Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser
Miljøvennlig teknologi for karbonlagring i jord (JORDKARBON)
Slutt: des 2019
Start: apr 2015
Formål: å utvikle kunnskapsbasen og den teknologiske plattformen ved NIBIO for vurdering og utvikling av miljøvennlig karbonlagring i jord.
Inghild Økland Alice Budai Marie Louise Davey Hanna Silvennoinen Erik J. Joner Christophe Moni Simon WeldonStatus | Pågående |
Start- og sluttdato | 11.04.2015 - 31.12.2019 |
Prosjektleder | Daniel Rasse |
Divisjon | Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser |
Avdeling | Biogeokjemi og jordkvalitet |
Publikasjoner i prosjektet
Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Alice Budai Daniel Rasse Hugh Riley Vegard Martinsen Ievina Sturite Erik J. Joner Adam O'Toole Samson Øpstad Thomas CottisSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Norway is strongly committed to the Paris Climate Agreement with an ambitious goal of 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emission by 2030. The land sector, including agriculture and forestry, must critically contribute to this national target. Beyond emission reduction, the land sector has the unique capacity to actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere through biological carbon storage in biomass and in soils. Soils are the largest reservoir of terrestrial carbon, and relatively small changes in soil carbon content can have an amplified mitigation effect on the Earth’s climate. Therefore, improved management of soils for carbon storage is receiving a lot of attention, for example through international political initiatives such as the “4-permill” initiative. However, in Norway, many mitigation measures targeting soil carbon might negatively impact food production and economic activity. For example, soil carbon storage can be increased by shifting from cereal crop production to grasslands, but Norway already has abundant grassland and a comparatively small area dedicated to cereals. Another such issue is cultivation on drained peatland, where food is produced at the expense of large losses of soil carbon as CO2 to the atmosphere. Therefore, there is a need to look for win-win solutions for soil carbon storage, which benefit both food production and climate mitigation. Large-scale conversion of agricultural and forest waste biomass to biochar is such an option, and is considered the activity with the largest potential for soil carbon sequestration in Norway. Biochar has been demonstrated to have a mean residence time exceeding 100 years in Norwegian field conditions (Rasse et al, 2017), and no negative effects on plant and soils has been observed. However, despite the convincing benefits of biochar as a climate mitigation solution, it has not yet advanced much beyond the research stage, notably because its effect on yield are too modest. Here, we will first present the comparative advantage of biochar technology as compared to traditional agronomy methods for large-scale C storage in Norwegian agricultural soils. We will further discuss the need for developing innovations in pyrolysis and nutrient-rich waste recycling leading to biochar-fertilizer products as win-win solution for carbon storage and food production.
Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Alice BudaiSammendrag
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Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Adam O'Toole Christophe Moni Simon Weldon Anne Schols Monique Carnol Bernard Bosman Daniel RasseSammendrag
The application of biochar to soils is a promising technique for increasing soil organic C and offsetting GHG emissions. However, large-scale adoption by farmers will likely require the proof of its utility to improve plant growth and soil quality. In this context, we conducted a four-year field experiment between October 2010 to October 2014 on a fertile silty clay loam Albeluvisol in Norway to assess the impact of biochar on soil physical properties, soil microbial biomass, and oat and barley yield. The following treatments were included: Control (soil), miscanthus biochar 8 t C ha1 (BC8), miscanthus straw feedstock 8 t C ha1 (MC8), and miscanthus biochar 25 t C ha1 (BC25). Average volumetric water content at field capacity was significantly higher in BC25 when compared to the control due to changes in BD and total porosity. The biochar amendment had no effect on soil aggregate (2–6 mm) stability, pore size distribution, penetration resistance, soil microbial biomass C and N, and basal respiration. Biochar did not alter crop yields of oat and barley during the four growing seasons. In order to realize biochar’s climate mitigation potential, we suggest future research and development efforts should focus on improving the agronomic utility of biochar in engineered fertilizer and soil amendment products.
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Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Lea Piscitelli Pierre-Adrien Rivier Donato Mondelli Teodoro Miano Daniel Rasse Erik J. JonerSammendrag
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Claudia Kammann Jim Ippolito Nikolas Hagemann Nils Borchard Maria Luz Cayuela José M. Estavillo Teresa Fuertes-Mendizabal Simon Jeffery Jürgen Kern Jeff Novak Daniel Rasse Sanna Saarnio Hans-Peter Schmidt Kurt Spokas Nicole Wrage-MönnigSammendrag
Agriculture and land use change has significantly increased atmospheric emissions of the non-CO2 green-house gases (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). Since human nutritional and bioenergy needs continue to increase, at a shrinking global land area for production, novel land management strategies are required that reduce the GHG footprint per unit of yield. Here we review the potential of biochar to reduce N2O and CH4 emissions from agricultural practices including potential mechanisms behind observed effects. Furthermore, we investigate alternative uses of biochar in agricultural land management that may significantly reduce the GHG-emissions-per-unit-of-product footprint, such as (i) pyrolysis of manures as hygienic alternative to direct soil application, (ii) using biochar as fertilizer carrier matrix for underfoot fertilization, biochar use (iii) as composting additive or (iv) as feed additive in animal husbandry or for manure treatment. We conclude that the largest future research needs lay in conducting life-cycle GHG assessments when using biochar as an on-farm management tool for nutrient-rich biomass waste streams.
Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Evaluating biochars for their persistence in soil under field conditions is an important step towards their implementation for carbon sequestration. Current evaluations might be biased because the vast majority of studies are short-term laboratory incubations of biochars produced in laboratory-scale pyrolyzers. Here our objective was to investigate the stability of a biochar produced with a medium-scale pyrolyzer, first through laboratory characterization and stability tests and then through field experiment. We also aimed at relating properties of this medium-scale biochar to that of a laboratory-made biochar with the same feedstock. Biochars were made of Miscanthus biomass for isotopic C-tracing purposes and produced at temperatures between 600 and 700°C. The aromaticity and degree of condensation of aromatic rings of the medium-scale biochar was high, as was its resistance to chemical oxidation. In a 90-day laboratory incubation, cumulative mineralization was 0.1% for the medium-scale biochar vs. 45% for the Miscanthus feedstock, pointing to the absence of labile C pool in the biochar. These stability results were very close to those obtained for biochar produced at laboratory-scale, suggesting that upscaling from laboratory to medium-scale pyrolyzers had little effect on biochar stability. In the field, the medium-scale biochar applied at up to 25 t C ha-1 decomposed at an estimated 0.8% per year. In conclusion, our biochar scored high on stability indices in the laboratory and displayed a mean residence time > 100 years in the field, which is the threshold for permanent removal in C sequestration projects.
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Alice Budai Lucia Calucci Daniel Rasse Line Tau Strand Annelene Pengerud Daniel Wiedemeier Samuel Abiven Claudia ForteSammendrag
Infrared and 13C solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies and benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) analysis were used to characterize the structural changes occurring during slow pyrolysis of corncob and Miscanthus at different temperatures from 235 °C to 800 °C. In the case of corncob, a char sample obtained from flash carbonization was also investigated. Spectroscopic techniques gave detailed information on the transformations of the different biomass components, whereas BPCA analysis allowed the amount of aromatic structures present in the different chars and the degree of aromatic condensation to be determined. The results showed that above 500 °C both corncob and Miscanthus give polyaromatic solid residues with similar degree of aromatic condensation but with differences in the structure. On the other hand, at lower temperatures, char composition was observed to depend on the different cellulose/hemicellulose/lignin ratios in the feedstocks. Flash carbonization was found to mainly affect the degree of aromatic condensation.
Adam Thomas O'tooleSammendrag
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Adam Thomas O'tooleSammendrag
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Adam Thomas O'tooleSammendrag
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Adam Thomas O'tooleSammendrag
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Adam Thomas O'tooleSammendrag
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Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Alice BudaiSammendrag
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Elisa Lopez-Capel Kor Zwart Simon Shackley Romke Postma John Stenström Daniel Rasse Alice Budai Bruno GlaserSammendrag
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Esben Bruun Andrew Cross Jim Hammond Victoria Nelissen Daniel Rasse Henrik Hauggaard-NielsenSammendrag
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Ma Xingzhu Baoku Zhou Alice Budai Alhaji S. Jeng Xiaoyu Hao Dan Wei Yulan Zhang Daniel RasseSammendrag
Biochar is a carbon-rich solid product obtained by pyrolysis of biomass. Here, we investigated multiple biochars produced under slow pyrolysis (235–800 °C), flash carbonization, and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), using Scanning Electron Microscope—Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) in order to determine whether SEM-EDX can be used as a proxy to characterize biochars effectively. Morphological analysis showed that feedstock has an integrated structure compared to biochar; more pores were generated, and the size became smaller when the temperature increased. Maximum carbon content (max. C) and average carbon content (avg. C) obtained from SEM-EDX exhibited a positive relationship with pyrolysis temperature, with max. C correlating most closely with dry combustion total carbon content. The SEM-EDX O/C ratios displayed a consistent response with the highest treatment temperature (HTT). The study suggests that SEM-EDX produces highly consistent C, oxygen (O), and C/O ratios that deserve further investigation as an operational tool for characterization of biochar products.
Biochar and its properties can be significantly altered according to how it is produced, and this has ramifications towards how biochar behaves once added to soil. We produced biochars from corncob and miscanthus straw via different methods (slow pyrolysis, hydrothermal and flash carbonization) and temperatures to assess how carbon cycling and soil microbial communities were affected. Mineralization of biochar, its parent feedstock, and native soil organic matter were monitored using 13C natural abundance during a 1-year lab incubation. Bacterial and fungal community compositions were studied using T-RFLP and ARISA, respectively. We found that persistent biochar-C with a half-life 60 times higher than the parent feedstock can be achieved at pyrolysis temperatures of as low as 370 °C, with no further gains to be made at higher temperatures. Biochar re-applied to soil previously incubated with our highest temperature biochar mineralized faster than when applied to unamended soil. Positive priming of native SOC was observed for all amendments but subsided by the end of the incubation. Fungal and bacterial community composition of the soil-biochar mixture changed increasingly with the application of biochars produced at higher temperatures as compared to unamended soil. Those changes were significantly (P < 0.005) related to biochar properties (mainly pH and O/C) and thus were correlated to pyrolysis temperature. In conclusion, our results suggest that biochar produced at temperatures as low as 370 °C can be utilized to sequester C in soil for more than 100 years while having less impact on soil microbial activities than high-temperature biochars.
Alessandra Lagomarsino Bruce Linquist Arlene Adviento-Borbe Rossana Monica Ferrara Roberta Pastorelli Grazia Pallara Daniel Rasse Hanna Marika SilvennoinenSammendrag
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Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Ingunn Burud Christophe Moni Andreas Svarstad Flø Cecilia Marie Futsæther Markus Steffens Daniel RasseSammendrag
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Alice Budai Daniel Rasse Claudia Forte Line Tau Strand Samuel Abiven C. Rumpel Annelene Pengerud Alain Plante M. A. AlexisSammendrag
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