (HT) temperature, and particle size have greater potential for improving cumulative methane production (CMP). A Bayesian-HTAD optimization strategy was devised, using the Bayesian optimization to directionally optimize the reaction conditions, and performing experiments to validate the results. The experimental results showed that the CMP was significantly improved by 51.63%. Compared to the response surface methodology, the Bayesian optimization relatively achieved a 2.21–2.50 times greater effect. Mechanism analyses targeting the experiments showed that HT was conducive to improving the relative abundance of Sphaerochaeta, Methanosaeta, and Methanosarcina. This research achieved accurate prediction and targeted optimization for the HTAD system and proposed multiple filling, prediction, and optimization strategies, which are expected to provide an AutoML optimization paradigm for anaerobic digestion in the future.

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The ‘Aarhus Convention’ – regulating access to environmental information, public participation and justice in environmental decision−making – is a key international agreement with a long history and a considerable number of signatory countries. While implementation has been studied nationally, there is little comparative research at the transnational level. Based on ten criteria, we analysed national implementation reports of the 2014, 2017 and 2021 reporting cycles in terms of how 33 countries in Europe have implemented the access to information and public participation pillars, and identified obstacles they encountered. We also studied similarities and differences supra-nationally. Overall, countries are quite successfully fulfilling the obligations of the two pillars. Most obstacles reported concern four criteria: access to information, information provision, interaction, and trust. Implementation practices have changed little from 2014 to 2021. However, East- and South-European countries report more, and more persistent or repetitive obstacles, compared to Northern and Western European countries. The national democratic context seems to affect the quality of implementation. The Convention’s compliance bodies and national agencies responsible for coordinating the implementation are encouraged to interact more closely, to account for the differences and leverage implementation.