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The Heiabekken watershed is located in the south- eastern part of Norway in Østfold County on the eastern side of Oslofjord. The agricultural stream Heiabekken is the only stream from the watershed and flows into Kurefjord a small part of Oslofjord. Water samples collected downstream Heiabekken are monitored for pesticides and nutrients. Totally three years of practical experience has been gained from using EIQ index to choose least harmful pesticides in cabbage and potatoes. During 3 years of field experiments (seasons) 8 plots in potatoes and 8 plots in cabbage among farmers in the watershed was used to the test the effects of BMP. To reduce the frequency and doses of pesticides even more, principles for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) have been used. The effectiveness of Best Management Practice or reduction of possible impacts on health and environment has been measured as the difference between EIQ-values for conventional practice and BMP-practice as a reduction of the EIQ value. The economic output has been calculated and compared for the different strategies used in the field plots.


I ei studie ved Planteforsk Kvithamar vart *Bohatyr" erter hausta som grønnfôr ved tre ulike utvilingstrinn, tilsvarande 65, 73 og 79 på BBCH-skalaen. Endringar i kjemisk samansetjing og nedbrytingskarakteristikkar av protein, stive og fiber (NDF) i vom er undersøkt. Det kan på grunnlag av denne studien sjå ut til at ein ikkje bør hauste erter i reinbestand som grønnfôr, før mesteparten av skolmane er fullt utvikla dersom ein ønskjer å oppnå maksimal avling og næringsverdi.  Dersom erter vert dyrka i lag med korn, kan imidlertid optimalt haustetidspunkt vere eit anna. Dei endelege konklusjonane frå denne studien som også omfatta bygg, havre og "Julia" erter, vil difor ikkje verte trekte før ein har analysert alle data.


Question: Does the understorey vegetation of Norwegian boreal forests change in relation to broad-scale, long-term changes? Location: Norway. Methods: Permanently marked 1-m2 vegetation plots from 17 monitoring reference areas in forests dominated by Picea abies (11 areas, 620 plots) and Betula spp. (six areas, 300 plots) were analysed twice, at the start in 1988-1997 and 5 yr later (1993-2002). Species subplot frequency data were analysed separately for each area by univariate and multivariate statistical methods; 5-yr changes in single species abundances, species number per plot and species composition were tested. Results: Two distinct patterns of change were found: Abundance of several vascular plant species decreased in SE Norwegian Picea forests, most noticeably of species with a preference for richer soils, such as Oxalis acetosella. Abundance of many bryophyte species as well as bryophyte species number per plot increased in forests of both types over most of Norway. Conclusions: The pattern of vascular plant changes is probably a time-delayed response of long-lived, mainly clonal, populations to acidified soils resulting from deposition of long-distance airborne pollutants. The pattern bryophyte changes, with reference to the close link between climatic conditions for growth and abundance changes for Hylocomium splendens established in previous demographic studies, is related to climatic conditions favourable for bryophyte growth. We conclude that many forest understorey plants are sensitive indicators of environmental change, and that the concept used for intensive monitoring of Norwegian forests enables early detection of changes in vegetation brought about by broadscale, regional, impact factors.


Head-space sampling (HS) has been combined with enantioselective gas chromatography (GC) for the analysis of chiral and non-chiral monoterpenes present in the cortical tissues of five different Norway spruce clones. (1S)-()--Pinene, (1S,5S)-()sabinene, (1S)-()--pinene, and (4S)-()limonene dominated over (1R)-()--pinene, (1R,5R)-()-sabinene, (1R)-()--pinene, and (4R)-()-limonene.Results showed a large variation in the enantiomeric composition of cortical tissues between different clones. The development of HSGC greatly increased the speed of precise analyses of chiral monoterpenes in small samples and therefore offer excellent opportunities in studies on the ecophysiological and chemotaxomic roles of these chiral components


Between 2001 and 2002, plant collections from wild populations of Norwegian tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) were studied with a focus on essential oil (EO) yield and composition in order to characterize the chemotypical EO variability. Tansy collections of 40 different locations from North, Mid- and South Norway were transplanted to the Apelsvoll Research Centre Div. Kise in 2000 and grown for 2 years before the aerial parts (leaves and flower buds) were harvested in June 2002. The EO from individual plants was isolated from dried plant material by hydrodestillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on a DB5 column at the Plant Biocenter. The EO yield ranged between 0.35 and 1.90% (v/w) (average: 0.81%); the most abundant thujone plants were especially rich in EO volatiles (0.95%). On the basis of GC-MS data. seven chemotypes could be identified as follows: A. alpha-thujone (two individuals); B. Beta-thujone (22); C. camphor (six); D. chrysanthenyl acetate/chrysanthenol (three); E. chrysanthenone (two); F. artemisia ketone/artemisia alcohol (three); and G. 1,8-cineole (two). The thujone chemotype was dominated by beta-thujone (81%) associated with alpha-thujone, but tansy plants rich in alpha-thujone were also detected (61%). The chemotypical classification of Norwegian tansy genotyes was underscored by preliminary studies from 2001, indicating the genetic uniformity and biochemical stability of the domesticated plants.