
NIBIO develops and manages a wide range of services and tools aimed towards industry and administration. Please use the search engine or scroll down the list to find what we have to offer.


Survey of Account Statistics for Agriculture and Forestry (Norwegian FADN)

The yearly survey of account statistics for agriculture and forestry shows economic status and development in the agricultural sector and for family-run farms where the income from agriculture has a substantial extent.

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Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

We perform carbon and nitrogen analyses as well as inorganic analyses of water, plants and soil, including forest soils.

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DNA Laboratory Svanhovd

We are offering a range of genetic analyses of mammals, fish, insects and microorganisms. The data can be used for individual discrimination, sex and species determination, population genetics and detection of selected genetic markers. We also provide development of new marker sets in new species or study systems.

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Pesticide analyses

Food safety is of great importance and through the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s monitoring program for pesticide residues in food, our laboratory perform all the residue analyses, administers the sampling and prepares the annual report.

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Molecular Ecology Lab

The Molecular Ecology Laboratory at NIBIO-Svanhovd in northern Norway applies genetic and genomic technologies to address basic and applied research problems spanning a wide range of ecological, evolutionary, and environmental questions at the individual, population, and ecosystem level.

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Diagnostics of turfgrass diseases

Identification of a disease or pest is the first step in integrated pest management.

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The Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme (JOVA)

The Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme (JOVA) is a national programme for soil and water monitoring in agriculture dominated catchments in Norway. The catchments represent the most important agricultural areas in the country with regard to climate, soil and management practices.

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Agrometeorology Norway (LMT) provides weather data from the main agricultural regions in Norway for use in forecast services and research

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VIPS is an online forecast and information service for decision support in integrated management of pests, diseases and weeds.

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Estimates based on Norway's National Forest Inventory (NFI)

Make your own estimates based on data from NFI. Examples of estamtes you can make are forest area, estimates of different forest types, age classes and volume in different regions.

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