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Nitrate leaching is often low from grasslands, primarily due to the long period of N uptake compared to arable crops. In the present paper we explore the combined effects of N input regime, soil type and climatic conditions through a combination of field lysimeter studies and simulation modelling of temporary grassland. A lysimeter consisting of eight 10´4´1 m individually drained cells was constructed in SW Norway, a region with a cool and wet marine climate. Six cells were filled with silty sand and two cells with coarse sand. The lysimeters were cropped first with barley for two years, followed by five years of grassland. Treatments included various combinations of N input (fertilizer, manure or both), and the results were analyzed by means of two coupled dynamic simulation models (CoupModel: a heat- and water transport model, SOILN_NO: a soil nitrogen model). The models were further used to assess a scenario with a more continental climate (somewhat cooler and dryer). All treatments resulted in a net export of N, with N amounts removed by harvest ranging between 121 and 139% of that applied. Measured N yield from the treatment receiving manure only was almost as high as that from the treatment receiving fertilizer only, even though it received on average about 80 kg ha-1 less inorganic N for which possible explanations are discussed. Nitrogen losses through leaching were in the range of 5-23% of the N input, and soil type had a greater effect than source of N input. The inorganic N fraction of the leachate was 71-82% of the total N, and 98% of this was nitrate. The models gave reasonable simulation of N yields as well as of the timing and magnitude of nitrate leaching from the different treatments. They also clearly illustrated the importance of plant uptake of N in early spring and late autumn, in order to reduce the risk of nitrate leaching. The scenario using weather data from a cooler and dryer region showed a large decline in plant uptake of N outside the main cropping season, but simulated nitrate leaching was nevertheless significantly lower. With this scenario, precipitation was only 50% of that at the actual experimental site, and the lower temperatures during autumn and winter reduced net mineralization of soil organic N significantly. Thus, the reduction in precipitation and net mineralization of soil organic N apparently more than outweighed the effects of shorter growing season in the continental climate sc.


Broccoli has a short growing period and a high demand for nitrogen. To avoid N leaching from soil and ensure better economy for the grower, it is essential to choose the right time for N application. We present nitrogen uptake curves for three fertilizer N levels viewed on a relative time scale from planting to harvest, based on six field experiments with broccoli in southern Norway in 1999 and 2001. Total fertilizer N was split in four, applied at planting and 2, 4 and 6 weeks after planting. Plant N and soil inorganic N (Nmin) were sampled at regular intervals throughout the whole growing period. At the highest fertilizer N level, 240 kg N ha-1 applied, N did not appear to be limiting nor excessive. The N uptake at this fertilizer level appears to give a good impression of the nitrogen requirement of broccoli plants through the growing period. N concentration is compared to the critical %N values from N_ABLE, used for modelling N dynamics in vegetable crops. The early maturing cv. Milady F1 did not accumulate N earlier than the main cv. Marathon F1. Data show that rapid N uptake in broccoli starts about the same time as the small heads just become visible to the eye. This could be a practical indicator for timing of an additional fertilizer N application.


Potetsorter som nylig er blitt godkjent testes ut ved 7, 11 og 15kg niitrogen pr daa. Det registreres hvordan dette påvirker kvalitet og avling hos sortene


Hver vår tas det ut jordprøver fra mange av de viktigste jordbruksområdene i Norge for å måle innholdet av plantetilgjengelig nitrogen i jorda. Resultatene offentliggjøres for at bøndene skal kunne gjøre en siste korreksjon av gjødslingen om våren. I 2002 ble det anbefalt en økning i gjødslinga i 10 distrikter, normal gjødsling i 7 distrikter og redusert gjødsling i 1 distrikt. En forsøksserie med nitrogengjødsling viser stigende avling med stigende gjødsling opp til største gjødselmengde, 4,5 kg over anbefalt mengde. Denne forsøksserien viser likevel liten eller ingen økonomisk gevinst i å gjødsle mer enn det gjødslingsnormene (korrigert for nitrogenprognosene) tilsier.


Kompostert husholdningsavfall kan være en nitrogenkilde på økologisk bruk uten husdyr.  Mye av nitrogenet går likevel tapt ved kompostering i åpne anlegg med regelmessig vending av komposten.  I det økologiske dyrkingssystemfeltet på Landvik (1994-1999) ble det påvist liten eller ingen virkning av tre ulike kompostnivåer på avlinga av potet, gulrot, kvitkål og vårhvete. De tre ulike kompostnivåene (totalt 2.2, 3.9 eller 6.5 tonn tørrstoff/daa i løpet av de seks åra) hadde heller ingen ettervirkning på avlinga av bygg i 2000


Jordbruket i Trøndelag og i Jämtland har ulike politiske rammevilkår, medan dyrkingsvilkåra til dels er like. I dag er det relativt lite jordbruksfagleg samarbeid over grensa. Det er utan tvil mykje å hente på å styrke kontakten. Eitt eksempel på konkret samarbeid er eit INTERREG prosjekt som er kalla Økologisk korndyrking i Nordens Grønne belte. Prosjektet vert gjennomført av Planteforsk Kvithamar og Länsstyrelsen i Jämtland.