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Normal log lengths in Norway are 3–6 m (NL), but occasionally there is a demand for short timber with a 2.5 m log length (ST). There are concerns that ST could reduce the forwarders' productivity. Six type stands were created based on harvester data. Different assortment distributions, conditions, and forwarders were simulated in each type stand. It was found that an additional ST assortment almost always decreased productivity (from –15.5 to +4%). Increased forwarding distance (m), more difficult driving conditions, and increased log concentration [m3·(100 m strip road)–1] decreased the productivity difference between sites with ST and NL and sites with only NL. Increased forwarder size increased the productivity difference between sites with ST and NL and sites with only NL. It is possible to load two stacks of ST on some forwarders. Such loading was more productive than loading one stack on longer forwarding distances, while the opposite was the case on short distances. However, loading two stacks of ST can lead to overloading.

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Recent decades have seen increased temperatures and precipitation in the Nordic countries with long-term projections for reduced frost duration and depth. The consequence of these trends has been a gradual shift of delivery volumes to the frost-free season, requiring more agile management to exploit suitable weather conditions. Bearing capacity and trafficability are dependent on soil moisture state and in this context two satellite missions offer potenially useful information on soil moisture levels; NASA’s SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) and ESA’s Sentinel-1. The goal of this pilot study was to quantify the performance of such satellite-based soil moisture variables for modeling forest road bearing capacity (e-module) during the frost-free season. The study was based on post-transport registrations of 103 forest road segments on the coastal and interior side of the Scandinavian mountain range. The analysis focused on roads of three types of surface deposits. Weekly SMAP soil moisture values better explained the variation in road e-module than soil water index (SWI) derived from Sentinel-1. Soil Water Index (SWI), however, reflected the weather conditions typical for operations on the respective surface deposit types. Regression analysis using (i) SMAP-based soil dryness index and (ii) its interaction with surface deposit types, together with (iii) the ratio between a combined SMAP_SWI dryness index and segment-specific depth to water (DTW) explained over 70% of the variation in road e-module. The results indicate a future potential to monitor road trafficability over large supply areas on a weekly level, given further refinement of study methods and variables for improved prediction.

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Key message This study compares the measured radial variation in wood stiffness, strength, and density of noble fir, Norway spruce, western hemlock, and western red cedar by developing mixed-effects models for each property using age as the explanatory variable. These models could be used to simulate the effect of rotation length and species choice on sawn wood properties. Context Timber production in Great Britain relies primarily on Sitka spruce. The use of multiple species is desirable to mitigate against biotic and abiotic risks posed to a single species. When considering alternative species, quantifying and modeling radial variation in wood properties is important to determine the potential for sawn timber production at a given rotation length. Aims To build empirical models for the radial variation in wood properties that can account for species. Methods Clear-wood samples were produced along radial transects in trees from four conifer species: Abies procera Rehder, Picea abies (L.) Karst, Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., Thuja plicata Donn. ex D.Don. Modulus of Elasticity, Modulus of Rupture, and density were measured on each species according to established standards. Mixed-effects models were built using ring numbers from the pith and species as explanatory variables. Results The same model forms could be used across the four species. Nonlinear models were developed for the Modulus of Elasticity and density. For the Modulus of Rupture, a linear model was most appropriate. The effect of species in the models was significant. Conclusion At similar rotation lengths, noble fir, Norway spruce, and western hemlock can produce timber with comparable properties to Sitka spruce. Overall, western red cedar would have worse properties for structural use. Keywords MOE, MOR, Radial variation, Tree growth, Alternative species