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Peder Gjerdrum Olav Albert HøibøSammendrag
Pine heart- and sapwood can in several respects be considered two different timber products, demonstrating separate wood properties. The efficiency of automated heart- and sapwood separation by analysing temperature images of pine crosscuts has been investigated. A digital, infrared (IR) ThermoVisionfocal plane array camera with 320*240 pixels was employed. IR exposures of the front-end crosscut of 180 pine sawlogs were taken during longitudinal transport on a conveyor, arbitrary crosscut being in front. In each image, one arbitrary diameter was chosen for estimating the heart-wood. The temperature gradient between heart- and sapwood was in the range up to 4oC. An algorithm was established to calculate front-end heartwood diameter as a fraction of log diameter. The correlation between estimated and observed heartwood fraction was r = 0.85. Finally, top end heartwood diameter in mm could be calculated by multiplying top-end diameter, as measured in an ordinary log scanner, with heartwood fraction in front (arbitrary) end. For fresh logs RMSE amounted to 11 mm (front: top end) and 15 mm (front: arbitrary end), respectively. It was concluded that the method might be applicable for an industrial log sorting system and might have a potential to indicate even other wood characteristics. The temperature gradient between heart- and sapwood showed to be a reliable criterion for the accuracy of the model. The temperature gradient might even be used to indicate log freshness.
Peder GjerdrumSammendrag
Knowledge about the transformation of sapwood into heartwood contributes to the understanding of the nature of pine trees and should be considered prior to the conversion of sawlogs to produce timber of prescribed properties and optimal revenue. In this study, heartwood formation was ascribed to the joint effect of ageing and growth rate. Observations of heart- and sapwood in 1656 trees and sawlogs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), sampled throughout Scandinavia, were analysed using mixed models. The most important finding was expressed in the pine heartwood age rule: heartwood age equals the square root of cambial age less three, to the second power. This global formula was valid irrespective of environmental factors and location within the tree, and described 93 per cent of the variance in the sample. Transition rate increases from 0.6 rings a−1 at 50 years to 0.8 rings a−1 at 200 years. The spatial amount of heartwood might be influenced by the silviculture through the annual ring width pattern. For samples missing sapwood, e.g. archaeological wood, the results might be combined with dendrochronology in specimen dating. When the diameter and the heartwood diameter of sawlogs were known, the mean annual ring width could be estimated with a standard deviation of 0.5 mm a−1. The simplicity, consistency and high correlation of the pine heartwood age rule confirms the importance of age as the main factor in heartwood formation.
Jan-Ole Skage Terhi PousiSammendrag
Det norske bjørkeforsøket (Betula pendula Roth.(verrucosa)) av 1990 består av 15 forsøk hvorav fire er plantet på Vestlandet. Anbefalingene 13 år etter planting er ikke å plante ukjente provenienser og krysninger av hengebjørk i ytre eller midtre strøk på Vestlandet. Etablering, overlevelse og vekst går gjerne godt de første årene etter planting, men senere får hengebjørken skader, sannsynligvis på grunn av det fuktige og milde kystklimaet vi har her på Vestlandet. Kroneutviklingen blir dårligere for hvert år som går og dødeligheten øker. I indre Sogn, med tilnærmet innlandsklima, vokser imidlertid hengebjørk bedre og får færre skader
S.T. Domaas I. Austad J.A. Timberlid Ann NorderhaugSammendrag
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Samson ØpstadSammendrag
I Bergens Museums Aarbok 1922-23 er det ei grundig utgreiing av Olaf Ingebrigtsen om "Hjortens utbredelse i Norge". Utbreiingsområdet til hjorten på Vestlandet har auka sterkt etter andre verdskrigen. Fellingsstatistikken gjev peikepinn på utviklinga. Frå fyrst på 90-talet var det sterk auke i hjortestamma og tal felte dyr. Stor hjortestamme medfører stort skadepress på innmarksareal og skog, som gjer at ein står overfor utfordringar i forvaltinga av hjort.
Jørn HøbergSammendrag
If the industry is to have an economically viable future in the region, then honey from Northern Norway has to be marketed as an exclusive product to a price which covers the costs associated with lower production levels compared to other parts of the country, and the additional work which this entails. As each beekeeper gains more competance and experience, it is hoped that the full potential of the industry will materialise. There is both a national as well as international market for double the amount of Norwegian honey compared to that cuyrrently produced. But if honey from Northern Norway is to be sold at the same price as that in the rest of the country then beekeeping can hardly be profitable. The main challenge will be to secure sale of honey from the north at an acceptable higher price. If such a price level is high enough, then this should compensate for annual variations in production, such that variations in production will not be such an important factor for beekeepers in Northern Norway.
Francis Nwilene May-Guri Saethre Olusegun OkhidievbieSammendrag
African rice gall midge (AfRGM), Orseolia oryzivora Harris & Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a serious insect pest of rainfed and irrigated lowland rice in West Africa. Several AfRGM management strategies have been advocated. Of these, host plant resistance and biological control appear as environmentally friendly options, compatible with other non-disruptive pest control methods. Most of the Oryza sativa rice varieties resistant to the closely related Asian gall midge are moderately to highly susceptible to the AfRGM in West Africa. As of today, no O. sativa with high levels of resistance to AfRGM is available. However, high levels of resistance to AfRGM exist among Oryza glaberrima varieties. The difficulty in identifying source material with stable resistance to AfRGM may be due to rice genotypes differing in their reaction to genetically diverse pest populations. Combined effects of AfRGM parasitoids "endoparasitoid Platygaster diplosisae Risbec (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae) and the solitary ectoparasitoid Aprostocetus procerae Risbec (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) may result in up to 80% parasitization of AfRGM late in the growing season. Unfortunately, this high level of parasitization does not necessarily mean effective control of AfRGM, but it does show that the parasitoids have potential for the control of AfRGM and, if well manipulated, will provide effective control of AfRGM. Given that considerable progress has been made in identifying sources of resistance to AfRGM, but that levels of resistance are very low, can AfRGM parasitoid activity be interfaced with low levels of resistance for more efficient control of this pest? To optimize the benefits from integrating the breeding for resistance to AfRGM and biological control, four rice varieties showing different levels of resistance were used to determine whether these differences in resistance affected parasitism of P. diplosisae and A. procerae under no-choice conditions. It is desirable that these management options be either complementary or synergistic and not antagonistic, disruptive and complex. Knowledge of such interactions should be explored by plant breeders and chemical ecologists aiming at producing rice varieties possessing appreciable levels of resistance to AfRGM and able to encourage parasitoid activity in rice-based ecosystems.
Ulf SikströmSammendrag
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Kari M. Laine Oddvar Skre Frans-Emil WielgolaskiSammendrag
HIBECO-prosjektet har fokusert på naturleg og menneskeleg påverknad på bjørke-økosystemet, og på å utforma ulike skjøtsel-scenarier og skogutvikling for å sikra vidare bærekraftig bruk av bjørkeskogen. Dette er oppnådd ved å ta i bruk ulike faglege disiplinar som kombinerer produktivitet, beiting og sosio-økonomiske forhold. Det var ein markert skilnad mellom proveniensar i frostherdighet og vekst. Insektskader på grunn av Epirrita autumnata var sterkt avhengig av vintertemperatur og av vekstformen hos bjørka. Samanliknande studier viste kraftig reduksjon i lavdekket på Finnmarksvidda sidan 1960-talet, og auke i arealet av Cornus suecica og mose, på grunn av overbeiting av reinsdyr og endra klima. Tradisjonell bruk av bjørk er blitt undersøkt ved ei omfattande spørjeundersøking. Det er blitt utvikla ein dynamisk modell for å få kunnskap om dei langsiktige konsekvensane av endra klima og arealbruk innan seks forsøksområde på 100 x 100 km i Nord-Skandinavia og Island.
Steinar DraglandSammendrag
Humleplanten (Humulus lupulus) blir brukt i ølbrygging, men er også kjent som prydvekst og tekstilplante. Den har vært kjent i de nordiske landene fra det 12. århundre, og det var størst produksjon først på 1800 -tallet. I Sverige var det forsøk med humle i 1950-årene, men produksjonen var ikke økonomisk lønnsom. Nordisk Genbank ga i 2000 støtte til et nordisk prosjekt for å ta vare på sorter fra tidligere dyrking. I Finland, Sverige, Danmark og Norge er det nå etablert klonsamlinger.