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Seedlings of white birch seem to tolerate high winter temperatures to a higher degree than spruce seedlings, and were also more able to take advantage of elevated CO2 levels. Large differences were observed between provenances in response patterns. The southern provenance of birch was more tolerant against raised winter temperatures than the northern ecotype, and the southern spruce provenance seemed to differ from the two northern provenances in the same way. The Icelandic birch population seemed to have developed a low-growth strategy with strong CO2 acclimation and no significant CO2 responses in photosynthetic rates and growth parameters. This differing response may be explained by long-term selection pressure due to heavy grazing. One of the spruce provenences showed a similar pattern.


Describes results of a comparison of logging with running skylines on low bearing capacity terrain and typical skyline terrain in Norway. Study addresses technical issues of the same growing concern to minimize logging impact on sensitive terrain. Study also describes use of running skylines over special intermediate supports. Future research needs for mobile tailholds and supports, plus mechanized harvesting opportunities are suggested.


Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) is one of the major fodder grass species of Northern Europe. It is also a very interesting species since hybridize with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), the dominating grass species in Europe. There is a great interest in Europe to develop new hybrid cultivars (Festulolium) that combine the high fodder quality of Lolium with the generally higher stress-tolerance of Festuca. This was the background for our interest in developing molecular markers and agenetic linkage map in meadow fescue. These will be essential tools in modern fodder crop breeding.


Copper mine populations of Lychnis alpina are shown to be significantly more resistant to increased copper concentrations compared to populations on normal soils. Data obtained from isozyme polymorphism analysis revealed that although the copper populations display considerable variation, they have lower genetic variability than the populations from normal soils, both on a local and a global scale, thus indicating a slight founder effect. Copper ecotypes in L. alpina have originated independently. The results are similar to what recently have been reported in heavy metal tolerant populations of Armeria maritima