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Soil samples from a growth depression in potato (cv. Saturna) yielded large numbers of root lesion nematodes Pratylenchus penetrans. Growth was greatly reduced in the center of the patch, but improved gradually towards the margins. Transect-sampling showed plant growth to be negatively correlated with densities of P. penetrans. The nematode density in the central part of the patch was 900/250g of soil, compared to 49/250 g of soil in the margins, where plant growth seemed unaffected. Our data suggest a threshold for damage of 100-250 P. penetrans per 250 g of soil. P. penetrans was present in roots, underground stems, stolons and tubers. In tubers nematodes occurred in the outermost 0.5 mm of the tissue. Common scab (Streptomyces spp.) occurred frequently, and P. penetrans was also present in tubers with scab. The nematodes were found around and inside cross-fissure lesions considered typical of Streptomyces. Saturna has a relatively high degree of tolerance against common scab. The high frequency of scab, and close association of the nematodes with the symptoms could indicate an interaction. This study suggests that Norway may have a new problem in potato production. Our study confirms that P. penetrans survives storage of seed potatoes, from which new infestations develop. Hence, tubers do appear to be an important means for the spread of P. penetrans to new areas.