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Åtte navnesortar og tre frøparti av merian vart prøvde ut ved Planteforsk Kise og ein del andre stader i åra 1999 til 2004. Merian må dyrkast som eittårig plante i Norge. Unge stilkar og blad, både friske og tørka, blir brukt som krydder i kjøtt og fiskerettar. Merian er også mykje brukt i pizza, tomat, egg- og osterettar.


Microbial uptake and immobilization of P, and its subsequent release and redistribution, play central roles in the biogeochemical cycling of P in soil. Soil microorganisms constitute a pool of mostly labile organic P compounds that are rapidly hydrolysed once the cells are disrupted. The size of this pool mainly depends on soil type, land use and the related content of soil organic matter and can, therefore, in agricultural soils be affected through organic matter management. The quantities of microbial P extractable after fumigation-extraction reported for mineral topsoils across different ecosystems and litter layers encompass a range from 1 to around 200 mg P kg-1, or between 0.5 and 26% of the total P content in the corresponding soils. Because fumigation does not release all microbial P, the total amount of microbial P can be up to several times higher. Current estimates are precise enough to detect changes in the microbial P pool as a result of changes in land use, agricultural practices or environmental factors. Refined methods are still needed to quantify P fluxes through the soil microbial biomass and to describe mechanisms and ecological interactions between microorganisms and their substrates at the physiological, biochemical and molecular level. In soils with small P contents, microbial activity does not suffer from P limitation to the same extent as plants, as soil microorganisms have highly efficient mechanisms to acquire P. Progress has been made in our understanding and quantification of organic P mineralization, and the factors determining microbial immobilization and re-mineralization sequences are better understood. Studies of P turnover using radioisotopes have revealed a highly dynamic nature of the microbial P pool even in the absence of changes in microbial P. Here, we will review recent advances in radiotracer studies of P turnover and emphasize the importance of trophic interactions, microenvironments and aspects of specific microbial life-cycles that have a major impact on turnover rates and subsequent release of microbial P in soil.